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What other communities think about mk/injustice community


Wait, you mean to say that there are other games similar to Mortal Kombat and Injustice out there? Are they any good? ;)
I understand that they are obviously talking about us because if you are not playing a NRS game you are obviously bored.

A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
I've made the spoiled child comparison too. If anyone follows Skullgirls, it really is a lesson in how much patches and dlc costs. When anime games or capcom games do a patch it usually is a sequel that you have to purchase (then again I don't understand why patches are made and yet the game lacks basic functions such as replays, connection filtering, custom size player rooms etc) If nrs is to fault for anything it's allowing players to feel entitled instead of waiting on next year's patch that ignored players and instead is built around the developer's vision. On a side note, when I came here I always assumed tym would refer to it as the FGK. Kinda relieved about that.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
A F0xy Grampa

Of your entire post...

Maybe I have a 'scrubby' mentality then I guess.
...was all that you said that pertained to the topic at hand.

I'm not trying to knock you (I'm really not), and I don't want you to think I (and I think others will agree with me) think that we should be beholden to the Capcom community (that is not what this thread is about anyway). To be clear I can and will firmly say Fuck what other communities think of our game and us because this is an NRS game, and we are the NRS community, but THAT BEING SAID, the topic at hand isn't about one video game community against another, we are talking about how PEOPLE, grown people, should deal with problems, and whether or not we should cry and complain about them, rather than assess them and work through them.

TYM has become / is becoming a pool of like minded people who choose not to learn when faced with a "problem". Instead of finding the the answer to said "problem" and moving on, we would rather ask / cry to / complain to the powers that be to just remove the "problem".

Cyborg's infinite in vanilla Injustice was a legit problem that needed to be solved. Scorpion was not on that level.


MK is kinda dope
I guess so. Sorry to be blunt, but somebody has to.
@a foxy grampa meant was in "experts" that we know our own game better than anybody at SRK, 8wayrun.com, etc. I don't think he meant our entire site has more top players or anything like that. For our specific game, we know more, which of course is true. We specialize in this game. The average person on THIS site has misconceptions about SF/Marvel/Tekken like those sites have misconceptions about us. I don't see anything wrong w/what he said


My GT: UncappedWheel82
@a foxy grampa meant was in "experts" that we know our own game better than anybody at SRK, 8wayrun.com, etc. I don't think he meant our entire site has more top players or anything like that. For our specific game, we know more, which of course is true. We specialize in this game. The average person on THIS site has misconceptions about SF/Marvel/Tekken like those sites have misconceptions about us. I don't see anything wrong w/what he said
I know what he meant, but that is not what this is about.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Ah being "blunt", the code word for I am a pretentious ahole sometimes.

I get ya.
If that is the way you want/need to take it, so be it.

That or you could actually NOT take what I'm saying as a knock (like I intended and hoped for), and actually digest what I said.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
@a foxy grampa meant was in "experts" that we know our own game better than anybody at SRK, 8wayrun.com, etc. I don't think he meant our entire site has more top players or anything like that. For our specific game, we know more, which of course is true. We specialize in this game. The average person on THIS site has misconceptions about SF/Marvel/Tekken like those sites have misconceptions about us. I don't see anything wrong w/what he said

We have a 'scrubby mentality', I didnt see ANY Capcom players trying to solve the Scorpion problem by playing through it and then contributing their ideas.

Which players did? I know I did...


I will spit on your tomb!
If that is the way you want/need to take it, so be it. Or you could actually NOT take what I'm saying as a knock (like I intended), and actually digest what I said.
Oh I read everything thats been said thusfar and easily digested it. I was just being blunt, I thought you'd get that of all people.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Nori Batousai GrundyFox A F0xy Grampa

The topic at hand isn't about one video game community against another, we are talking about how PEOPLE, grown people, should deal with problems, and whether or not we should cry and complain about them, rather than assess them and work through them.

TYM has become / is becoming a pool of like minded people who choose not to learn when faced with a "problem". Instead of finding the the answer to said "problem" and moving on, we would rather ask / cry to / complain to the powers that be to just remove the "problem".

Cyborg's infinite in vanilla Injustice was a legit problem that needed to be solved. Scorpion was not on that level.
That was what I said and what I emphasized. Pitting one community against another is what I was shying away from.

