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MK10 Wishlist


I miss you
I would really like to bring more of the forgettable characters back instead of creating new ones, as well as keeping some of my favs (Ermac, Cage, Stryker, Kuhbawl)

More ways to finish the opponent.

Keep everything in 2D.

Better story mode, not just fighting.

Online. Make it good.

Keep being updated with the competitive scene of your games. This can be a major asset to see what should be considered in a future patch.

Of course by the end some characters are going to be better than others, but get A LOT of testing to at least make everyone competitive.


Fatalities need a revamp:

Once the opponents life bar is gone, the fatality input becomes available, BUT, you can only input it if the opponent is in hit stun or juggled.

The fatality would have a unique and brutal animation but would only last a second or two, without a change in camera angle. Id like a finisher that has the brutal factor of landing the las hit in zombie mode, quick and horrible, but with a unique animation for each character.

The fact that you need to make the input while the opponent is juggled or in hit stun means that the fatality would actually be a combo ender a la KI. You get one chance to start a combo after "finish him", if you drop it the opponent falls to the ground and its game over.

Basically, everyone would create their fatalities on the fly everytime, and fatalities would constantly change. Instead of spending 10 seconds looking at an animation youve seen 100 times, every occasion has the potential to be different.

Babalities would work the same way. "Finish Him", you pop them up, juggle them a couple of times, link the baby input to a punch and they abruptly turn into a baby; dropping to the ground and rolling a bit, crying. lol

The big storyboarded cutscene with camera angle change has a nice impact the first couple of times you watch it, but inevitably goes stale fast. Im talking about capturing that nice feeling you get with something short and sweet, a feeling that doesnt go away no matter how much you do it (like landing an uppercut, or that explosion at the last hit of zombie mode). It feels good BECAUSE its short and sweet.


the only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta
BETTER NETWORK CONNECTION! (and no region lock)
I would like to see how a newer MK would work without all the armor.
I would like some more balance aswell. Counter picking sucks and u should be able to pick up any character u like, simply because its the fighter u have the most fun with and then being able to (with skills ofc) beat any characters... Of course there should still be some 4-6 MUs, but having characters like Kabal and Kung with barely no bad MUs, Kenshi who can zone and chip damage u to death 2 rounds in a row (practically flawless everytime) and Cyrax who ass rapes u if u are at zero meter.
The roster itself for MK9 is quite nice.
Personally, I'd much rather have large packs of DLC characters from the other games get put into MK9, I love large character rosters and Mortal Kombat has ditched some really fucking cool characters (There were an absolute shit ton of guys in Armageddon, and I loved it), but since I don't see that ever happening I guess I'll start my wishlist off with characters I'd like to see in Mortal Kombat again (No characters from MK9 will be mentioned, I'm talking new characters, not returning ones):

*New characters to add:
-Blaze or Moloch or Onaga (Not playable, but maybe as bosses? Doesn't have to be them, just not fucking Shao Kahn)
-Chameleon! (It'd be cool if he could mimik the other ninjas, like Shang Tsung but it didn't have to be in the match, it could be random too)
-Tremor (As a playable character. I don't get why they make a character playable, but just don't let you play as them in the roster...)
-New characters!
-Did I mention Chameleon?

*Like I said, I think it would be really cool if they added a lot of characters into DLC packs for MK9, but I don't see that happening. In my onion the core gameplay is totally fine in MK9, and so are the graphics (I can deal with the toned down models on the PS Vita version, I mean do you really play Mortal Kombat for the graphics?).

*A list mode for the Krypt so you can quickly buy stuff, takes too long to buy a lot of stuff when you're shooting for 100% and have to watch an animation (I know they can be skipped, but they still take a while) for every single item.

*Unlockable characters! I love unlocking characters so I can play as them, something I felt MK9 doesn't really do. You kind of just have everyone. Don't get me wrong, I like having this roster right away, but it'd be cool if they added a lot of other characters as unlockables.

*Unlockable moves, costumes, etc... Maybe add certain moves once you play with your character enough, or have little challenges you can do with your character to add more specials. Also, I don't like having the majority of the costumes at the start. I think you should just get a character's main costume, so it's actually worth something when you show up in a match with an alternate or klassic costume.

