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Bank of Perfect Legend: INJ ranking system


Administrator and Community Engineer
It's not KDZ's fault or whoever else's fault the game was the way it was pre-patch.

Everyone agrees the asterisk for the homerun record in MLB is stupid. Roger Maris broke the record, but because people LOVED Babe Ruth and hated Roger Maris they tainted his record breaking season with an asterisk saying he broke the record just because there were more games in a season. Which is ridiculous considering all the stipulations that were in Babe's favor before the 120 game season came around that nobody wanted to talk about.

The MLB will likely never let Mark Mcwire, Sammy Sosa or Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame, even though the MLB KNEW they were using steroids and didn't regulate because it was drama and they were making $$$ with so many people watching.

Lets not be shitty like the MLB. The players played the game and played within the rules that were put in front of them. Nobody should be allowed to take that away from them. Blame the game. Blame the testers. I don't care blame who you want. But it's certainly not the player's fault.
I think there are 2 things at play here.

"Best of all time" style rankings in which people get credit for everything, not matter when it was. So for example if you asked "What is the best NFL team of all time, record-wise" you'd go back and list Superbowls, etc.

"Power rankings" -- The point of these is to determine who you think is playing the strongest currently, in the current set of league conditions. You specifically weight everything toward more current results because the goal is to sum up how things are going at the present time. Last season doesn't matter, and the beginning of this season may have some weight, but not as much as recent results. You don't get to keep a top power ranking just because you had an awesome few weeks at the start of the season.

These two kinds of rankings are not the same. People that are looking for one can't use the other to get it. I think the confusion between these two is what has everyone squabbling all the time over ranking stuff.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
It's not KDZ's fault or whoever else's fault the game was the way it was pre-patch.

Everyone agrees the asterisk for the homerun record in MLB is stupid. Roger Maris broke the record, but because people LOVED Babe Ruth and hated Roger Maris they tainted his record breaking season with an asterisk saying he broke the record just because there were more games in a season. Which is ridiculous considering all the stipulations that were in Babe's favor before the 120 game season came around that nobody wanted to talk about.

The MLB will likely never let Mark Mcwire, Sammy Sosa or Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame, even though the MLB KNEW they were using steroids and didn't regulate because it was drama and they were making $$$ with so many people watching.

Lets not be shitty like the MLB. The players played the game and played within the rules that were put in front of them. Nobody should be allowed to take that away from them. Blame the game. Blame the testers. I don't care blame who you want. But it's certainly not the player's fault.
Makes sense

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Power rankings

4. EMPR REVOLVER (now that he has joined the dark side he will be unbeatable)


This thread right here is why I will never EVER devote my time to be a pro FGC player.

I would rather spend an hour a day and be able to beat 65 percent of people that I play than 8 hours a day to beat 95, get my ass hurt if I don't place, and have to create a thread to make myself feel important.

Fucking hell people suck sometimes.
This is exactly my way of thinking. I salute you.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bitches and moans when he loses a tournament about inputs, controllers, monitors, sound, colours, people, speech, sunlight, wind, air, water, fire, birds, zebras, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

let me do another one

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says an evo win does not matter in MK, but vehemently defends VxG 30 man Injustice tournament as a credible win zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Or better yet zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says en evo MK win doesn't matter, wins a Mk tournament like three months later and wants a props thread zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit Carl.
whoa I have never said an evo win doesnt matter. Chance you are a bitter man for no reason lol. You should go back to being happy and doing mortal monday


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
Not meant as a poke at Carl, but the only thing I could think of after reading the title was the "Fraudulent Reserve." I watch the news too much.

Vulcan Hades

ONLY in the NRS community does a patch make your past accomplishments null and void, unless we like you.

Bravo, "community". You've reminded me of many things I'd forgotten about you.
Yeah well there's a reason for that. NRS games aren't really known for their quality at launch. They're known for their content and story mode lol.

Tekken, SSF4 and most japanese fighting games are quality games at launch with minimal bugs. So to me it's obvious that the early life of an NRS game isn't worth as much as a game that isn't a beta.

Don't get me me wrong, the testers did a good job and Injustice was a big improvement over day 1 MK9. But top players in other games (not named Marvel) weren't winning the early tournaments with block infinites, random frame data, meter drain and inescapable OTG resets.

But like Slips said: don't blame the players, blame the game.
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Yeah well there's a reason for that. NRS games aren't really known for their quality at launch. They're known for their content and story mode lol.

Tekken, SSF4 and most japanese fighting games are quality games at launch with minimal bugs. So to me it's obvious that the early life of an NRS game isn't worth as much as a game that isn't a beta.
I think that's because it's released in Japan before it's released in the states. So the real launch, bugs and all, are fished out by them.


