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Crispy cancels...

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
So do you want them to be as hard as Liu or D'Vorah or do you want them all to be easy?

I'm really asking.
They can stay the same but people need to stop bitching about shit they know nothing about.
Also, what about Marksman rifle cancels or lightning cancels in combos for Raiden? Hard? Easy? Should be harder?
Raidens seem easy to medium and marksman are as easy as Jax and scorp...super simple.
How tough are Hellfire cancels compared to Pred, Jax and Kang?
Scorp Jax and predator seem easy mode to me.

Cage devorah and Kang have hardest cancels imo.


After grinding it out with a list I truly think his cancels are the hardest. Im still struggling a bit with them but still practicing.

Jax, Dvorahs, marksmen, raiden are a joke imo. Anything df input is so much easier.

Hqt and Tanya I don't even consider it a run cancel. It's just dashing. It's nothing.

Dragon fire and a list are probably the most difficult because of the bf motion. But I do seem to hit df more consistently. Seems like the buffer to run cancel is a bit more forgiving in that var.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
MKX cancels tier list

hardest to easiest

(Harder than they should be)
Devorah brood mother
Kang Dragon fire
Cage a list

(Right where they should be)
Jacqui high tech
Raiden thunder God
Tanya kobu jutsu (only cause it got nerfed)

(Way too easy)
Devorah swarm queen
Scorp hell fire
Predator hqt
Ferra/torr ruthless
Erron Black marksman
Jax heavy weapons

Tell me if I missed something
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In Zoning We Trust
MKX cancels tier list

hardest to easiest

(Harder than they should be)
Devorah brood mother
Kang Dragon fire
Cage a list

(Right where they should be)
Jacqui high tech
Raiden thunder God
Tanya kobu jutsu (only cause it got nerfed)

(Way too easy)
Scorp hell fire
Predator hqt
Ferra/torr ruthless
Erron Black marksman
Jax heavy weapons

Tell me if I missed something
Swarm Queen.


Why isn't Jax's Farm a playable stage?
High Tech cancels are the easiest imo. But she needs it so I'm okay with it.


Dvorah cancels are string specific T_T
Tremor's db1 is easy (dd), but the ex db2 is harder coz you gotta press twice R2 :confused:


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I'm still not sure I understand the point of this thread.

Not every character gets the same thing off their cancels. Kang, D'Vorah, Cage, Pred get plus frames, sure.

Marksman doesn't, Heavy Weapons doesn't, Raiden's are only used in-combos.

So if different characters rc are used for different reasons(i.e. frame traps, mind games, extending combos) should they all work the same?

Are Predator mains popping off about their execution?

Who is allegedly complaining about them?

I don't play a RC character, but I have no problem with them being in the game.


In Zoning We Trust
WTF?!? Lmao!!! Just went to the lab to test out this "just dash with HQT for +pressure" bs. I thought it had to be an error because I never paid attention to what cancels people use against me I just know they're plus.

Real talk, WTF is this ish?!? Lmao!!! Seriously? Godlike zoning with mindless thoughtless +frame pressure??? Who thought this was good character design?! Wow. WOW. Lolz worthy shit.

But remember folks, let's make sure not to make Jason, Kenshi, Kano, and Jacqui too strong. :DOGE


Searching for an alt.
1frame link optimal combos. Git Gud bruh.

Edit: Since I use SQ/Venom D'Vorah and A-List/SD Cage now I demand points for being an Execution God. :coffee:
Oh I got those on lock, Brood Mother was my original main in this game! Where's my medal?

Training mode is the most fun when trying things you think you can't possibly do and then doing them.

DT Tundra

Steam Name:Tundra_Arctos Twitter: @tundraarctos
I feel like difficulty in cancels will differ from person to person. I have tried Dvorah's cancels and while they are difficult, I was able to do them with more success than Kang's, on hit at least. Getting F44 FBRC F44 to combo is a nightmare for me.


Nobody's afraid of Bruce Wayne
Let's cut the bullshit TYM.

There is so much miss information going around it makes me sick. The ideas of run cancels is specifically what I'm talking about. Can you name all the characters with them?

