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Political Discussion Thread


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
It's a fetus as of the conception date, it's a baby when it's born (after the 9 month gestation period). A baby shouldn't be a punishment.
Actually it can be considered a baby when it is able to survive outside the mother's womb which can be anywhere after 10 weeks since conception.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Honestly Obamacare is not something I know a whole lot about. I do know it is affecting people in bad ways and the bill is kind of a mess. Maybe it's goal was to help but we will have to see.
You take some time to better understand what it is honestly (no offense BTW), yes it is affecting some people in negative ways and fully agree its not yet ready to be implemented, but as with any new system it has to utilized and ironed out over time, kinda like how IGAU was when its release, it had issue that had to be patched multiple times to make it a better game, same goes with Obama Care, the only way to fix the issues is to place it in effect.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Actually it can be considered a baby when it is able to survive outside the mother's womb which can be anywhere after 10 weeks since conception.

That would be when it's born, it can't survive on it's own until then.... Do I really have to say "Usually after a 9 month gestation period."

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
The original purpose of lobbies is something I see as totally legitimate, as a way for industries and interest groups to express their needs to the government and how legislation might affect them, it's just become so corrupt. It's a pretty similar situation with unions, but that's a different argument. We've progressed in some ways of dealing with this but there's always ways around it to influence politicians.
The federal government isn't supposed to have anything to offer the people besides it's constitutional rights. That was what the founding fathers intended in order to leave no incentive for corruption. More incentive = more corruption which could lead to things like tyranny down the road.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
That would be when it's born, it can't survive on it's own until then.... Do I really have to say "Usually after a 9 month gestation period."
Usually yes after 9 months, but the 10 week factor has to be acknowledged if one is to fully decide if and when this child is considered a human life.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Usually yes after 9 months, but the 10 week factor has to be acknowledged if one is to fully decide if and when this child is considered a human life.

It's considered human life after conception... The 10 week point marks when it becomes a fetus.


Come On Die Young
What do you guys think about the prison system in the US? I'm working on a project involving the school-to-prison pipeline and was reading about all the corrupt judges sending kids to the for-profit juvi halls for extended sentences and all that. The rights of felons is an interesting thing too. I mostly agree with the gun restrictions on them, but a lot of people don't realize that some states completely disenfranchise them.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
What do you guys think about the prison system in the US? I'm working on a project involving the school-to-prison pipeline and was reading about all the corrupt judges sending kids to the for-profit juvi halls for extended sentences and all that. The rights of felons is an interesting thing too. I mostly agree with the gun restrictions on them, but a lot of people don't realize that some states completely disenfranchise them.
If you give me a lil time I may be able to help you on this project, I obtained a BA degree in Criminal Justice and I may be able to provide some good information on that topic. I just can't make a good response ATM


Come On Die Young
If you give me a lil time I may be able to help you on this project, I obtained a BA degree in Criminal Justice and I may be able to provide some good information on that topic. I just can't make a good response ATM
I mean a psychological research project. I'm doing a literature review for my lab on it, I just saw the judge thing mentioned so I looked up a few things about it haha.


Yes, but they are doing so only if the republicans raise taxes on the wealthy and increase government spending to create more jobs. It is a more of a compromise, I would hardly say the Democrats are the ones who actually WANT to cut social programs.

There is a lot of ways they could reduce the debt, some of them are outlined in this article


Most of them will never happen because congress is completely incompetent but there are ways to do it.

Id say you know nothing about politics
Id say you're a brain washed sheep d-bag...calm your roll brah


Social Security is also unconstitutional, it's another forced insurance policy. If SS was a choice (you're not forced to pay and maybe collect it) then I'd be all for it. Who is the government to tell me "hey bro pay this now and we'll hold you down later" when I can just manage the money myself? Not to mentioned the program is a failure financially.

Scoot for PREZ!

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Abortions IMO, will alway be legal. The reason for this thinking is because its "legalized population control." The reason why a political power (Demicrat/Republican) will have a different view in the public eye. Cannabis should be legal for the pros. I.E food, clothing, shelter, work, stress free, etc are associated with legalized cannabis. However it would be regulated extensively.

Lastly, as said in GTA5, terrorist acts raise the funding amount for anti-terrorist and military organizations. Wars make money.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I do agree here, welfare is a good program, but is badly executed. I think part of the issue with welfare is that as time has progressed inflation has caused prices to rise and yet the min. wage has mostly remained unchanged. Min. wage currently cannot support one individual yet alone a small family. Welfare, needs a time limit on it and another issue I see in the US is constant outsourcing which is definitely affect the amount of jobs available within the country as well.
I agree with the first part of your post. I don't think people should be trying to support a family on min wage though. Raising min wage wouldn't do anything but make getting a min wage job harder.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Technically if you raised minimum wage in accordance with economical growth...we should be around $21.62 an hour.
They need to get rid of the lobby influence over government. That's a great way to fix a lot of things imo.
Who's "they"?

Im pretty much just creeping on this thread because I'm a poli-sci major, (but I never discuss my own politics) and I find the less pronouns used, the higher the quality of discussion.

So, who do you mean when you say " they"?

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Who's "they"?

Im pretty much just creeping on this thread because I'm a poli-sci major, (but I never discuss my own politics) and I find the less pronouns used, the higher the quality of discussion.

So, who do you mean when you say " they"?
The politicians. The ones in the house, senate and white house.