*Updated playing styles for some characters. Not necessarily extremely different, but switching them up. For example, if they were to make Noob Saibot into a better, less... spammy character I would definitely play as him. His shadow moves are so fucking cool, but I feel like he's too dumbed down. Everyone says he's cheap, I just think he kinda sucks. I think characters like Noob have a lot of potential, and I think Mortal Kombat should work on adding more unique things to every character that truly make you love your special abilities. It never hurts to make fighting games a bit more flashy :D

*Add basic mid-air combos to characters that look like they'd be able to do it. I'm not talking specials, but just things that might make you stick in the air for another couple seconds.

*Smoke as a slightly less human Ninja. I like when he's not really a person, but not a cyborg.

*It would be kool to see certain characters explained, like the aforementioned Smoke (How he appears as several different types of fighters in the Mortal Kombat series), or Noob Saibot's shadow half.

*Am I the only one that feels like Sub-Zero was made worse and Scorpion was made better? I used to like playing as both of them, but now Sub-Zero doesn't feel like he has much potential to me. I used him to get a combo trophy when I wasn't very good at the game, but that's about it.

*Also, it would be cool to have a couple bosses, not the klassic sub-boss(es) leading up to one main boss.

*I felt like this story mode was really worth playing though. A fighting game at 16 chapters is just impressive, but it does suck when you have to play as that one character you just fucking hate every now and then xD

*More secrets! This is a given, but Mortal Kombat has always been legendary for its secrets. I think they should work extra hard on this one to really pack in the content. Imagine how cool it would be if several months after its release people were still finding things out (Like that secret room in Batman that wasn't found for forever). Even a (few) secret unlockable character(s) would be really cool to see. You're just kicking someone's ass online and they had absolutely no idea your character even existed :D

My list probably won't be agreed with by many people, but these are just some things I think would be cool to see in the next Mortal Kombat game(s). I love the series, but I think it's time for something a little ground-breaking to pop into Mortal Kombat - something that just makes MK10 really feel like a new game, but at the same time keep the feel of the Mortal Kombat series.

BETTER NETWORK CONNECTION! (and no region lock)
I would like to see how a newer MK would work without all the armor.
I would like some more balance aswell. Counter picking sucks and u should be able to pick up any character u like, simply because its the fighter u have the most fun with and then being able to (with skills ofc) beat any characters...

And this... all of this...

Jesus Christ I have a really long post...
Fatalities need a revamp:

I really like this, I totally agree with you. At first I was like "Fuck no, don't screw with fatalities you bastard!" but by the end I was totally siding with you. No matter how cool a fatality is, the appeal wears off eventually. Every now and then there's that satisfying TAKE THAT, FUCKER! that comes with a fatality, but I find myself just doing them for the hell of it now.

yeah absolutely man.bringing back the styles could really make the game alot deeper.
Yeah, and maybe even add an alternate style for certain (Or all) characters too, although that idea is kind of up in the air. I do like the idea of two people playing the same characters, but in a completely different style though.

I also liked the whole optional weapons thing in Armageddon, I thought it was cool to see all the characters' weapons and how they used them. This kind of goes with fighting style though, too.

Ugh, so many good ideas. It's a shame gaming companies don't look at threads like this. Could you imagine if everyone working on MK took all the posts here to heart? Their next game would be fucking godly.
I want run, not dash.
I want HP LP HK LK not 1 2 3 4.
I want x-ray moves to leave and never come back.
But I know I won't get any of that.
It's going to be SF4 in a MK costume, again. :(


Dojo Trainee
-Keep it 2d but bring back air fighting like in mk vs dc

-Old selection screen (No rock music)

-Better background music like in mk1,2,3

-Better online mode

-Run button

-No two buttons combos like scorpions gravedigger, can't stand those

-Animalitys , Friendships, Brutalitys

-Babality without requiring no block in the last round

-Characters that must return: Liu kang , Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, Ermac, Rain, Scorpion, Sub Zero (his mk3 ice shower move must return too), Raiden, Johnny Cage, Frost, Tanya, Reiko, Chameleon, Khameleon

-Tremor playable

-Characters that can stay out : Kano, Noob, Kung Lao

-Let Shang transform in any character if he returns

-Returning fatality's : Liu kang's dragon & Arcade drop , Kitana kiss of death, Ermac Pest control, Sub zero spinal smash, Reptile Tounge Lash, Scorpion Toasty, Mileena Man Eater

-All stage fatalitys including the spike one from mk2
An actual boss fight with Motaro.

