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Strategy The Cyrax Combo Thread


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If I timed it right I might even be able to do 4 net, or 33 net. I haven't really messed with it enough to know though. I'll see what else I can pull off later on.
You can do: JIP21~net, JIP121~ex bomb, close bomb, 4~net, NJP, b2, 21, 121~net, DJK uppercut for one bar at 76%


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I didn't realize you could actually use it until today, I was doing 2~net before but I timed it weird so they couldn't escape the net because they dropped early. This actually works better because you don't have to wait after the EX bomb.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Mikemetroid mentioned something about a meterless infinite vs Sektor....what is it exactly >.>


We are many... you are but one.
As a new Cyrax player I am politely asking for a few combo suggestions! :)
If a few conditions could be met that would be greatly appreciated.

1.)The combos must be simple to execute. I am interested in the online environment where lag can be a very limiting factor. I am not looking for the highest possible combo damage with the strictest timings and a high chance of dropping my combo. I am looking for reliable damage I can count on!
2.) A combo for the midscreen and a combo for the corner.
3.) Suggestions for with and without meter.

Thank you for your patience with a new Cyrax player and your advice!


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
lol, probably the most un-organized thread on TYM. Have been learning this character since I got the PC version and this forum is like a choose your own adventure book. Me no understand why you would make a thread about compiling combos and then completely abandon it never updating the OP one time...then sticky the thread to I guess to troll because any other reason completely escapes me.



Tell me, do you bleed?
This thread is not organized at all. Can anyone tell me which are the best/more viable resets Cyrax has at the moment? I don't care about how difficult they are, I just want viable combos -if done perfectly-.


This thread is not organized at all. Can anyone tell me which are the best/more viable resets Cyrax has at the moment? I don't care about how difficult they are, I just want viable combos -if done perfectly-.
No meter:
Midscreen - jip 21xxNet jip B2 NJP 21 121 Anti-Air = 37%, can be ended with a bomb instead of Anti-Air for a set up sacrificing a couple % of damage.
Corner - jip 21xxNet ( dash back) Jip B2 Close Bomb D1 xx Net ( = 24% reset here) NJP dash D2 121xxNet ( here I usually do 33xx Buzzsaw for 43% and oki pressure after the Buzzsaw knockdown, you can do 33xxReverse kick/Ragdoll for 44% or any splat (NJP or U4) into bomb set up. A harder more damaging version is after the reset let opponent fly over you out of the corner and do B2 dash cross up D2 ( which puts him back into the corner) 121xxNet and a ender or a set up of you chose.

1 meter :
Midscreen - Here a lot depends on opponents meter:

- if he isn't even close to getting breaker than - Jip 21 Net Jip 21 Ex Bomb B2 Far Bomb 121 Close Bomb Net ( 47% and reset here) backdash B2( only second hit connects and crosses up) D2 33xxNet JiK 3xx Reverse kick/Ragdoll = 44% and does the full 91% reset ( After cross up D2 I usually do 121 anti air which does 42% but is more consistent for me)
- if opponent has a breaker the best thing to do is a breaker trap: After you got him into Net - properly spaced Ex Bomb Mid Bomb properly timed D2 ( if they break, they get relaunched by the Mid Bomb and you do 121 anti air for 40+% total, if they don't they eat 40+ % total of unbreakable damage if after the D2 (mid bomb explodes) you do B2 ( only the second hit connects) Buzzsaw. Or if after that you do B2 121 anti air- they can break 121 anti air, lose 2 bars and still eat about 40%). I think it is better over all than unbreakable resets, as it costs one bar and gives good damage regardless of opponents chose. Unbreakable resets ( 2xxNet Ex bomb Mid bomb Net (reset here) B2 ( only second hit) Buzzsaw ) are preferable to end of the round.
-if opponent is close to breaker after you catch him into a net do B2 Ex Bomb Mid Bomb Net ( 37% and a reset here) you can then proceed with unbreakable stuff ( B2 Buzzsaw) or with the ending of a standard Reset ( reverse B2 D2 121 anti air =42% or Reverse B2 D2 33xxnet JiK 3xxReverse kick/Ragdoll= 44% or easier B2 into JiK 121 anti air= 37% ) as opponents will be hesitant to break after already taking over 40% damage.

Corner: you can save meter and go for meterless 68%-72% if you master the meterless reset. Or if it kills or you just want more damage do the same midscreen reset ( Jip 21xxNet than cross up Jip (it puts you in the corner) 21 Ex Bomb B2 Far Bomb 121xxClose bomb Net ( 47% and a reset here) dash under B2 (at this point your opponent is back to having the corner behind him) D2 121xxNet into an ender or set up of your chose!

That are the basics, You can do a lot more with 2 or 3 bars do meter ( like 100% resets , making the second part of your reset unbreakable and still doing 90% total, 60+% unbreakable resets and 60% breaker traps). And also if the reset is being finished with opponent in the corner you can do a lot more damage even without meter.


Tell me, do you bleed?
No meter:
Midscreen - jip 21xxNet jip B2 NJP 21 121 Anti-Air = 37%, can be ended with a bomb instead of Anti-Air for a set up sacrificing a couple % of damage.
Corner - jip 21xxNet ( dash back) Jip B2 Close Bomb D1 xx Net ( = 24% reset here) NJP dash D2 121xxNet ( here I usually do 33xx Buzzsaw for 43% and oki pressure after the Buzzsaw knockdown, you can do 33xxReverse kick/Ragdoll for 44% or any splat (NJP or U4) into bomb set up. A harder more damaging version is after the reset let opponent fly over you out of the corner and do B2 dash cross up D2 ( which puts him back into the corner) 121xxNet and a ender or a set up of you chose.

