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MK9 will not die due to new glitch - ignore the trolls

I dont want a freaking patch, you still didnt answer my question. if its not in the tournament rules so you can perform it as many times as you like......
Which question? The three rhetorical ones?
Your the one dancing around me quoting me out of order anyway, and as for the legality issue, yes as of now you can abuse it, thankfully the tournament isn't now. By the time Dallas rolls around it will be banned.


Yeah because ending a round with a throw isn't viable in top level play. One of two things is happening.

1. You are trolling again. Which is really really getting Fucking old, or...
2. You are legitimately a FUCKING IDIOT

Fuck...three is a charm.

Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
Deal with it. It's called a top tier character. MK has had worse things in the past that have been allowed in tournaments. If you don't like it, you have three options:

1.) Get better at the game.
2.) Play a better character.
3.) Find a different game.


Filthy Casual
After having the most retarded conversation with TrickyLizard I have a new tournament strategy...

If I come close to losing a round I'm going to simply restart the match, I didn't lose, my health was not 0, so why should I take a loss? If I'm in a fight NRS shouldn't have been retarded enough to enable the start button in a fight.


Filthy Casual
That is a really really dumb idea. This glitch doesn't happen on accident. It's clear when it happens. Even if it was an accident you could restart.

Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
Tricky is retarded....he thinks invincibility should be a superpower for every character in Injustice.
Deal with it. It's called a top tier character. MK has had worse things in the past that have been allowed in tournaments. If you don't like it, you have three options:

1.) Get better at the game.
2.) Play a better character.
3.) Find a different game.
There is a 0% chance you attempt this at mlg. You are just being a Dick. If you do, you kill the competitive scene.

Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2


There is a 0% chance you attempt this at mlg. You are just being a Dick. If you do, you kill the competitive scene.

Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
So I will kill the competitive scene by being competitive? Interesting. I thought these things were called tournaments.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Which question? The three rhetorical ones?
Your the one dancing around me quoting me out of order anyway, and as for the legality issue, yes as of now you can abuse it, thankfully the tournament isn't now. By the time Dallas rolls around it will be banned.
Like I said, if its not official you can use it. and I asked you if you had any saying in tournament rules because you said

NRS will not fix it, we will not ban the character. We ban the glitch and continue playing the game just like before.

Liked you had a saying in the tournaments rules..... sorry for repeating myself but sometimes that's what it has to be done... or should I explain it to you with apples?


Filthy Casual
Like I said, if its not official you can use it. and I asked you if you had any saying in tournament rules because you said

Liked you had a saying in the tournaments rules..... sorry for repeating myself but sometimes that's what it has to be done... or should I explain it to you with apples?
PLEASE do this in the tournament tomorrow, see what happens. Expect a room of laughter and you out $20.
Like I said, if its not official you can use it. and I asked you if you had any saying in tournament rules because you said

Liked you had a saying in the tournaments rules..... sorry for repeating myself but sometimes that's what it has to be done... or should I explain it to you with apples?
Like you said, sometimes you have to repeat yourself, I'll be doing that right here.
Your questions were all rhetorical, you asked A) Who are you? B) Are you a TO c) What say do I have in the rules
Now I will answer them, because you clearly need this.
A) I am Pickle, nice to meet you
B) No
C) None, but thankfully my source for that, Tim Static, has a pretty big influence on that kind of stuff.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Like you said, sometimes you have to repeat yourself, I'll be doing that right here.
Your questions were all rhetorical, you asked A) Who are you? B) Are you a TO c) What say do I have in the rules
Now I will answer them, because you clearly need this.
A) I am Pickle, nice to meet you
B) No
C) None, but thankfully my source for that, Tim Static, has a pretty big influence on that kind of stuff.
Have you talk to him? did they tell you there gonna ban it?


It doesn't make any sense that a top player as your self, who has put sooo much time into making this community better by sharing all of your knowledge, is willing to use a game breaking glitch to win. The second anyone uses this glitch they will lose ALL respect. It doesn't show skill. It doesn't show fundamentals. It shows that you aren't playing because you love MK but it does show your willing to cheat to win.

I'm going to my first local tournament tomorrow. If anyone uses this glitch on me i'm literally going to look at their nose and proceed to punch it. Followed with multiple punches.
1.) I don't play MK for respect.
2.) Not every player out there will lose all respect against a player using it. (speak for yourself)
3.) It takes skills to win a tournament with.
4.) It takes fundamentals to set up and capture an opponent in it.
5.) It's not cheating.
6.) Enjoy your time in jail.


Dead Kings Rise
I like how everybody acts like all you have to do is hit down + select and Kabal is invincible. You have to be cornered by Kabal, and you have to be finished with a forward throw. Any good player is going to manage to armor out if they get in the corner, and other good players won't even be put in the corner at all. Also, you know a forward throw is coming, so tech it. People need to learn to stop complaining and level up.