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Will we get a "New" MKX character reveal tomorrow?


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I've been sitting here hyperventilating for like fifteen minutes, for God's sake @Youphemism put me out of my misery.
I ran to a couple of shops this morning and neither had the magazine in stock. I'll give it 15 mins and if he still isn't giving anything i'll drive to WHS (who will 100% have the magazine).

This fucking magazine

is scarce as shit.

Neither me nor Flagg can fucking find it. I am checking the last shop now. Updates momentarily.


Everyone brace yourselves. Not just for utter disappointment, but all the people complaining later on that it was Kung Lao. #inbe4


Neutral Skipper
Honestly though, if it really does turn out to be Kung Lao after all this, it'll be kind of hilarious.


If they aren't selling them there, you should ask if they have it in the back and are going to be putting them out later perhaps