Yes the "Injustice community" knows more about the ins and outs of Injustice, but what does that really mean in this context? Do you think the guys posting on that "Injustice forum" DON'T play and know injustice? That just because they identify as a "Capcom player" that they automatically have nothing to offer an "NRS player" or a long time "TYM community member"?

Re-read the quote posted in my OG post in this thread; in fact re-read the whole thing. It was talking about the maturity level of THIS community (TYM), the way people act in this community, and actually talked up the skill level of the top players who come from here; TYM.

It is a fact that players in this community knee-jerk reacted to DS, and that we knee-jerk reacted to Scorpion. WE DIDN'T allow the proper amount of time to go by to learn what was possible in order to deal with the issues at hand. Shit, people are still learning match-ups (Harley comes to mind) and learning punishes across the board because things are still popping up and being realized.

Bottom line is we still have a ways to go before everything is known. Are we going to actively look for and discover those things, or are we just going to ask/cry to Paulo and co to just "fix" / give us what we "need".


Big Poppa Pump
Don't care they are all games. You like em or you don't, they are bad or they are good. Only thing that makes gaming community's is support for their games.

Don't worry about what other people think, they tend to just think about themselves. Anything thats different or out of their comfort zone they will usually bash.


It's simple.. We normalize the superman.
We have a 'scrubby mentality', I didnt see ANY Capcom players trying to solve the Scorpion problem by playing through it and then contributing their ideas.

Which players did? I know I did...
Did I miss a thread of yours? I thought you were one of the vehement "pro-ban" players. Hell, "he breaks the rules of the game" was one of your points.
I remember you saying the WW matchup was fine, but that's it.


Destroyer of Lazy
Onilordasmodeus It's like how parents are w/kids. There are 2 kinds. There are the kinds who gives their kids everything they want, no matter if it's good for them or not. They don't want to see them cry. Or, the kind who are better IMO, and only give what is truly needed, not cause they want it.

Capcom/Namco, overall, are the kind to only give nerfs/balances that truly need it. Sentinel from MvC3 is a rare example of them panicking too early.

NRS, look at the history. They are so desperate to keep up w/capcom/namco, they will do anything to make their fanbase happy. The hardcore fans don't really have as big a voice, but the online community will always get what they want. The most popular chars are Superman/Batman. Think it's a coincidence they are barely touched? They will continue to water down IGAU like they watered down MK9. I kind of feel bad for NRS, cause they seem like they really want to make everybody happy but the old school guys know it's simply impossible.

Long story short, the NRS crowd will continue to ask for nerfs/buffs simply cause they know there is a chance they will get something if they scream loud enough. However, what people shouldn't forget either, is you will find just as many people on other major sites asking for shit too. It's just that capcom/namco are smart enough to ignore the trolls
I really wish there was a way to triple like a post...


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Nori Batousai

More people cried about DS than need be...period. That same sentiment takes place with many other characters on the regular. About Scorpion, like I said before...

"Cyborg's infinite in vanilla Injustice was a legit problem that needed to be solved. Scorpion was not on that level."

You may feel as though Scorpion was a "problem", but he factually wasn't as much of a problem that Cyborg was (an issue that broke the game). You may feel as though Scorpion "broke the game," but after watching CEO, playing as Scorpion @ CEO, and also playing AGAINST Scorpion @ CEO, I can tell you he was overrated. Scorpion was handled poorly on both sides.

And I don't think we are purposely trying to attack other communities, but we will constantly be compared to the big dogs and we just need to play our game and not really worry about what other people say.

Closing yourself off to the outside is never a 100% good idea...especially in this case.

The IGAU community is of a different beast than most as it is comprised of many different hubs, and though TYM may be a main hub, it is not the only hub. Different communities also play this game, talk about this game, and also break it down. How those communities see and and react to the TYM community is important if we are to be / are the leaders of the Injustice community at large...especially if it is the top players of TYM who are directing / leading the charge on if a character get nerfed or not.

(I realize they already addressed this in their last podcast.)


Destroyer of Lazy
I think the constant bitching and crying wouldn't be an issue if NRS wouldn't listen to it... ah well... we'll just keep adapting to all their patches and keep on our toes... ha

I'm Batman