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Some Tourney vids from the last weekend. Criticize and give opinions in order to improve and correct the flaws



Raiden Practitioner
Some Tourney vids from the last weekend. Criticize and give opinions in order to improve and correct the flaws

Very nice games man! You seem to be utilizing most of Raiden's best tools already. I especially liked how you caught him jumping several times with Air Electric Fly and also your Vicinity Blast traps. A couple of things I want to point out though:

--try to occasionally mix-up canceling blocked strings into Electric Grab or d1
--Ex-Electric Grab is an excellent anti-air tool and it also works very well when they are up close trying to apply pressure on you
--when you are fighting a character like Reptile that relies heavily on projectiles, make use of Ex-Electric Fly to make them think twice about throwing random Acid Balls and Spits at you. Remember, Ex-Electric Fly has infinite armor.


too smart to play MKX
EDIT: Videos are currently private. Sorry guys.

This is footage of me playing Raiden in the most recent tournament here in Arizona. I found all of the videos except for the very first match I played. Granted I did make mistakes in some situations and could have done better in the sonya matchup (Morty has come a long way), I think I made a pretty good showing. Videos are in order and the bracket from this tournament can be found here:


B W1zZ Vs. JediRobb

MortySeinfeld Vs. B W1zZ

Sao Vs. B W1zZ

B W1zZ Vs. DetroitBallin

B W1zZ Vs. Dr Dogg (Losers Finals)

B W1zZ Vs. MortySeinfeld (Grand Finals)
Thunder fuck me; these vids aren't private anymore. Good matches, B W1zZ. They're a little dated obviously, being pre-patch and all. But still quite entertaining.

Also, everyone should watch the Console Combat archived stream from yesterday. About two hours total of top notch Raiden play.

B W1zZ

Thunder fuck me; these vids aren't private anymore. Good matches, B W1zZ. They're a little dated obviously, being pre-patch and all. But still quite entertaining.

Also, everyone should watch the Console Combat archived stream from yesterday. About two hours total of top notch Raiden play.
lol @ "Thunder fuck me" that's great lol...thanks for the props. Theres some other footage of me on http://www.twitch.tv/thedigitaldojo buried in the recordings...like various casuals, the following pre-patch tourney that I won (before devastation), and there are some matches of me vs. Tom Brady's Kung Lao. I'm just too lazy to go find all the time stamps right now lol, but I'll go dig through the mess sometime soon.

By the way I didn't see all of the footage from Console Combat, but I know [MENTION=30]PLAYING TO W1N[/MENTION] and [MENTION=8319]FOREVER KING[/MENTION] both play Raiden and are great players...I'll have to check those vids out soon.


too smart to play MKX
lol @ "Thunder fuck me" that's great lol...thanks for the props. Theres some other footage of me on http://www.twitch.tv/thedigitaldojo buried in the recordings...like various casuals, the following pre-patch tourney that I won (before devastation), and there are some matches of me vs. Tom Brady's Kung Lao. I'm just too lazy to go find all the time stamps right now lol, but I'll go dig through the mess sometime soon.

By the way I didn't see all of the footage from Console Combat, but I know [MENTION=30]PLAYING TO W1N[/MENTION] and [MENTION=8319]FOREVER KING[/MENTION] both play Raiden and are great players...I'll have to check those vids out soon.
Well, the matches of you vs. Tom Brady are in the video archived from October 11th and they make up like... the first 80-90 minutes of it, which is awesome. I think there was some more Raiden from you later in that same archive but I can't remember for sure.

And as for Console Combat, there's a lot of Raiden going on in the tournament proper and about 46 minutes worth of casuals beforehand, consisting mostly of Raiden vs. Kano. Very enlightening stuff for anyone having trouble with the match.


Raiden Practitioner
lol @ "Thunder fuck me" that's great lol...thanks for the props. Theres some other footage of me on http://www.twitch.tv/thedigitaldojo buried in the recordings...like various casuals, the following pre-patch tourney that I won (before devastation), and there are some matches of me vs. Tom Brady's Kung Lao. I'm just too lazy to go find all the time stamps right now lol, but I'll go dig through the mess sometime soon.

