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Zatanna Revealed as the New DLC Character for Injustice!


When's DragonBall?
I watched the vid,and other than her Super I admit she looks pretty dang awesome gameplay wise...lot of tricks up her sleeve(pun intended)

Did I see flight into a teleport cancelled MB dive kick tho??Wowzers
And what the hell was that invulnerabilty 3-person stance when Grundy couldn't Super her??Kinda crazy
Lol @ the apologists here trying to convince themselves NRS is listening to the fans. She's a clusterfuck of MK moves.

Gee, why wouldn't they have more time to give her a complete moveset from the ground up? Could it be that NRS was too busy trying to trojan someone else into the game only for the project to be scrapped in light of the backlash towards another similar DLC character? #Kappa


When's DragonBall?
And not with this game :p
LoL.Alright,let the games begin...we'll see about that. If not it's fine and I'll body her with GL(my fave hero) but I do believe Red Hood is next and will auto be my 2nd main. I WILL shoot this bytch in the face


When's DragonBall?
IIIII wouldn't say she's broken just yet...i'll wait til the release and folks playing with her here to see what she's really got first,she DOES have some RIDICULOUS tools tho. Like WOW


25th place Tempest Lao
damn, she looks really good.....she's looking top 10, i guess we'll have to wait for her to come out.

Elder God

Ed explain on the twitter clues related with magic...
With Zatanna release is Scorpion go to the villians side?
For me the best choice is Black Canary for the next DLC character...


xbl-OBS trustinme
Why couldn't her super be something like she's a pulls a rabbit out of her ass and beats u to death with it? yeah she looks fun,proberly another character ill take into the lab and give up with just like zod and mmh because I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with them.