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MK9 will not die due to new glitch - ignore the trolls


REO can you please do us all a favor and try to pull this off in every major/top8s and grind finals, so everybody know how shitty NRs really is.
I can't because the community is a bunch of whiny babies that are forcing me to play as CS-Kabal (Community-Restricted Kabal) at tournament. The real Kabal is locked up and not allowed to be used at tournament, only CS-Kabal can be used.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
I can't because the community is a bunch of whiny babies that are forcing me to play as CS-Kabal (Community-Restricted Kabal) at tournament. The real Kabal is locked up and not allowed to be used at tournament, only CS-Kabal can be used.

Where does it say that the glitch is banned? just because the community says it doesn't it make it official. F the crybabies just go for it buddie.


Where does it say that the glitch is banned? just because the community says it doesn't it make it official. F the crybabies just go for it buddie.
I will ask Arturo for the official rules at Dallas, if I don't see CS-Kabal (Community Restricted), then I will be playing true Kabal with all his in-game tools.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Everyone either hops on the "let's ride REO's dick until he busts!" or the "REO is such a troll ommfg he is gonna kill this game Pig save us" bandwagon, depending on what day of the month it is

Quit being fucking sheep
No, you shut the fuck up, this glitch shit is beyond retarded and it needs to be fixed, by doing it nrs may see it and think about fixing it if not just ban the freaking char...
No, you shut the fuck up, this glitch shit is beyond retarded and it needs to be fixed, by doing it nrs may see it and think about fixing it if not just ban the freaking char...
NRS will not fix it, we will not ban the character. We ban the glitch and continue playing the game just like before.
Play to win. If you don't like it, then go find another game. You're obviously not a true MK fan at heart if you're going to let glitches be the deciding factor on whether you play the game or not. This goes out to everyone, too. It weeds out all the players who aren't true MK fans.
Remember the part of my post where o said I would keep playing it? Read more dumbass.

Also you were like 2 when Mk1 came out.

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Go to hell.
No, you shut the fuck up, this glitch shit is beyond retarded and it needs to be fixed, by doing it nrs may see it and think about fixing it if not just ban the freaking char...
Cool, I just got told to shut the fuck up by someone who completely missed the point of my post. I was talking about how people viciously ride REO's dick (you definitely seem to be one based on your like history), not the glitch. It's even funnier when REO is outright trolling. herp-to the fucking-derp.

And NRS is done with this game. Nothing is going to change, best to just buckle down and wait for Injustice.
It was a joke.
Then I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but I'm sure you can understand why when I have to deal with people like TrickyLizard.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
No one can do the Smoke glitch consistently at the highest level.

Everyone and my WIFE (confirmed today w video) can do your blessed kabal glitch


Video game info about my wife: never owned a system, doesnt like video games, didnt understand how to use Wii controller and took her 5-10 min to learn how to do a 2-3 hit combo. Its so easy dude my wife can do it.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Whatever is decided i will play.... if i have to sit there mashing to make sure i dont get thrown and give up a round, i have to give up a round. If its banned, its banned. There just needs to be a decision so I know what exactly I am fighting.
Then I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but I'm sure you can understand why when I have to deal with people like TrickyLizard.
No problem, I totally understand xD

I'm sorry who are you again? are you a tournament organizer? do you have any saying in the tournaments rules? if not then you to STFU
Who are you to tell me to STFU? I'm sorry my logic doesn't agree with you, enjoy waiting for a patch that isn't coming.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Video game info about my wife: never owned a system, doesnt like video games, didnt understand how to use Wii controller and took her 5-10 min to learn how to do a 2-3 hit combo. Its so easy dude my wife can do it.
My lady knows next to nothing of MK, and ridicules me on a constant basis for my dedication.

If SHE can do it, it's time to call a spade a spade and ban it.

Sorry, crispy boss man, but I don't see this eeeeeever flying at a tournament...There's game-breaking, and there's LITERALLY game-breaking. This, even the whore for broken chaos cannot justify as regular fare, even for Kabal.

And for the record: The "We'd have to ban resets/this that and the third" argument makes no sense to me at all. The Net + Bomb/F4 EXSB/EX Overhead resets, the Rune Trap, Sonya and Cage's frametraps, Freddy, Kenshi & Shang's FS frame traps...these are things we've all had to deal with the entire life of the game - IN-GAME MECHANICS that have existed for most if not all of the game's competitive lifespan, that are planned around, picked apart, dissected, counter-dissected, and turned inside out for the sake of learning their strengths and weaknesses and putting them in practice.

This is a blatant, almost cheat-code-ish trick that can only be done in one very specific, very blatant sequence (WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THIS BY ACCIDENT), and literally causes the...I guess laws of physics would be the applicable term...to completely cease to exist. Reality becomes fiction, and vice versa, and nothing the person on the opposite side of the glitch does will matter.

Big, indescribably large difference.


Everyone and my WIFE (confirmed today w video) can do your blessed kabal glitch


Video game info about my wife: never owned a system, doesnt like video games, didnt understand how to use Wii controller and took her 5-10 min to learn how to do a 2-3 hit combo. Its so easy dude my wife can do it.
As I stated before, no one can do the Smoke glitch in high level play consistently. Thanks for remaining quiet on that topic to prove my point. Smoke players got shafted by the community for no reason other than extreme fear and paranoia.

Also my one year-old nephew can spam b,f+2 with Kenshi. I don't see what point you're trying to make, but I can play that card as well. It doesn't matter who can do what. In a reasonable community, one would have to prove that the glitch is too powerful in high-level play, and that the character who possesses such atrocity should be opt for a ban.
Nrs shitty netcode, input bug, glitches and all bullshit is gonna kill the game. not REO dude
is not Reo's fault that MK is made by an American Company......
Resets have become part of the meta game, input bug almost never happens because it's like a 1 frame window, net code means nothing, and the last part is racist. Also, my comment was a joke, which you know already because you saw enenra's post. Stay delusional and have a nice day.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
No problem, I totally understand xD

Who are you to tell me to STFU? I'm sorry my logic doesn't agree with you, enjoy waiting for a patch that isn't coming.
I dont want a freaking patch, you still didnt answer my question. if its not in the tournament rules so you can perform it as many times as you like......
As I stated before, no one can do the Smoke glitch in high level play consistently. Thanks for remaining quiet on that topic to prove my point. Smoke players got shafted by the community for no reason other than extreme fear and paranoia.

Also my one year-old nephew can spam b,f+2 with Kenshi. I don't see what point you're trying to make, but I can play that card as well. It doesn't matter who can do what. In a reasonable community, one would have to prove that the glitch is too powerful in high-level play, and that the character who possesses such atrocity should be opt for a ban.
Yeah because ending a round with a throw isn't viable in top level play. One of two things is happening.

1. You are trolling again. Which is really really getting Fucking old, or...
2. You are legitimately a FUCKING IDIOT

Fuck...three is a charm.

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