TYM White Knight
whoa I have never said an evo win doesnt matter. Chance you are a bitter man for no reason lol. You should go back to being happy and doing mortal monday
I have nothing to be bitter about. I have everything I ever wanted and continue to work towards the things I don't. You also tried to discredit DJTs evo win, talked a lot of shit, and of course would never back it up with him.

That's pretty much the only Carl story I ever see now a days.

If there was 1 thing I were to be bitter about? Probably the extreme short sightedness of our top players.

I love drama man, I really do, I even ask for it sometimes, however, the top players need to cut the shit, call a spade a spade, and back up their smack talk.

If PL is going to call out anyone, he should be fully prepared to back it up. Same for Tom Brady, Theo, Pig, Bit etc. etc. etc. No one should be exempt from that. When you go around talking shit about someones gameplay ability, and then refuse to play them...it's just a whole lot of arguing for nothing.
It's a double edged sword to discredit wins pre patch. Some players played characters not considered to be top 10 and managed to win. Is that not valid?

And when it comes to people who do play top tiers consider this. Superman was considered OP and was nerfed. Now we have MMH who many would agree should be patched and honestly probably stronger than pre patch superman. Should we discredit the wins of people using MMH? The only difference is that there is no upcoming patch.

Regardless an actual ranking system holds little weight. Tournament results don't even always come down to who's the best. The bracket plays a huge role. Had 16 bit not had Wound Cowboy in his pool he may have ended up top 8. Rico didn't land top 8 at WB or NEC yet many would agree he's one of the best overall. And the game beingas young as it is the ooverall best players probably shift every few months.


And this is why I said making a ranking system would be an issue..................., personally I say screw points and just post the results of players (anything that was streamed/ known of). Giving points based on (how tough you think a tournament was) is completely biased. Just post the damn results and leave it at that. The moment someone tries to rank players, all we get is a thread like this, damn TYM is something else. There's a reason some who are apart of the NRS community barely even go on TYM........... pretty self explanatory.
And this is why I said making a ranking system would be an issue..................., personally I say screw points and just post the results of players (anything that was streamed/ known of). Giving points based on (how tough you think a tournament was) is completely biased. Just post the damn results and leave it at that. The moment someone tries to rank players, all we get is a thread like this, damn TYM is something else. There's a reason some who are apart of the NRS community barely even go on TYM........... pretty self explanatory.
Agreed 100%. Just post results, congratulate people, level up, and move on.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Just implement @KDZ 's recommended system @CrimsonShadow @Perfect Legend that 8way uses
Did anyone bother to look into it? If I explained the flaws in it for a community such as this one, with the travel schedules and tournament locations that are typical for IGAU tournament players, would people understand?

I think 99% of people just go from what they're told and don't bother to investigate things.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Did anyone bother to look into it? If I explained the flaws in it for a community such as this one, with the travel schedules and tournament locations that are typical for IGAU tournament players, would people understand?
Implement it and let it rock


Agreed 100%. Just post results, congratulate people, level up, and move on.
straight up, this would eliminated the "subjective aspects of a ranking system" and just show purely factual results. Then everyone can see what X player has done and predict/speculate on what they can do in the future. Eliminates all the useless drama.


It's amore, BABY.
You can't fault a ranking system based on players who decide not to our can't make events.

"90% of success is showing up".

MIT, the way the system has rocking so far, I've NEVER been seeded #1 at a major during the entirety of injustice. Never, all due to opinions rather than results.

Sounds like the current "system"needs an overhaul.


Implement it and let it rock

this is what I'm saying... Implement it and flow with the go...

People argue over the BCS rankings, The USA/Today Coaches Poll, AP Rankings, NCAA Tourney selections etc etc... OF course there will be arguments all over the place but create a TYM system. Its fun to dissect these systems doesn't mean they are wrong or totally flawed (just not perfect but what is?)

@CrimsonShadow @KDZ @STORMS


Administrator and Community Engineer
this is what I'm saying... Implement it and flow with the go...

People argue over the BCS rankings, The USA/Today Coaches Poll, AP Rankings, NCAA Tourney selections etc etc... OF course there will be arguments all over the place but create a TYM system. Its fun to dissect these systems doesn't mean they are wrong or totally flawed (just not perfect but what is?)

@CrimsonShadow @KDZ @STORMS
But if you're going to pay $200 for a ranking system and have to maintain it, you might want to take your time and evaluate the situation (and various ranking systems) first :)

Personally I don't think anybody should recommend or endorse anything without taking the time to do their homework.