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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 42 with AK Smarrgasm


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Boycotting tournaments works!

The only reason injustice got the attention it deserved at WB is because my group and I made such a bitch fit and publicly boycotted the event. You all damn well know nothing would have happened if we didn't. And what happens, one tournament later, back to the same old shit?!

As an east coast player and tournament runner, I fully support you guys, 16bit included in boycotting any event where TOs continually take dumps on player's chests. It's the only way a difference will be made. If you keep going, they keep getting numbers and money; they won't change a thing.

That said, don't forget to point the finger where it needs to be pointed at the most. KN may take direct heat, but take a closer look at the FR staff, there's your bigger problem.
I still dont understand why that bracket was combined. That seems to be the biggest problem and unanswered question of all from FR. That seems to have been 100% from FR staff and not KN. I just cant comprehend a tournament releasing pools so you can prepare for who you have to play and then being like "just kidding, now that you are already here and the tournament is starting the pools are being combined from 16 to 8" That is piss poor...and I still dont understand what was gained by it (from the perspective of the guy who decided to do it). Did it make anything run smoother or faster ? Clearly not


Premium Supporter
Some foolish posts made here. Lies, misconceptions, outright deceit, lack of context. But it's OK, bring it on.


Premium Supporter
I still dont understand why that bracket was combined. That seems to be the biggest problem and unanswered question of all from FR. That seems to have been 100% from FR staff and not KN. I just cant comprehend a tournament releasing pools so you can prepare for who you have to play and then being like "just kidding, now that you are already here and the tournament is starting the pools are being combined from 16 to 8" That is piss poor...and I still dont understand what was gained by it (from the perspective of the guy who decided to do it). Did it make anything run smoother or faster ? Clearly not
This was fully answered and posted in BobSmack's response. He stands by his decision, he even met resistance from us at the tournament over it.


Premium Supporter
What I love is, every step of the way I fought for a better tournament, fixed problems, addressed issues as they came up, and yet as always, a number of issues were only brought to my attention after the tournament, and when that happens, it never gets fixed. I would also like to point out that again, as much as we "do our own thing" we still were not in charge of this tournament. I was hired to stream the event, supply equipment, and I offered my own staff to help with brackets because FR had some staffing issues. With me being who I am, and being present for the tournament, many assume that I have the be all end all say in what goes on, but I don't, and I never do at any tournament that isn't my own. We run events semi autonomously in the sense, the TO doesn't have to worry about us getting done or knowing what to ask for help about. When it comes down to tech issues like the hot fix glitch, not having patched systems, having brackets merged at the behest of event staff, we took care of things as quickly as possible. I really don't know what more one can ask for. The issues with late registration, KN has nothing to do with. We are handed brackets and have no reason to ask if anyone on the list isn't supposed to be there. Every tournament has this kind of thing happen and I would be astonished to ever see it not happen so long as there is at the door registration. There's a LOT of common sense being avoided in effort to take huge diarrhea dumps on KN.


missiles are coming
What I love is, every step of the way I fought for a better tournament, fixed problems, addressed issues as they came up, and yet as always, a number of issues were only brought to my attention after the tournament, and when that happens, it never gets fixed. I would also like to point out that again, as much as we "do our own thing" we still were not in charge of this tournament. I was hired to stream the event, supply equipment, and I offered my own staff to help with brackets because FR had some staffing issues. With me being who I am, and being present for the tournament, many assume that I have the be all end all say in what goes on, but I don't, and I never do at any tournament that isn't my own. We run events semi autonomously in the sense, the TO doesn't have to worry about us getting done or knowing what to ask for help about. When it comes down to tech issues like the hot fix glitch, not having patched systems, having brackets merged at the behest of event staff, we took care of things as quickly as possible. I really don't know what more one can ask for. The issues with late registration, KN has nothing to do with. We are handed brackets and have no reason to ask if anyone on the list isn't supposed to be there. Every tournament has this kind of thing happen and I would be astonished to ever see it not happen so long as there is at the door registration. There's a LOT of common sense being avoided in effort to take huge diarrhea dumps on KN.
The issue I believe people are having with KN, is the mentality to let issues slowly disappear in order to keep good relations with everyone. Sometimes Matt, you're way too nice of a guy. I wish you had a second half at KN who didn't care about their personal reputation. These grassroot tournaments suck, they have sucked and will continue to suck. It's not your fault, it never was. You and Nit are the sole reason we get to play at locals and majors around here. That said, when we keep running into these problems, people are looking at you as a leader to call them out.

