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Top 60 Worst Summer movies of all time - In light of R.I.P.D.


I like to think I'm good.
I just saw RIPD today, I liked it, though a bit of a cliche cop film. Kevin Bacon is definitely in the role I know he deserved.
The thing with Pacific Rim is that I normally hate Mecha/Giant Robot shit, and I thought it was a good movie. So maybe it is good, or I know nothing of what makes the kinda thing good.

But I also liked Kazaam and Master of Disguise, but mainly for the so bad it's funny aspect.


"Heaven Will Fall!"

He can't ruin Deadpool, Green Lanten and fucking HIGHLANDER! Why?! FUCK
he stepped down from the role in highlander i just didn't know he had done it i only found out after i posted that he was going to be in it so for now Highlander is safe...... but then again the director was going to let Ryan play the main role soooo


i love how under kazaam it talks about the film writers stifling shaq's charisma with their shitty writing.

+1 for Dr. O'Neal