If you listed predator on your list you are dead wrong. Can we talk about predator cancels? I must admit I didn't know this until last night but when I figured it out I almost fell over. I was under the impression that HQT had the same run cancels as everyone else. I thought Burger King had godlike execution but then I tried it myself.

There is no run cancel. He can just dash out of it and be + frames. When a character like Kang dashes out he actually dashes and loses frames. The simplicity of this baffles me. Try it for yourself. Practice Liu Kang f44 fbrc f44 and then go practice predator 32 dash cancel 122. Easy mode.

HQT has pre patch Tanya teleport cancel pressure but easier and with more plus frames.

Next up is Jax. His cancels although they are true run cancels, they are soooooo easy. I think it's the DB motion but it doesn't take a hit box to do these 100% of the time. I figured it out in 5 minutes and haven't messed up yet everyday I practice Kang f44 fbrc f44 and am inconsistent.

A list cage has true run cancels that are difficult however off his "dizzy knee" f3, he can just easily rc out while holding 4 to hit confirm or be + frames. I hope this one was known already but FYI just the same. Respect to those that can do them consistently although I have seen dizzy mess them up time to time.

Anyways...my point is this, don't assume one thing equals another. Fbrc for Kang are not fbrc for predator. Some high execution characters like cage and devorah have them but most have something very different with totally different inputs.

End rant. #buffkang&tanya&nightwing
yeah I would definitely like to see them get rid of the dash cancels and replace them all with run cancels that required somewhat equal execution, don't really see the point of having both of them. With predator or any character that has dash cancels it takes a half bar of stamina to do one cancel so you can only do two back to back, are you able to do more than two back to back with characters with run cancels if you do it fast enough?


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
WTF?!? Lmao!!! Just went to the lab to test out this "just dash with HQT for +pressure" bs. I thought it had to be an error because I never paid attention to what cancels people use against me I just know they're plus.

Real talk, WTF is this ish?!? Lmao!!! Seriously? Godlike zoning with mindless thoughtless +frame pressure??? Who thought this was good character design?! Wow. WOW. Lolz worthy shit.

But remember folks, let's make sure not to make Jason, Kenshi, Kano, and Jacqui too strong. :DOGE
What was that you were telling me the other day?

Someone has to be high tier?

Something like that?


AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
WTF?!? Lmao!!! Just went to the lab to test out this "just dash with HQT for +pressure" bs. I thought it had to be an error because I never paid attention to what cancels people use against me I just know they're plus.

Real talk, WTF is this ish?!? Lmao!!! Seriously? Godlike zoning with mindless thoughtless +frame pressure??? Who thought this was good character design?! Wow. WOW. Lolz worthy shit.

But remember folks, let's make sure not to make Jason, Kenshi, Kano, and Jacqui too strong. :DOGE
Everyone needs to test this and realize it the way you and I have. This was my reaction exactly.

On the phone with @Pig Of The Hut and he will tell you.


Positive Poster!
Nah, predator is fine. Buff his damage. He doesn't do twice as much as Kitana just yet. Almost there.
Quan though, he needs buffs.
Armour on his d1 plz. And if you think an armoured normal is a bad idea, look at bojutsu. He already has one.
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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I also found out HQT stuffs every wake up in the entire game w specific character Enders . Even ex slide from reptile, ex spin from Lao, etc etc

he has specific Enders for every character to destroy all wake ups and armor wake ups . It's w disc into strings after ending in specific combos . Like put reptile in corner wake up ex slide . 32 ex bf4 4 up laser 32 bf2 . Then do Low laser disc hits and u can combo off disc. Orr against Tanya ex rekka or ex cammy drill do this combo setup 32 ex bf4 4 up laser 32 bf2 instantly then do b22 laser xx. This is broke lol, because I can hit confirm if I stuff ur ex wake up or if I see u blocked disc and b22 I can cancel and throw, block, or more pressure



Bug of tater's
Do you do the b1 and 112 bug cancels with dvorah? If not you can't call them easy their like 3 frame links. Also her pressure has different timings when you can cancel it out on block then it does on hit. (which i think Liu Kang is like that now)