By the way I didn't see all of the footage from Console Combat, but I know [MENTION=30]PLAYING TO W1N[/MENTION] and [MENTION=8319]FOREVER KING[/MENTION] both play Raiden and are great players...I'll have to check those vids out soon.
Yea, those were great Kung Lao vs. Raiden matches and you did show there is legit use for Ex-Teleport. Here is the link:


Can someone post the link to the Console Combat archive footage?
i really like this game though i don't play much. i plan to play much more now that the scene is solid at console combat. look for me to level up guys. i have to say... the tele nerf is much more damaging that i initially though. 334 tele to 1 shock is much more strick. i would rather sacrifice the 2% damage and use a d3 shocker.

The worst part about this is... after block strings you used to be able to teleport and be even or +. now when you end block strings with tele... a solid d1 with stop you in your tracks. lame. You have to play raiden very lame now (which is ok bc i play sim in sf). i miss the out of box raiden :/


too smart to play MKX
i really like this game though i don't play much. i plan to play much more now that the scene is solid at console combat. look for me to level up guys. i have to say... the tele nerf is much more damaging that i initially though. 334 tele to 1 shock is much more strick. i would rather sacrifice the 2% damage and use a d3 shocker.

The worst part about this is... after block strings you used to be able to teleport and be even or +. now when you end block strings with tele... a solid d1 with stop you in your tracks. lame. You have to play raiden very lame now (which is ok bc i play sim in sf). i miss the out of box raiden :/
Dude, we all miss the out of the box Raiden. Three launching strings that give frame advantage on block? Yes please.

As ridiculous as that was though, the teleport nerf was just the most mind-numbingly stupid thing.

Hi All ! what do you think about my raiden^^?
I think those shenanigans with vicinity blast in the corner are fucking hilarious. What was that? 3 3 4~vicinity blast, 1~vicinity blast, 1~vicinity blast, 1~vicinity blast for 35%? How many reps of that have you gotten before?

That was some very solid Raiden play.


Two men enter, one man leaves!

You use tele to get in as most Raidens do far too much and when you are in the corner you should avoid teleporting to a certain degree. 22B4 is a useless string, don't use it. Finally crossing up an opponent every time you do a teleport is very risky especially against someone with a D1 as good as ermac's better to use F24 or superman to keep them in check.


Raiden Practitioner
Here are a couple of matches I played yesterday on PSN. Please give constructive feedback (I already know I don't do nearly enough combos so let's talk about everything else lol):


B W1zZ

Here are a couple of matches I played yesterday on PSN. Please give constructive feedback (I already know I don't do nearly enough combos so let's talk about everything else lol):
I'd say work on punishing your opponents mistakes faster and overall reaction time. Also the combos, i seen you pressure alot with the B312 and 334 strings which is perfectly fine, but I think you could benefit from adding more D3 into F24 into your game. Also mix it up a bit more with B312 and 334. You could do just a B3, then a D3,F24 superman...or 33 tele, D3 into F24 or B312 etc. Don't forget about 121 shocker either, very fast punisher that leads to 33% damage. That's all I can think of right now, would have to see some more matches.

My matches are at 36:09, 43:37, 50:14. 50:14 is the one I lose (lost to my brothers Mileena off stream first, he took 2nd at the end of the video).

So, my biggest mistakes are crossing over after a teleport and missing out on combos when they are vulnerable (gotta break that habit entirely), not hit confirming good enough (121 shock getting blocked and punished), and I need a better offensive game than just getting my b312 blocked and then my offense is done. I try to b31~throw sometimes you can see me do it in one of the matches, but good players always catch it.

I guess my question is, aside from the obvious mistakes and dropped combos here and there, what should I be doing better when applying pressure. More TP to throw? Maybe b31~d1 then b312 again? more f42 then dashing in to follow up if its blocked? I notice in B's post above me you mention d3 f42, how is this a better setup than poking to setup b312?
[MENTION=4114]Raiden[/MENTION] wins : I think u should jump and punch to begin a combo =)Then u should tp after 2 or 3 hits to make raiden more fast !
Where a u from? Did we ever played together?


