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The Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Discussion Thread


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Hey everyone. :)
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-214354601 <- My latest win against stall haha. I dunno, it makes me happy everytime I win against it.

I'm so excited for MKX! I would like to play with you guys too if you're getting it on the same console as me. I'm leaning towards PS4, what about you guys?
Lol the rage. I'm getting it on ps4 :). We still need to get some battles in on pokemon sometime too. I think yer the only person in this thread I haven't played yet.


Lol the rage. I'm getting it on ps4 :). We still need to get some battles in on pokemon sometime too. I think yer the only person in this thread I haven't played yet.
I'm nervous but sure. Whenever you want lol
Which tier do you want to play?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I'm nervous but sure. Whenever you want lol
Which tier do you want to play?
Don't play coy mister #2 on the OU ladder. :p Let's play the tier we are comfortable with. Whenever ypu get a chance to play again just hmu if you want. You're team honestly destroys most of the teams i run


Don't play coy mister #2 on the OU ladder. :p Let's play the tier we are comfortable with. Whenever ypu get a chance to play again just hmu if you want. You're team honestly destroys most of the teams i run
Um, I don't play any other tier lol
at least not right now
message me on ps :)
subzeromkx is the name i go by


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Lol the rage. I'm getting it on ps4 :). We still need to get some battles in on pokemon sometime too. I think yer the only person in this thread I haven't played yet.
Have we actually battled before? I know we we've traded 300 times but I don't think I've battled you. Probably because I have as many OU pokemon as you have NU :p


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
I've had two pokemon learn strength but cannot move this heavy boulder to get to lavaridge town. Anybody know what I should do?
In order to use Strength outside of battle you need the Heat Badge, which you get from beating Flannery in Lavaridge Town. You're not going to be able to move the boulder just yet but there is a long way to get there if i remember correctly


Oh yeah sorry I didn't mean tonight i was over it last night after I got back into top 100 haha. I'm sorry man, i didnt mean to keep you waiting.
lol I'm just kidding
We will battle whenever you want
Ubers is really boring tho. I see like 8-9 pokemons in every damn team.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
lol I'm just kidding
We will battle whenever you want
Ubers is really boring tho. I see like 8-9 pokemons in every damn team.
I only play ubers cuz it's the only way I can play mrga gengar/lucario, oh and greninja now too. ;___; Cool, I am going to be on a good bit this week so just let me know when you have some free time. :)