My blades will find your heart
Oh and Flash was bottom tier and WW was mid tier.this
Now they are both OMG SO GOOD.
Oh and Flash was bottom tier and WW was mid tier.this
Bane and Shazam and Harley WERE low tier before ALL the buffs. Buffing the lower characters is ALWAYS good.They also said Bane was low tier, Shazam was the best grappler, Harley was bottom tier, Catwoman was S tier, and on and on and on
The game is changing whether people want to admit it or not.
Harley got nerfed the first patch. Bane I agree, Shazam was considered the best grappler and now he is shit tier(supposedly)Bane and Shazam and Harley WERE low tier before ALL the buffs. Buffing the lower characters is ALWAYS good.
Firstly, I didn't intend to insult you. You seem kinda angry. So let me more clearly define what I meant by my comment. In your original post you made a sweeping statement about how we all learned as children that it doesn't matter what other people think about you and that this viewpoint should continue to be valid today. I disagree. I think that it's immature and short sighted. How people view you, and the communities and organizations you are involved with greatly affects your opportunities going forward. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what you we're trying to say is that your sense of self worth should not be derived from other people's opinions of you. If that is the case, we are in agreement. But the mentality of "I don't care what anybody thinks about anything I say or do" is juvenile.In what way does it matter?
So a little back story. This is my first fighting game. I come from a very competitive background in Dota/dota2 and HoN. Played at a high level. The Dota and League community situation eerily mirrors the Capcom/NRS one. The fact of the matter is you are playing a video game, and the bottom line is whether you enjoy it or not. Both communities can, and will exist regardless of what animosity they may have towards each other, and its MUCH worse in MOBAS. There's no reason to give a quarter of a fuck what another group of people thinks about your hobby no more so than it matters what a stranger thinks of the car you drive or how you dress. Kinda like you shouldn't care that I think finishing every post of yours with your own name and trademark next to it is tacky as fuck.
They also said Bane was low tier, Shazam was the best grappler, Harley was bottom tier, Catwoman was S tier, and on and on and on
The game is changing whether people want to admit it or not.
Except people's general idea was WAY OFF of what it is now, and the game is STILL changing. People need to stop bitching, there is nothing comparable to Kenshi and Kabal in this game due to universal defense options for all of the cast.And then a little time went by and people learned how they really were.
You can get a general idea what a character is like pretty quick but a little more time is needed to see how they actually fan out in practice against the rest of the cast.
Except people's general idea was WAY OFF of what it is now, and the game is STILL changing. People need to stop bitching, there is nothing comparable to Kenshi and Kabal in this game due to universal defense options for all of the cast.
flash is already fucked up and has been fucked up and people refuse to see it. He's like killer frost with a plus frame slide he can literally maul your face with plus frames off of fast ass high lows shit on all zoning all long range pokes has a newly buffed dash that recovers ridiculously fast has aa combos that do near 50 % and yeah his damage is the highest in the game idk why people cant win with this character i pick him one out of 50 or a hundred games and just molly whop people shit as a matter of fact i should just switch before the bandwagon starts rolling pecause once people see more flash there is definitely gonna be more flash.Exactly, of what it is NOW. They took the characters against the rest of them an saw that, while their tools might look good, the clash poorly against others.
And you never truly know. Some time from now, with a few more nerfs/buffs you guys could have another super fucked up character on your hands, though I do hope that doesn't happen.
Nothing on SRK should be taken seriously. To them if it's not SF/Marvel, you're a scrub LOLCOPTERSGETOUTNOOB so.........yeah, really don't care.
Pretty sure Bane is low tier. Not convinced that the reports of all these sick Bane wins aren't just Hakan syndrome; people see a bunch of unfamiliar tech from an underrepresented character and go "Oh, he's good now! Top tier!" when that isn't the case at all once people figure out the shenanigans.They also said Bane was low tier, Shazam was the best grappler, Harley was bottom tier, Catwoman was S tier, and on and on and on.
Capcom gives more shits, as they actually put time and thought into their patches.Other communities would have more people complaining too if they had developers that actually gave a shit like we do.
The metal end too.Fuck the SRK community with a rake. That is all.
some tweeking definitely was needed though, characters like Kung Lao were not "fine" the way they were, with a very hard to punish spin and 2,4 low hat all day won EVO.mk9 also "died" ( I know not completely) rather quickly. I whole heartedly believe it was all the nerfs and "hot" patches NRS did to make a lot of babies happy. and it's the babies that aren't going to continue to breathe life in a FG. the babies will cry no matter what.
TYM has just as many whiny crybabies as every other major site. That's my only pointI read the posts the op linked to. They aren't bashing the game (seems like a number actually play) they're just saying tym is full of whiny crybabies. Certainly seems that's accurate to me.