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Zatanna, Why?


Another thing, patients is key with her for sure! I think that is why people are struggling with her. When they start getting rushdown online, nerves gets the best of them and the don't know what to do. Teleport to safety is your best bet to reset you and your opponent back to neutral. Oh how complicated she is. Wish her teleport was easier to pull off at will. I have gotten wayyyyyyyy better with teleporting where I wanna go. But sometimes i still slip and end up in a bad position. Also I would recommend that everyone should play in rooms and play koth. That is how you really test if you are getting better with her. Playing random ranked matches with her is not a way to determine your skill bc you only play that person once and more then often you will get spammed and lamed out. Most of the people on there are trying to improve ranking so will do whatever it takes. Bc of that ranking doesn't really give a Zatanna player the chance to try out new stuff and setups. Basically you can't learn with her in ranking bc people see her as an opportunity to just expose and rush her down bc of her terrible normals. Bottom line stick with rooms and koth in the beginning. My opinion but it helps a lot!
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My biggest issues are with her normals either whiffing or getting beat by the rest of the cast. Same goes for her specials outside of hat stance, they all have terrible startup. Things that are punishable by most other characters, suddenly are safe vs Zatana. GL is such a frustrating matchup with Zatana. I know I have to meter burn a lot and use her trait for meter, but what do you do in so many of her bad matchups?

I know this isn't the matchup thread, but when I look at Zatana I see some really cool tools that don't seem to take into account what the rest of the cast can do. There is still a lot to learn about her, but I feel like I don't know where to begin.

Right now I'm trying to use her 221 and her F211 to get space and use the hat. I try to use BF3MB as much as possible at range. Anything else would be helpful.