At times your avoid problems if you can mentality is correct, I respected you not giving my number out without permission a few months ago when people were asking for it. But now is a time where we need you to stand up for us and say no more to all this shit.

One of two things will happen, and they are both win/win. It was my plan all along with the wb boycot.
A- we get better tournaments
B- they kick NRS games out making us go create our own events, which will be run by individuals who care
I have no knowledge of this being taken off of the front page. I have been at work all day. If fact, I re-promoted this around 3:30 PM and tweeted it out via mobile.

Without even listening to this but reading some comments, can I assume that there is Kombat Network bashing galore in this by @GGA 16 Bit ? If so, I'm getting the shits of this drama. The way I am seeing it is people who may have never ran a tournament want to criticize those who have been running tournaments for YEARS. I understand that there is a lot of money involved with traveling... obviously. However, bash, bash, bash, bash, BASH... okay, now what?

I don't like these issues any more than you guys do, so I hope things can be worked out..
That is without a doubt the worst thing you could say to defend them. Every time people say this I laugh out loud and shake my head. You are in fact making them look WORSE. When someone says, I have been doing this for years, you expect them to run a tight ship. What you don't expect, is for them to give shitty excuses of "you don't understand", "you're looking at it out of context."

The failings of the "leadership" of this community is astounding at times. Never have any of you tried to start up tournaments that focus on the game you love. Nope. Just gotta follow the TOs that started with Capcom games cuz we just don't get it. We have to follow their lead. You have to PAY THE SAME PRICE as the capcom players even though you are getting HALF the service. Is this the TO's fault? Hell no. They are like shit, if people want to pay us to play their game to the side, why not?

The Smash community was shit on for YEARS. They didn't even have a scene at these tournaments. Yet somehow they have grown off a 13 year old game and actually made TO's offer prime finals times, meanwhile this community has to just sit there and follow the old FGC guard. Can't do your own thing at all, nope gotta follow the guy's who "have done things for the community in the past"

And if you complain about something, well oh boy. You are a liar, you don't understand shit (as though it's some complicated rocket science affair), and my personal favorite, durrr why don't you tell us this to our face? oh cuz you say one thing, and then the opposite happens.

Oh and newsflash, being apart of the FGC does not mean you are all bound to eachother permanently. There is no reason why every tourney has to have 10 games. You can have less then 100 players and still put on a good show with good talent that people will watch. But i guess i just dont get how complicated it is to get a bunch of people together to play a game
What I love is, every step of the way I fought for a better tournament, fixed problems, addressed issues as they came up, and yet as always, a number of issues were only brought to my attention after the tournament, and when that happens, it never gets fixed. I would also like to point out that again, as much as we "do our own thing" we still were not in charge of this tournament. I was hired to stream the event, supply equipment, and I offered my own staff to help with brackets because FR had some staffing issues. With me being who I am, and being present for the tournament, many assume that I have the be all end all say in what goes on, but I don't, and I never do at any tournament that isn't my own. We run events semi autonomously in the sense, the TO doesn't have to worry about us getting done or knowing what to ask for help about. When it comes down to tech issues like the hot fix glitch, not having patched systems, having brackets merged at the behest of event staff, we took care of things as quickly as possible. I really don't know what more one can ask for. The issues with late registration, KN has nothing to do with. We are handed brackets and have no reason to ask if anyone on the list isn't supposed to be there. Every tournament has this kind of thing happen and I would be astonished to ever see it not happen so long as there is at the door registration. There's a LOT of common sense being avoided in effort to take huge diarrhea dumps on KN.
I think what you are failing to realize is that this isn't about FR. It's about a bunch of shit over a long period of time and it is boiling over. This problems happen over and over and over and over. You said yourself every tournament has this stuff happen. Well, when is it gonna stop. People aren't mad because YOU screwed up pools, they're mad because pools got screwed up AGAIN and they thought you were handling it. It seems to me no matter who the blame was put on, the same circle of people would say shut up, get over it.

