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Match Footage - High Tech Yo did you guys catch that awesome High Tech Jacqui on stream?


AUS FGC represent!
Yeah but I set myself up to be let down I have actually played a good HTC Jacqui online that was dominating a koth with 60% corner combos he was at 67 wins when I join then lost to a comando kano I just wish I could remember his GT
Her corner damage is hardly the issue. It's everything else about her that sucks.

I'd gladly take a 5% corner damage nerf if it meant she could get some of her issues addressed.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Jacqui needs some help,
Arby's makes meat sandwiches,
This is a haiku.

(She was fucked the moment they decided to combine cornrows of all hairstyles with Deathstroke-style firearm zoning and Sektor-grade shitty reaching normals.)