1 meter :
Midscreen - Here a lot depends on opponents meter:

- if he isn't even close to getting breaker than - Jip 21 Net Jip 21 Ex Bomb B2 Far Bomb 121 Close Bomb Net ( 47% and reset here) backdash B2( only second hit connects and crosses up) D2 33xxNet JiK 3xx Reverse kick/Ragdoll = 44% and does the full 91% reset ( After cross up D2 I usually do 121 anti air which does 42% but is more consistent for me)
- if opponent has a breaker the best thing to do is a breaker trap: After you got him into Net - properly spaced Ex Bomb Mid Bomb properly timed D2 ( if they break, they get relaunched by the Mid Bomb and you do 121 anti air for 40+% total, if they don't they eat 40+ % total of unbreakable damage if after the D2 (mid bomb explodes) you do B2 ( only the second hit connects) Buzzsaw. Or if after that you do B2 121 anti air- they can break 121 anti air, lose 2 bars and still eat about 40%). I think it is better over all than unbreakable resets, as it costs one bar and gives good damage regardless of opponents chose. Unbreakable resets ( 2xxNet Ex bomb Mid bomb Net (reset here) B2 ( only second hit) Buzzsaw ) are preferable to end of the round.
-if opponent is close to breaker after you catch him into a net do B2 Ex Bomb Mid Bomb Net ( 37% and a reset here) you can then proceed with unbreakable stuff ( B2 Buzzsaw) or with the ending of a standard Reset ( reverse B2 D2 121 anti air =42% or Reverse B2 D2 33xxnet JiK 3xxReverse kick/Ragdoll= 44% or easier B2 into JiK 121 anti air= 37% ) as opponents will be hesitant to break after already taking over 40% damage.

Corner: you can save meter and go for meterless 68%-72% if you master the meterless reset. Or if it kills or you just want more damage do the same midscreen reset ( Jip 21xxNet than cross up Jip (it puts you in the corner) 21 Ex Bomb B2 Far Bomb 121xxClose bomb Net ( 47% and a reset here) dash under B2 (at this point your opponent is back to having the corner behind him) D2 121xxNet into an ender or set up of your chose!

That are the basics, You can do a lot more with 2 or 3 bars do meter ( like 100% resets , making the second part of your reset unbreakable and still doing 90% total, 60+% unbreakable resets and 60% breaker traps). And also if the reset is being finished with opponent in the corner you can do a lot more damage even without meter.
THANKS A LOT, man. I'm starting with that sweet midscreen combo. The part of the B2 is REALLY HARD, ha ha! :)


No meter:
Midscreen - jip 21xxNet jip B2 NJP 21 121 Anti-Air = 37%, can be ended with a bomb instead of Anti-Air for a set up sacrificing a couple % of damage.
Corner - jip 21xxNet ( dash back) Jip B2 Close Bomb D1 xx Net ( = 24% reset here) NJP dash D2 121xxNet ( here I usually do 33xx Buzzsaw for 43% and oki pressure after the Buzzsaw knockdown, you can do 33xxReverse kick/Ragdoll for 44% or any splat (NJP or U4) into bomb set up. A harder more damaging version is after the reset let opponent fly over you out of the corner and do B2 dash cross up D2 ( which puts him back into the corner) 121xxNet and a ender or a set up of you chose.

1 meter :
Midscreen - Here a lot depends on opponents meter:

- if he isn't even close to getting breaker than - Jip 21 Net Jip 21 Ex Bomb B2 Far Bomb 121 Close Bomb Net ( 47% and reset here) backdash B2( only second hit connects and crosses up) D2 33xxNet JiK 3xx Reverse kick/Ragdoll = 44% and does the full 91% reset ( After cross up D2 I usually do 121 anti air which does 42% but is more consistent for me)
- if opponent has a breaker the best thing to do is a breaker trap: After you got him into Net - properly spaced Ex Bomb Mid Bomb properly timed D2 ( if they break, they get relaunched by the Mid Bomb and you do 121 anti air for 40+% total, if they don't they eat 40+ % total of unbreakable damage if after the D2 (mid bomb explodes) you do B2 ( only the second hit connects) Buzzsaw. Or if after that you do B2 121 anti air- they can break 121 anti air, lose 2 bars and still eat about 40%). I think it is better over all than unbreakable resets, as it costs one bar and gives good damage regardless of opponents chose. Unbreakable resets ( 2xxNet Ex bomb Mid bomb Net (reset here) B2 ( only second hit) Buzzsaw ) are preferable to end of the round.
-if opponent is close to breaker after you catch him into a net do B2 Ex Bomb Mid Bomb Net ( 37% and a reset here) you can then proceed with unbreakable stuff ( B2 Buzzsaw) or with the ending of a standard Reset ( reverse B2 D2 121 anti air =42% or Reverse B2 D2 33xxnet JiK 3xxReverse kick/Ragdoll= 44% or easier B2 into JiK 121 anti air= 37% ) as opponents will be hesitant to break after already taking over 40% damage.

Corner: you can save meter and go for meterless 68%-72% if you master the meterless reset. Or if it kills or you just want more damage do the same midscreen reset ( Jip 21xxNet than cross up Jip (it puts you in the corner) 21 Ex Bomb B2 Far Bomb 121xxClose bomb Net ( 47% and a reset here) dash under B2 (at this point your opponent is back to having the corner behind him) D2 121xxNet into an ender or set up of your chose!

That are the basics, You can do a lot more with 2 or 3 bars do meter ( like 100% resets , making the second part of your reset unbreakable and still doing 90% total, 60+% unbreakable resets and 60% breaker traps). And also if the reset is being finished with opponent in the corner you can do a lot more damage even without meter.
This is awesome. Really should post a bit more and have it stickied so we can get rid of this entire thread, haha.