The only "solutions" anyone is given is
1) You just don't get it (the true first Rebelo which was established probably 10 years ago @GGA 16 Bit )
2) Don't stop going to this tournament, hopefully it will be better next year
3) Next time so and so will run it so it will be better (how the hell you can say this a year in advance with confidence im not sure)
4) Go fuck yourselves I've done too much for this community

I'm not sure what you expect people to do when given these options


The Longbow Hunter.
I love KTP. But come on. Batgirl is just dumb. She has an unseeable 50/50 that leads in to a meter less vortex. A 50/50 DP and a teleport. I understand when I get outplayed and lose. But I can never feel outplayed by a Batgirl. She is dumb. If luck is on her side and I guess wrong I die. Anyone can and will lose to her that way. You don't need fundamentals for that dumb character. And how the hell is she YOLO? If she guesses wrong she is SAFE! Batgirl is mad cheap. Plain and simple.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
I love KTP. But come on. Batgirl is just dumb. She has an unseeable 50/50 that leads in to a meter less vortex. A 50/50 DP and a teleport. I understand when I get outplayed and lose. But I can never feel outplayed by a Batgirl. She is dumb. If luck is on her side and I guess wrong I die. Anyone can and will lose to her that way. You don't need fundamentals for that dumb character. And how the hell is she YOLO? If she guesses wrong she is SAFE! Batgirl is mad cheap. Plain and simple.
That 50/50 DP that you can just hold down to block?

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Really good episode.
@GGA Slips
I think the whole "some people are just good" thing isn't really true. How long have you been playing fighting games? It seems to me that you have just put in a shit ton of time and have become good because of that. Have you ever REALLY cared about being good or traveling for FPS games? You probably just enjoy fighting games more and are willing to put in more time. A perfect example of this is Glass Sword, who will admit that he was trash in MK. But after putting in a ton of time and becoming comfortable in tournaments he is now a competent fighting game player that is a threat to make top 8. There might be some truth to "some people are just better" but I think that everyone can improve and become top if they care enough.


King of the Kiddie Pool
Really good episode.
@GGA Slips
I think the whole "some people are just good" thing isn't really true. How long have you been playing fighting games? It seems to me that you have just put in a shit ton of time and have become good because of that. Have you ever REALLY cared about being good or traveling for FPS games? You probably just enjoy fighting games more and are willing to put in more time. A perfect example of this is Glass Sword, who will admit that he was trash in MK. But after putting in a ton of time and becoming comfortable in tournaments he is now a competent fighting game player that is a threat to make top 8. There might be some truth to "some people are just better" but I think that everyone can improve and become top if they care enough.
I'm with slips on this. I think everybody is born with a specific skill cap in different stuff. Even if they do devote time and care about getting better


Premium Supporter
The issue I believe people are having with KN, is the mentality to let issues slowly disappear in order to keep good relations with everyone. Sometimes Matt, you're way too nice of a guy. I wish you had a second half at KN who didn't care about their personal reputation. These grassroot tournaments suck, they have sucked and will continue to suck. It's not your fault, it never was. You and Nit are the sole reason we get to play at locals and majors around here. That said, when we keep running into these problems, people are looking at you as a leader to call them out.

At times your avoid problems if you can mentality is correct, I respected you not giving my number out without permission a few months ago when people were asking for it. But now is a time where we need you to stand up for us and say no more to all this shit.

