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USA vs the World at EVO 2012 [We need a team]

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I have no problems representing Team US in a 5 on 5, I just don't want such a top teir carded event to just be done anywhere. If it's done at MLG (and it doesn't have to be Ohio) it will get more exposure and do so much more for the Mortal Kombat Fighting Game scene than it would be to do it in a community event.

Lord knows you can't do something like that at a Final Round, CEO, ECT, SB or any Major in the US because the Capcom games will not allow room for those games to get any "Special" burn. We'll be able to host it on a "Separate" stream on the side....but as a "FEATURE", not happening. Oh and let's not even talk about EVO.

If you guys are up for anything to help push the MK scene industry wise or professionally, I'm all for it. If its community base, you'll find me right here making some post, a couple of videos and some cameo appearance if I just happen to be in the area. That may sound snobbish to a lot of you but my concern is the development of the scene and in order for our community to survive I have to work towards its future and that requires $$$. Love makes us play the game, but money brings the people out to compete. Any other view point from that means your clearly dillusional.

Oh...another thing, I'm EMPIRE, so please don't forget to put EMP next to my name just like you put vVv or VSM next to anyone else name. Thank you.
Word was you left Empire...I'm confused.And still didn't unblock me on twitter you dick >=(


I suggest you stop insulting peoples intelligence because it's making you look like a fucking asshole. I saw you just did it to someone else. The fact is if you really want to come to something you can do it in 6 weeks. Does it suck? Of course and maybe you won't be able to make it but it's nowhere near impossible like you are making it sound and it has nothing to do with intelligence.
LOL, just...

Okay, since you're already at the point of no return, let me help you out here.

For one second let's forget things like responsibilities such as studying, work, children, duties etc.

Yes, actually I could book a flight right now and be in the US tomorrow, but do you know what's needed for that? Money!

Money, have you ever heard this term before? Do you know what this is, money?

Money is generally an object that is accepted as payment for goods and/or services.

Everyone does not shit money, I kid you not, to some people it is harder to come by.

Do you know how much it costs to travel from Europe to the US?

I hope this shed some light on the subject for you.



Dojo Trainee
This thread has pretty much turned into what i thought it would. Just clear things up.

I respect ALL mk players, we all go to tournaments to compete and support this game, and i commemorate everyone for that, EVO will be the greatest tournament get together in the lifespan of MK9. This is a chance to show the world that we do care about keeping this game alive and to show that every one of us means business.

I'm greatly looking forward to having to chance to fight a bunch of players I've never had the chance to fight. If someone wants to underestimate me, or think I'm not very good sure go ahead, everyone's entitled to their own point of view. So long as you don't end up slanting my name for no reason we're cool. I want to fight a bunch of the US players not to prove who's better, but because high level matches are really fun to play.

If anyone does want to straight up talk shit to me, just back it up at EVO is all. I don't talk shit because I'm just not that kinda guy.
Oh but you claim I send you ragemail and you cant even remember when and what it said? Dude, Ive only played you in two sets, the only time I have every sent you mail was to say GG, and when I spammed the KL teleport to when a round, because I thought that was hilarious, stop making up stuff about online payers. Just because you have beef with one, and you can't remember who it is, dosen't mean you find someone's GT who seems familiar to you and say he did it. I admit I have rage quit, I have T-bagged, but rage mail is something i have never done, and maybe if you knew me better, you would know that, you should ask half the online player population and they will tell you I am one of the most respectful players online.
LOL, just...

Okay, since you're already at the point of no return, let me help you out here.

For one second let's forget things like responsibilities such as studying, work, children, duties etc.

Yes, actually I could book a flight right now and be in the US tomorrow, but do you know what's needed for that? Money!

Money, have you ever heard this term before? Do you know what this is, money?

Money is generally an object that is accepted as payment for goods and/or services.

Everyone does not shit money, I kid you not, to some people it is harder to come by.

Do you know how much it costs to travel from Europe to the US?

I hope this shed some light on the subject for you.

Hey man just a heads up the tone you're using here and in all your other posts itt makes you seem like an asshole. You may want to consider wording your posts in a less assholish manner. Cheers


LOL, just...

Okay, since you're already at the point of no return, let me help you out here.

For one second let's forget things like responsibilities such as studying, work, children, duties etc.

Yes, actually I could book a flight right now and be in the US tomorrow, but do you know what's needed for that? Money!

Money, have you ever heard this term before? Do you know what this is, money?

Money is generally an object that is accepted as payment for goods and/or services.

Everyone does not shit money, I kid you not, to some people it is harder to come by.

Do you know how much it costs to travel from Europe to the US?

I hope this shed some light on the subject for you.

lol you havent posted about mk yet, just about how unintelligent people apparently are. grow up sir. buhbye now.


