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What are your other hobbies?


Stay Puft
Other than fighting games, I enjoy doing the following:
1. Follow up with European Soccer every season. Favorite team is Barcelona.
2. Read novels. Mostly horror and Suspense.
3. hanging out with friends and going to Karioke bars.
4. Chill with the gf watching movies or going out places.
5. Recording music.
6. Playing drums and jamming out with my heavy metal band and playing gigs.
Sweet. Does your band have any music out on YouTube or some place like that? I'd love to hear, love me some metal. :)


Stay Puft
Yep we do actually. These are covers though. We barely started working on originals.
Here it is. You can actually download the songs and keep them if you'd like.
Holy shit! That is badass, amazing cover! If you read my post in the thread you know I make short film from time to time, could I possibly get the permission to use you guys' covers in on of them if I ever need to? I'm looking to build a library of songs I can use with permission. :)
I've been trying to learn Japanese in my spare time, which is going slow but it's going, and I enjoy it more cuz I'm doing it for myself and not for some stupid class with a teacher that only knows how to read out of the textbook, I also snowboard in the winter, fish in the summer, and from time to time play magic cards, but fighting games have become the majority of my life over the past 6 months.

OBS|KH Rattlehead

Accessibility consultant for Mortal Kombat 1.
Holy shit! That is badass, amazing cover! If you read my post in the thread you know I make short film from time to time, could I possibly get the permission to use you guys' covers in on of them if I ever need to? I'm looking to build a library of songs I can use with permission. :)
hey thanks. Glad you liked it. And, yeah why not? There are covers anyway, so those songs aren't really ours. Only the recording process is ours lol.
SO go ahead and use them.


Stay Puft
and I enjoy it more cuz I'm doing it for myself and not for some stupid class with a teacher that only knows how to read out of the textbook
Exactly! I love reading when I read something I want to read, nobody likes reading something when it's forced to you. I understand why most people don't like reading, it's because they never picked up a book that they were legitimately interested in, instead they just remember times from school when they were forced to read novels they had no interest in.


Stay Puft
hey thanks. Glad you liked it. And, yeah why not? There are covers anyway, so those songs aren't really ours. Only the recording process is ours lol.
SO go ahead and use them.
Thanks! I only really make $0 budget short films so I doubt I'm getting sued, I just like to have a different sound and not use songs performed by big well known bands. Awesome covers, usually the vocals ruin covers but I can't say the same from you guys' music. Can't wait to hear some original songs by you guys!
Exactly! I love reading when I read something I want to read, nobody likes reading something when it's forced to you. I understand why most people don't like reading, it's because they never picked up a book that they were legitimately interested in, instead they just remember times from school when they were forced to read novels they had no interest in.
Exactly man I hated every single depressing novel we read in school, Tuesdays with Morey, all the holocaust novels, which were all essentially the same story, and a ton of teachers who could never answer any questions that were not in the textbook. I'm enjoying college more because they're classes I choose, and the teachers seem to care more, but the only book I ever enjoyed reading that my English teacher recommended was Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut, which my teacher recommended because he was genuinely interested in sharing the book with us, and not because it was part of the school curriculum, and now I have read and enjoyed all of his books on my own time, but none the less, the thought of reading still puts horrible memories of drudging through depressing seemingly monotone books in school, I try to fight it though :p .

I really wana learn Japanese so I can go live there for a year or two and experience the culture, and so I can read their books and watch their shows, I love their culture, their music, their history, their food (not what we call Japanese food here, which is still good, but what they actually make there, the traditional dishes are amazing), one of my old friends was from Japan and I've gotten a taste of the culture form his family, cuz his parents are immigrants, and I really wana be a part of it, I failed Spanish in middle school, but for me Japanese just seems easier, one cuz I'm actually interested in it, and two because for every word, I have to envision the characters that I've practiced, and having an image to associate with the sound for some reason makes it easier for me, and with the huge community of Americans trying to learn Japanese, and vise versa, along with tons of free apps, and bands with lyrics I wanna learn to understand, it's not too hard to stay motivated, and working at my own pace gives me the time to reinforce and make sure that I know every detail of what I'm trying to learn before I move on, cuz I don't want it to be like high school where I take a quiz and then forget it and move on.

Here's my favorite Japanese song right now, kinda indie pop music, I really like the video too



Oh, my days !
- Pastry stuff (but that's my job so it's not really THAT fun)
- Cooking (Hail to European culinary, esp. Mediterranean & ethnic food)
- Cinema / Theater (Long live Sci fi films, adventures and the Terminator!)
- Writing / Sketching
- Guitaring (rock/metal stuff)
- Bassering
- Keyboarding :p
- Hanging out with friends & my girlfriend
- Watching / Playing basketball
- Shooting pools-Cinema/theater
- Exploring Greece / Going on trips by car
- Watching Premier League on Sundays


Oh, my days !
Nice Mortal Kombat theme cover man! :) Do you have any stories written or sketches to share? I'm a bit of a writer myself, always nice to read other people's stuff too.
I started writing a possible story for MK 10 last summer just before going to Rhodes to work for the '12 season, then I stopped !
I have 12-15 stories/articles published but they're in greek... :p (I used to be a journalist before turning to the baklava-side of the Force!)
I have some sketches... We'll keep in touch! :)

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I smoke a little bud from time to time.
Play music. (I play guitar, bass, drums and horn)
Listen to various forms of metal, I am not a 'metal elitist'. If its heavy, I will most likely dig it. @joker8147
Studying Networking, PHP, Linux, BSD and other various forms of nerd-dom.
Getting high and watching stuff about the universe and quantum mechanics.
Watching mostly every series on AMC.
Hella sex....LIKE FUCKING HELLA with my old lady :) (no fapping necessary)
Having better hair than 99% of people on this planet. :)

Tony at Home

I play paintball whenever I get the chance/have enough money
I'm into fitness. I try to run 3-6 miles a day. 3 miles if I lift that day, 6 if I don't.
And in any other spare time I write programs for little helpful computer tools and a few games. I don't plan to finish the games anytime soon; kinda just a longterm project to keep me occupied.
Other than that I tend to spend a large amount of time trying to get with the ladies I'm fond of...

If paintball isn't anyone's hobby here, I highly suggest you make it a hobby: greatest game apart from football (which I have not been able to play since High School :( )
Wow you guys are pretty productive! I mainly just drink, smoke & snort loads of ketamine, listen to or play lots of rock and find random people for hook ups!


Dojo Trainee
Between working and taking care of my family I'm struggling to even find time for gaming. Don't have a lot of time for other hobbies. I do go to the beach and Disney World with the family fairly often though. Also, I enjoy tailgating at college football games in the fall. I get alumni/booster tickets to UF games every year. My old college roommate and I make at least one road per year with the Gators.... trying to see every stadium in the SEC eventually. I will be staying in New Orleans for a few days of partying and then driving to Baton Rouge for the game against LSU this year. Visited Texas A&M last year.

OBS|KH Rattlehead

Accessibility consultant for Mortal Kombat 1.
Awesome to see musicians in the house lol.

Good stuff bro!Keep it up!
Wish I could have recorded me and my girl singing Dream on this weekend. It had the crowd go nuts an dI got free drinks all night. plus the Dj was an awesome dude.