One of two things will happen, and they are both win/win. It was my plan all along with the wb boycot.
A- we get better tournaments
B- they kick NRS games out making us go create our own events, which will be run by individuals who care
It is more about accepting that there are problems to be had at large events, and dealing with them. Unless there is a huge budget and some company running majors, there will be issues. The idea of running itty bitty tournaments just to keep your friends happy because you can manage tiny little sequences of events without much effort is a very limiting experience. Remember, I came into the scene when the entire Injustice tournament turnout was all the people at the event, so I've seen the scene grow more than 10 times beyond what it was, in addition, built a home for NRS games at majors in the North East that helped cement a spot nationally. If you don't run them at FGC events, they will fade into obscurity and in just a matter of time, disappear. There is a disconnect between the players who think the NRS just simply have always coexisted with the rest of the games in the scene, and were always up for the same treatment, and the ones who know what it took to get there. They weren't always there, because the games weren't popular against competitive players. Whether that was because they really weren't good, or those players had never been exposed to high level play for those games is a mystery, but today we know that there's a spot for them and people want to play them. If I was running a major, I'd have more catering towards NRS games and more problems with Capcom games because I simply don't have the capacity or resources for those games, and I'd have to hire extra help. This would mean more support on the shoulders of those in the community and less on me as a TO. This is sort of reflected in the RBR tournaments I run, where I always make sure to have the NRS games fully taken care of, since the numbers are low enough that I myself can handle it, but even with a few Capcom setups to supply things can go wrong. If you want to run NRS games out of the FGC, I suggest you stop trying because you are wasting your time and working against people like me. I will never subscribe to that. What you actually want are "perfect" or "ideal" tournaments with rainbow outcomes where everyone is happy. People are always upset with some aspect. While I have run what some people would in fact consider to be perfect tournaments in the past, it is purely chance that nothing went wrong, people were for the most part, satisfied with their pools, and no one got out of hand. While there are definitely some valid complaints with logical solutions that merely need to be applied as we go, and in fact, problems that weren't there before or were there and fixed, but don't always have a permanent fix, I have to say that really there is much ado about nothing here.


Premium Supporter
I think what you are failing to realize is that this isn't about FR. It's about a bunch of shit over a long period of time and it is boiling over. This problems happen over and over and over and over. You said yourself every tournament has this stuff happen. Well, when is it gonna stop. People aren't mad because YOU screwed up pools, they're mad because pools got screwed up AGAIN and they thought you were handling it. It seems to me no matter who the blame was put on, the same circle of people would say shut up, get over it.

The only "solutions" anyone is given is
1) You just don't get it (the true first Rebelo which was established probably 10 years ago @GGA 16 Bit )
2) Don't stop going to this tournament, hopefully it will be better next year
3) Next time so and so will run it so it will be better (how the hell you can say this a year in advance with confidence im not sure)
4) Go fuck yourselves I've done too much for this community

I'm not sure what you expect people to do when given these options
What are your suggestions?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Boycotting tournaments works!

The only reason injustice got the attention it deserved at WB is because my group and I made such a bitch fit and publicly boycotted the event. You all damn well know nothing would have happened if we didn't. And what happens, one tournament later, back to the same old shit?!
No, the reason IGAU got better attention at WB is because a couple of us actually went to Big E directly and talked about the issues instead of just complaining to other people about his assistants' actions. He said he wished someone had talked to him directly before and he'd do his best to help.

All people not showing up would have accomplished is a debacle after the tournament and a load of confusion.
Removed from front page: does not look good

Shock had storms /CO close the @legion666 thread about FR KN criticism
Nah, dude. FR KN critisism isn't my shit. I only post dirty tech threads. I am from Russia, remember. i can't get out to your awesome tournaments:(I wish I could (I wouldn't critisize anyone for sure if I have been to one). Though I am pleased that when someone like you on TYM thinks of a user with a name with a Legion and a number in it they think of me))))