You shouldn't talk unless you have read every single related post in this thread.
i have, ol' chap. i was quite disappointed with the lack of topic discussion used in your previously posted messages. though you did take on a liking of insulting the intelligence various members whom you seem to have no previous relationship with, we should partake in remaining on topic. the intelligence deficiency amongst members' posted material may be tempting to insult, but the intelligence, or lack-there-of, in said posts should be dealt with by Test Your Might's moderators.

smart enough?

you shouldnt talk unless its about mk :D


i have, ol' chap. i was quite disappointed with the lack of topic discussion used in your previously posted messages. though you did take on a liking of insulting the intelligence various members whom you seem to have no previous relationship with, we should partake in remaining on topic. the intelligence deficiency amongst members' posted material may be tempting to insult, but the intelligence, or lack-there-of, in said posts should be dealt with by Test Your Might's moderators.

smart enough?

you shouldnt talk unless its about mk :D
Flying over from Europe to US to play Mortal Kombat is not at all related to MK, excuse me your majesty


Thats your opinion of what you believe me and FOxy to be, and thats fine, but your putting words in my mouth, and not once did I say, or could you quote that I thought he (CDjr) was overrated. I think CDjr is a good player, that should be obvious by now.

The thread was asking for USA's team for the 5v5, I gave my opinion, and It didn't include CDjr, it also didn't include around 15 other eligible great players, but you didn't mention them, just CDjr, and all I simply wanted was Pig Of The Hut instead.

Remember, the only reason I mentioned CDjr, was because someone brought it up to me first, with ''why not CDjr'', otherwise I would never have started making comparisons the way you and that others have, I just simply made a pragmatical personal choice. Nothing more.

Has that cleared everything up for you now?
Yes. :)


"More deadly than the dawn"
Oh but you claim I send you ragemail and you cant even remember when and what it said? Dude, Ive only played you in two sets, the only time I have every sent you mail was to say GG, and when I spammed the KL teleport to when a round, because I thought that was hilarious, stop making up stuff about online payers. Just because you have beef with one, and you can't remember who it is, dosen't mean you find someone's GT who seems familiar to you and say he did it. I admit I have rage quit, I have T-bagged, but rage mail is something i have never done, and maybe if you knew me better, you would know that, you should ask half the online player population and they will tell you I am one of the most respectful players online.
I'm not talking smack because I said you sent me ragemail, get over it man.

If you're that upset over it i apologise, it was a very long time ago and Yeah i can't remember what it said, as it was a long time ago.

If you're going to keep bringing this up then my bad, this thread has nothing to do with you or online play. I also have no issues with any online players, and considering i used to play online a lot why would i make stuff up about online players? you're being pretty paranoid.


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
Oh but you claim I send you ragemail and you cant even remember when and what it said? Dude, Ive only played you in two sets, the only time I have every sent you mail was to say GG, and when I spammed the KL teleport to when a round, because I thought that was hilarious, stop making up stuff about online payers. Just because you have beef with one, and you can't remember who it is, dosen't mean you find someone's GT who seems familiar to you and say he did it. I admit I have rage quit, I have T-bagged, but rage mail is something i have never done, and maybe if you knew me better, you would know that, you should ask half the online player population and they will tell you I am one of the most respectful players online.
relevance = zero
Everyone needs to realize that trash talk happens, people get offended, community takes sides, etc...

Trash talk between me an king hippo, and hippo and pig...all of it was moot at FR. We are all cool with each other and have a mutual respect. Even though I called out Kraziebone bone hard core, had he been able pro come to FR we would have chilled and had fun regardless. The same will happen the the EU guys.

As much trash as I talked about Hidan, and ketchup, I would gladly take them out for a drink if they can make it to EVO. Everybody feels big on the Internet. People still talk trash to me like what I said didn't pan out. I didn't do as well as I wanted at FR but I didn't get to play anyone I called out because I was in Spain till late sat night...I almost didn't even make it to FR.

Point is...this community has respect for each other. I talk about PL but reading his posts on here already makes me respect him a little more...(a little). I still want to see him go to more than one major in the life span of a game. But I would take him out for a drink too.
You need to say no homo, after saying you want to take all these guys out to drink, LOL just kidding


Dojo Trainee
I'm not talking smack because I said you sent me ragemail, get over it man.

If you're that upset over it i apologise, it was a very long time ago and Yeah i can't remember what it said, as it was a long time ago.

If you're going to keep bringing this up then my bad, this thread has nothing to do with you or online play. I also have no issues with any online players, and considering i used to play online a lot why would i make stuff up about online players? you're being pretty paranoid.
No, I'm not being Paranoid, because you and I both know I didn't do that, yet Youre claiming you respect everyone even online players, and you lie saying i did it, so that obviously says alot about your "respect".


"More deadly than the dawn"
No, I'm not being Paranoid, because you and I both know I didn't do that, yet Youre claiming you respect everyone even online players, and you lie saying i did it, so that obviously says alot about your "respect".
I said i respect those that go to offline tournaments and support the game.

this is off topic, I'm sending you a pm.


Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Everyone, this is called USA vs THE WORLD.
Has this particular aspect been ADDRESSED yet? I mean I could go through 14 pages of the thread...


From Europe???????

Evo has been(and probably always will be) the biggest fighting game event in America.

It has been but after people realize how much dam $ MLG is worth I believe going forward that MLG will be the SuperBowl of MK


So team world doesn't include Canada? no? Okay, cool. We'll just fling our 1$ and 2$ coins at you as you play....


Fuck it, I'm throwing in the gauntlet Team World vs. Team US vs. Team Canada (FYI, Death is Canadian) so we claim him by affiliation.... Your move sirs :p.... :p... :p....

Besides, my idea is already approved by....:

Thank you Chuck Norris.