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Top 60 Worst Summer movies of all time - In light of R.I.P.D.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I started going through this list, thinking to myself that I would find one movie in there that I love and would start flipping out over. But no....every single one of these is shit.

Though I would have thrown in Jurassic Park III. That movie was, very literally, pointless.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I started going through this list, thinking to myself that I would find one movie in there that I love and would start flipping out over. But no....every single one of these is shit.

Though I would have thrown in Jurassic Park III. That movie was, very literally, pointless.
My favorite on the list is the fact Problem Child is on there at #21 and Problem Child 2 is there also at #56 lol

YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
That list is great. I knew Grown ups 2 was gonna suck like the first one. I love all the actors in it but it takes more than a few actors to make a solid movie.

I thought Problem Child was kind of a classic though. Quite possibly cause I was that kid's age when it came out and identified with the character. My parents and teachers caught hell after I saw that inspiring movie.
There's actually some good movies on the list. Ghost dad, jaws 4, master of disguise, spy hard. I think there were a couple others too. Maybe they were bad to some but I enjoyed them lol

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Oh you didn't hear this? Be ready...for there can definitely be more than one...disappointment from Ryan Reynolds. Do you see what I did there?
Is ryan reynolds trying to make as many bad movies as he can in the shortest amount of time?