Seriously as much as I LOVE MK9 that was my biggest disappointment I was really looking forward to a fight with him in story mode, that we didn't get to fight Motaro.I was seriously looking forward to fighting him in story mode. I mean here's this badass boss from MK3/UMK3 who's death plays an important role in MK9's story and yet for someone who is so important that the fallout from their death has such a huge impact on the story we only get to see him in cameos and he dies in one of them.

Hopefully they'll have more time with MK10 to figure out how to make him work despite having four legs, maybe make him immune to X-Rays. He was immune to projectiles in the old games.

DuBBer Kiir

I haven't read any posts but if it hasn't been mentioned, a theater mode that enables you to re-watch previous fights would be totally awesome.


The Prettiest
Khameleon, Tanya and Frost is all I want. Everything else is up to them. As for the unlockable supers and EX moves and things like that, as long as they all do the same amount of damage, I do not care.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Besides of what ever they will work for the game, all i ask is:
- The whole MK9 Rooster to return, Kratos can be in i don't care.
- 2 Xrays per character
- Brutalities as finishers (UMK3 Style)
- Same gameplay System
- Sisterhood of Shadow(Kya, Jataaka, Sareena, to be playable)
- Re-Evaluate some move sets, specially for those who weren't entirely viable.
- Record and play to train setups
- More stages (including all presented before)
- more costumes (including all classical ones)


Better netcode
Make it to where you can block with back.
Konquest mode.
No nerfs or buffs within first 6 months at least.


Neutral Skipper
I want all - or at least most - of the cast from MK9 to return with the tiers reversed.

Jade and Baraka: S+ tier.
Kabal and Kung Lao: Dan tier.


Fabulous Goofball
Well, I don't care who is in MK10 as long as Reptile, Kano, Kenshi, Rain, and Nightwolf are in. I know Nightwolf died in MK9 but maybe NRS could have him be revived by Quan Chi and corrupted so he's that werewolf from his Arcade Ending.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
gameplay: mk9 gameplay with mkdc pro move system, back-to-block system, injustice's trait system, stage trans, stage trans is from mk, not from injustice for fuckssake, babality, brutallity and friendship, more secrets like 2d mk games.
story: focus on 3d mk chars, many of them are unknown and really underrated.
character: do wtf they want, i don't give a shit cuz i'm pretty sure they don't want to fuck up the story even when eveyone is now fucking dead.
PS: Scorpion's Spear move -> he should use his old school rope, can't stand that mk9 kunai-chain.
Character wise, it's whatever. Some of those people from the MK4 thru Armageddon could make an appearance, I stopped at UMK3/Trilogy, had zero interest in MK4 until MK9, so I would like to play with some of those characters in a...good game.

Animation. I think MK9 moves better than Injustice, but they need to get rid of some of MK cheese. I know its their style, but Boon needs to please US not himself. Also the limb flailing when getting juggled, take it out.

Body damage. It's fucking obnoxious, get it the fuck out.

Gameplay. Make the jumping attack different per button, and allow the universal uppercut to allow follow ups, being able to chain air attacks. Not just one, make it dependent per character. Give some characters air dashes, more freely than IGAU, and allow fly/unfly quickly enough for MVC2 Sent type of stuff.


My main concern is that it should remain a 2D fighting game, not like MK4. I might have (many of) the characters from MK4, but I'd prefer not the 3D mechanics.


Returning characters from MK9 should pretty much keep the same movesets with only a few balance/usefulness tweaks
Some real grapplers
push block
dash cancelling
unique air normals
projectiles cancel out
single throw break button, being throw button itself
Black Adam DLC
Meterless armor/invincible moves for certain characters
In game frame data
better training mode
playable online mode