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Confirmed: PS3/X360 MKX Versions Delayed Until Summer


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In terms of fighters, most of last the gen stuff that is played in tournaments is already on or coming to next gen (Injustice, Ultra Street fighter 4, Guilty Gear, Dead or Alive) not to mention games that will only be played on next gen (Tekken 7, MKX and SFV). After Evo I don't think anyone will be running anything on last gen (maybe the niche anime fighters) and thats only 4 months away.
Very good point about the new games, but don't all those games play as well on old gen? I know tournaments are moving on but the home practice still applies from old gen for the moment, I was just hoping I could do the same with MKX. If I can't then I can't, but until this thread I honestly thought I could.
Also, don't get a TE2. They are not worth it, either get a dual mod or buy the cheaper Hori's and add sanwa parts if you don't like the ones that come stock. Of the 4 next gen sticks I have, the TE2 is my least favorite.
I just threw out the TE2 for the round number. I will do more research before buying a new stick. I am leaning towards the Hori, last I checked they don't manufacture octo-gates for those, and you have to make one yourself? Most of the sticks I know of for PS4 are sold out everywhere already anyway. Hori and Madcatz both have a "good luck, we'll ship it later" type message on their sites, which is frustrating.


cr. HP Master
I can't speak for anyone else, but I can't afford to buy a PS4 at the moment. I'll be on my ps3 until they stop making games for it.
Well, my post isn't directed towards people that can't afford it. Trust me, I know that game very well. My post is aimed towards people that have the money and refuse to purchase a current gen system because of "a lack of games." I understand that as well, but if you can afford it, why not get the best version of MKX?


Neutral Skipper
NRS aren't overseeing the last-gen versions, so if you were gonna go with one of those, you'd be getting screwed anyway.

Sucks, but it's the truth.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think it's still a nice gesture just for NRS or whoever to port the game to last gen, you don't see anyone else doing that *cough SF4, Smash, Tekken etc* lol

Don't matter though, most people will buy it for Xbox one, PS4. Even the Kollectors Edition import is way cheaper on ebay for the PC compared to the console versions...


Est In Harvey 1989


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The smart stuff!
Postponing game's releases is not something new in gaming world. I could care less, since I'm getting PC version, yet, I can't see how WB/NRS sought that it's ok to release game earlier for two platforms and leave last gen consoles for later dates. I'd rather wait until all version are finished. I'm so freakin' glad CD Projekt RED is not an ass like that witch Witcher 3 and if they move release dates (which they did), they move it for all platforms. If you look at it from right perspective, time left till PS3/Xbox 360 are done could be used to make PC/PS4 versions even better.

Edit: one of polish retailers also moved ps3/xbox360 versions released dates to 28.05.2015, so there's something sad going on indeed. http://www.empik.com/szukaj/produkt?q=mortal+kombat+x&qtype=basicForm
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Meta saltmine
Well, we didn't start it :p

OT: I don't think that 30th of June is something to go by. I assume that it's just a placeholder made by shop, as usual.

And ofc such ports are likely to be delayed. You need the game being finished first before you can actully finalize whatever port you are doing. PC version is expected to come on shcedule mostly because nextgen consoles are basically PCs architecture-wise and it's less work to port something between them and PC, I think.
...because graphics shouldn't determine whether or not the game is fun to you. Eye candy is great and all that, but as long as the game runs smoothly and is fun to play are all that should really matter to anyone.
For real.. I would happily play an 8 bit MKX if it had the same gameplay that our future MKX holds.

Sure graphics are nice, but I really don't give a fuck. I have a beast of a rig for gaming and yet I frequently turn the graphics to their lowest settings on multiplayer games just to achieve the highest frame rate possible.

Deleted member 5032

This is sad in my opinion.
People like you will say that MK X right now has awesome graphics while in 5 years you'll say it has shitty graphics.
I remember when Shadows of the Empire came out on N64. At the time I thought "Holy shit! Look at those graphics!". Now I'm like "Holy shit, look at those graphics!" (but, you know, in a bad way). I think that's just the nature of gaming progress.


I remember when Shadows of the Empire came out on N64. At the time I thought "Holy shit! Look at those graphics!". Now I'm like "Holy shit, look at those graphics!" (but, you know, in a bad way). I think that's just the nature of gaming progress.
Well, Shadows of the Empire is nearly 20 years old. While MK X on PS3 will probably look a lot like MK 9.

Still not a reason to not play a game. It's almost like some people think it's a crime to play older/"uglier" games.
You're playing the game for its gameplay. Graphics will only make people go "damn this game looks good, I need to try it out" but they'll stick around for the gameplay.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
...because graphics shouldn't determine whether or not the game is fun to you. Eye candy is great and all that, but as long as the game runs smoothly and is fun to play are all that should really matter to anyone.
This is sad in my opinion.
People like you will say that MK X right now has awesome graphics while in 5 years you'll say it has shitty graphics.
I was talking about the studio making the game? Now that they are not restricted like they was some 2 years ago, why would they deal with those restrictions again?

And yes if graphics has moved forward in a positive direction, no shit I would say the graphics are shitty in 5 years. Compared to MKX, MK9 graphics are shitty. Wtf point were you getting at? Lmao


I was talking about the studio making the game? Now that they are not restricted like they was some 2 years ago, why would they deal with those restrictions again?

And yes if graphics has moved forward in a positive direction, no shit I would say the graphics are shitty in 5 years. Compared to MKX, MK9 graphics are shitty. Wtf point were you getting at? Lmao
Just shows how quickly you lose your appreciation.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Just shows how quickly you lose your appreciation.
When I watched a video on the Youtube channel Extra Credits, who are 3 game designers, and they say "I'm glad we aren't restricted by past gen video cards and we can finally move forward from the poor graphics we had to settle with"...I think that I'm just agreeing with the consensus. 3 years ago we could have had current gen graphics but 360/PS3 were not up to speed.

Remember when MK4 came out? Everyone was like "Wow, MK in 3D! There's no way graphics can get better than this!" Now we see it and we can see how poor the graphics are. Stop, for some reason, defending poor graphics. It doesn't have feelings, it won't cry.