I really should have said we.


My blades will find your heart
Id say you're a brain washed sheep d-bag...calm your roll brah
You do realize that conservatives and liberals run on entirely opposite platforms right? I mean there is some middle ground but saying they are the same is just straight up false.


Lastly, as said in GTA5, terrorist acts raise the funding amount for anti-terrorist and military organizations. Wars make money.
Not calling you out but this is a common misconception. War is lucrative to industries involved in it, but as a whole it is not good for a nation unless it is a situation of total war. Wars on smaller scales like our current endeavors in Afghanistan and recent past in Iraq are more harmful to the economy. If I took you out of context, my bad.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Not calling you out but this is a common misconception. War is lucrative to industries involved in it, but as a whole it is not good for a nation unless it is a situation of total war. Wars on smaller scales like our current endeavors in Afghanistan and recent past in Iraq are more harmful to the economy. If I took you out of context, my bad.
I agree where your coming from and more or less it varies. Our current wars, imo, I believe to be the game changers. Wars that destroy our economy to the point of no return, all the while we suffer as our elites grow financially. Take the oil industry for example. Their profits are skyrocketing, and getting big business tax cuts, while us, the little guy, gets burned by the high gas prices. Although it deals with trade as well. We buy overseas oil at high cost, and sell even higher in our own country (USA) while we sell our reserved oil to countries like China for a very cheap price. Being in debt to them doesn't help either lol.

Sent from my Brain using Tapatalk 4 portal. Ding! Team IJS --» www.injusticesociety.com #G4S


My blades will find your heart
What do you guys think about the prison system in the US? I'm working on a project involving the school-to-prison pipeline and was reading about all the corrupt judges sending kids to the for-profit juvi halls for extended sentences and all that. The rights of felons is an interesting thing too. I mostly agree with the gun restrictions on them, but a lot of people don't realize that some states completely disenfranchise them.
There is a lot of messed up things that go on in the criminal justice system.

There are a lot of people who serve years in prison and are even executed for crimes they didn't do. Aside from that, the prisons are so overcrowded because of marijuana being illegal and other petty shit, which just makes less room for the people who actually deserve to be there.

I am not a big fan of the justice system, if you couldn't tell. :p


...all the while we suffer as our elites grow financially.
My opinion on this issue is that the politcal spectrum of the right wing is too diverse currently. Others may say that it is because the right wing tricks certain people into voting against their own interests that end up benefiting the elite over themselves; this might be true to some extent but I think it is because they have so many core issues in common, that they are simply roped into voting for the other interests of their party that they may simply not agree with.

Being in debt to [China] doesn't help either lol.
While it's never good to be in dept to anyone, a lot of the controversy surrounding this issue is somewhat lost to me. The economy of the world market is quite dependent upon the consumer economy of the United States, including China's own economy. So this really isn't an issue in my eyes until China's standard of living raises much higher.


What do you guys think about the prison system in the US? I'm working on a project involving the school-to-prison pipeline and was reading about all the corrupt judges sending kids to the for-profit juvi halls for extended sentences and all that. The rights of felons is an interesting thing too. I mostly agree with the gun restrictions on them, but a lot of people don't realize that some states completely disenfranchise them.
The biggest issue with the prison system is that the majority of it is privitized. So long as people benefit off of the incarceration of individuals, atrocities like the Kids for Cash scandal that you mentioned will always exist. Roughly 70% of the prison population are offenders serving time on non-violent crimes without a history of violence, the majority of which are drug offenders. This is also another reason why the war on drugs is raged as hard as it is. Then within the war on drugs there is more prejudice placed upon the urban culture. Drugs such as cocaine and crack that are vary similar chemically have different sentencings. Cocaine, which is considered to be used more by wealtier people, has a less severe punishment than crack, which is considered to be used more by poor people. The profit motive in the prison system can also be observed by the fact that the US has the highest prison population to total population ratio. Then take into account the revolving door in the prison industry; two out of every three people released from prison usually end up back in prison within a relatively short period I believe. The point of prison is for it to be a correctional facility yet there are next to no programs for prisoners to better themselves by learning job skills, therapy, or other beneficial programs, and those that due exist are very small, and under funded. So the reason they end up back in prison is a mix between the failure of the prison system to reassimilate inmates back into society and the general vilification of past offenders in our society. The problem though is the system benefits if past offenders go back to jail, so why would the system want to fix the revolving door? This is all my opinion by the way, lol.


Haha, not sure which part of that I was meant to see. All the stuff about him being Kenyan/Muslim is propaganda and I'm not well read on the Israel conflict but I do believe that we are on the wrong side of the issue as a nation. The displacement of the Jewish people in Israel after WWII was not a good solution for that region and serves more as a foothold for Western Idealism in the region, which is why I feel the Palestinians are the victims. I didn't hear too much about the one state solution when Obama was pushing it a year or so ago but I think it was a step in the right direction. If I remember correctly the one state solution was favored by the majority of the public in Israel despite the government being against it. Israel doesn't want to lose power, and the Palestinians don't want to share power.


That would be when it's born, it can't survive on it's own until then.... Do I really have to say "Usually after a 9 month gestation period."

Technically, no baby can survive on its (ITS!) own. We all need a guardian of some kind to provide food, shelter and even human comfort up until, arguably, at least three years old. This is why I never feel comfortable with the argument that a child becomes worthy of legal protection when it's able to survive on its own.