Raiden Practitioner
[MENTION=4114]Raiden[/MENTION] wins : I think u should jump and punch to begin a combo =)Then u should tp after 2 or 3 hits to make raiden more fast !
Where a u from? Did we ever played together?
Thanks for the tips! I live in the US. I don't believe we've played online, but we should. I like your Raiden style.

[MENTION=204]B W1zZ[/MENTION] - thanks for your advice as well. Interestingly enough, I received the same advice from GamerBlake. I shall work on both of your suggestions. I try to spend an hour in practice mode about twice a week. How often and for how long do you guys practice your techniques and combos?

B W1zZ

I used to practice for hours everyday for months, practicing various rushdowns with pokes and strings and what not. But realistically you don't have to spend hours upon hours in training mode, just enough so you have your main combos and techniques consistent.
Hi guys !
Old matches against xMapusax kung lao ! (b
KL is always hard to beat, particulary when the oppenents wait and spin...

B W1zZ

Hi guys !
Old matches against xMapusax kung lao ! (b
KL is always hard to beat, particulary when the oppenents wait and spin...
Not bad, I like whenever I see a Raiden actually doing some combos lol. Was this before or after the patch?

Keep em coming :raiden:

B W1zZ


My matches are at 36:09, 43:37, 50:14. 50:14 is the one I lose (lost to my brothers Mileena off stream first, he took 2nd at the end of the video).

So, my biggest mistakes are crossing over after a teleport and missing out on combos when they are vulnerable (gotta break that habit entirely), not hit confirming good enough (121 shock getting blocked and punished), and I need a better offensive game than just getting my b312 blocked and then my offense is done. I try to b31~throw sometimes you can see me do it in one of the matches, but good players always catch it.

I guess my question is, aside from the obvious mistakes and dropped combos here and there, what should I be doing better when applying pressure. More TP to throw? Maybe b31~d1 then b312 again? more f42 then dashing in to follow up if its blocked? I notice in B's post above me you mention d3 f42, how is this a better setup than poking to setup b312?
I just got done watching these matches. I'd say improve your overall poking game with D1 and D3. I didn't really see you use F24 that much, but you should since it has really good priority...and it works really well as corner pressure. After F24 is blocked you can attempt to dash in with another F24, but it's kind of a guessing game on what your opponent will do, since if you try to do another dash F24 and they jump, the combo will whiff and you'll be left open. Practice doing :en Shocker and standing 1 vb dash shocker as anti airs (into 29-30% combos, check the kombo kompendium). F23 is also a decent string to tele cancel out of or apply mixup pressure with...for example you could F23, D3 F24 (superman if it hits).

After a D4 hits you are at major advantage, enough for an uninterruptable B312 or dash in 334 string. Also a good way to open up a F4 overhead. It can be cancelled into teleport as well, keeping you at a really good advantage. Sometimes instead of jumping in and going into B312, 121, 334 etc...you could jip into D4, dash in with a 334 tele (if it hits), F2 shocker combo, or mix it up with jip into F4. Cancelling a D1 into VB can be good too, but be careful with it if your fighting a character the vb will whiff on like kitana or reptile.

If your going to stop midway in the B312 string I'd say go for a B3 or B31 into D3, F24 or just B31 tele...also B3 into throw. Throwing in a D1 vb can catch jumpers sometimes too. You gotta use your judgement on if you think they will try to block the full string or not, and freestyle accordingly. Hope some of that helps.
Wow, thanks for all the input!

I have a much more solid game since those matches. I mix in way more f24, especially early on. Corner I usually 33~VB then try to catch them with 334 into the full combo then follow up with EX lightning ball. (Got a flawless this morning with that, haha man it rocks). In the corner you mentioned f24, but it knocks your off them if they block it in the corner. Is there advantage to get back in after that? Or maybe stand there after it knocks me back to bait a jump.

You mentioned 1~vb as anti air. What does that out priorities? jump in punch and kick? does it only work when they jump in from far or will it catch any spacing on a jump in? crossover?