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Harley Combo Thread


Heavenly Harley

JI2 (the 3rd you see in the combo) Has to be done EARLY! it has to be on the way UP. Try it.


The King
You have to do the JI2 late. there is an angle where it will hit as a cross up everytime. It's funky but it's mostly about distance than anything. i'll do a video on the distance if y'all want.
you should post both the wrong way to do it and the right way so we can see the difference.


Heavenly Harley
i'll try and see what i can do. i'm at work currently so i cant really get this down on video just yet. If y'all subscribe i'll be sure to upload random stuff soon.


Play Monster Hunter!
Yo, Harley players.

This thread is kind of a cluster fuck.

Do you guys want to make a new combo guide thread?

Similar to this one in the Catwoman forums

It avoids posting all of her combos in huge pointless list, and instead focuses on the important stuff, main BNB, corner BNB, background bounce BNB, only the most important and practical combos.

It also gives a video showcasing the combo, and a description of said combo explaining the timing, and why that particular combo is good.

I noticed Ramon has a post similar to this already in the middle of this thread, and the OP was updated to use it, so that is a good start.


Heavenly Harley
Yo, Harley players.

This thread is kind of a cluster fuck.

Do you guys want to make a new combo guide thread?

Similar to this one in the Catwoman forums

It avoids posting all of her combos in huge pointless list, and instead focuses on the important stuff, main BNB, corner BNB, background bounce BNB, only the most important and practical combos.

It also gives a video showcasing the combo, and a description of said combo explaining the timing, and why that particular combo is good.

I noticed Ramon has a post similar to this already in the middle of this thread, and the OP was updated to use it, so that is a good start.
THANK YOU! Instead we get people posting "Alternate" combos. I only stopped doing it since right after the post i did, We got someone doing the exact opposite of what I've been talking about.


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
That Catwoman thread looks pretty damn clean, how could anyone say no to that? ;)

In all honesty it would be welcome. Some of the combos in the OP are kind of redundant considering the only difference between most is the starter. All of Ramon's combos should be carried over (as well as JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, B3, JI2, JI2, 122, SS as a mid screen BNB IMO), he's been working on them to improve the OP and has some videos done already.

Plus the user who initially posted this thread no longer uses Harley and does not read the thread, so a more active member taking it over would be appreciated as well.


Play Monster Hunter!
THANK YOU! Instead we get people posting "Alternate" combos. I only stopped doing it since right after the post i did. We got someone doing the exact opposite of what I've been talking about.

I suppose we could always throw those people a bone and keep this thread alive(though unstickied) and let them post their weird combos that serve no real purpose.

But ya, we need something more useful for newer players coming to learn about Harley.

The Catwoman thread by Mayo is fantastic, and what we should strive for.


Get staffed bro
THANK YOU! Instead we get people posting "Alternate" combos. I only stopped doing it since right after the post i did, We got someone doing the exact opposite of what I've been talking about.

If you remember, people suggested that several options were posted, I.e. beginner, intermediate and Max which you declined to do.

Underthemayos guide is so good because it cuts out all of the crap and only focuses on practical, optimal damage. Even he points out the that Max damage option is probably not worth doing since the easier option only does 1% less and has little chance of being dropped.

A good guide should gives beginners something to start doing immediately, whilst giving options for harder combos that will need to be drilled before they can be considered their BnBs. The Catwoman guide does this extremely well.

No one is saying never use PD for enders, they are just saying that because its difficult they need alternatives until they can do it consistently.


Heavenly Harley
no you posted a corner combo that ended in SS that did less than one i posted in the corner as well. Again we are not here to cater to people who refuse to learn the combos.

37% to my 45% that was already posted. What i keep saying is stop making it sound like my combos are "unreliable" Thats my only problem.

And no. If i saw a "beginners guide combos" I'd skip over it ASAP.


Get staffed bro
no you posted a corner combo that ended in SS that did less than one i posted in the corner as well. Again we are not here to cater to people who refuse to learn the combos.

37% to my 45% that was already posted. What i keep saying is stop making it sound like my combos are "unreliable" Thats my only problem.
I don't think anyway has said they are unreliable, only that other options are more reliable. If you can hit yours 10/10 then that's awesome and you should use them. For others, until they can do this, they need alternatives. That's all I'm saying and I'm pretty sure that's all people want.


Heavenly Harley
no they dont. They need to bare down and do the harder combos. And you stating that your combos are more "reliable" does take credit away from me and make people try for the easy way out. having my detailed post then being immediately followed by
My personal ones built for reliability and setups.
when my combos are Reliable and BUILT for setups with max damage in them.


Heavenly Harley
Practice is far more important than complaining.

Those "few points of damage" turn the game from a 3 combo match to a 2. If somehow you can't get that, you weren't meant to be half decent anyways.


Lighten up will ya!
The mb PD does give 8% more damage though and harley doesn't need meter as others do (just cupcakes PD and clashing), it also prevents the opponent from waking up so you can still continue the pressure, whereas 112 ss they can wake up and make you pay with a juggle or whatever.