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Calling all frauds from the East Coast



Let me know as EVO approaches (though as long as real life permits, the sooner you plan the better). Would love to help.
GAH. Your avatar, name and sig are making that episode of Family Guy repeat in my head. I'm going to be thinking about it all day.


You're confusing people laughing at you with being excited.
Tell em girl! I just like getting the aspies on this site fired up every once in a while. The owners of this site dont give a fuck about anyone south of new york/philly if you dont get it yet. Would be amazing to see them reply and say why they are unwilling to let teamhazmats stream show up on the list of promoted streams. Will it happen? NO.

I can understand why they would block mine at this point and dont really care to stream anymore anyway. But to block everything from az is petty as hell.