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Wonder Woman Matchup Guide / Discussion


Filthy Casual

Wonder Woman Matchup Discussion

The purpose of this guide:
  • Establish an archived discussion specific to MU exploration that won’t get buried amongst other information in other threads.
  • Provide a platform for players to seek support from other players more versed in specific MU strategy.
  • Allow room for debating MU numbers / MU charts / Tier lists (though I ask to please provide explanation/context in addition to numbers or it’s not much of a conversation.)
Character MU spoiler tabs:
  • Quoted / lifted conversation from this thread (and others) about specific beneficial aspects of a MU strategy.
  • Video highlighting MU strategy against specific characters.
What to expect in thread updates:
  • I’ll be sporadically adding to the spoiler tab section of each character based on the level of conversation, information, and user created content that I come across.
  • Additional DLC characters being added upon release into the live game.
  • Appendix tabs that highlight general Wonder Woman strategy / stage strategy / game mechanic strategy.
Try to be always at the range of shield toss. If aquaman db2, punish him with shield toss. Congrats you have the life lead lol.

If he try to jump in = anti air. His jump is very floatty

Almost string combo of aquaman with long range are unsafe. Punish with lasso, charge or shield. Or even d2.

Keep your meter for a air escape and punish.

I sincerely feel its a hard 5-5 for HIM, or a 4-6 for him. He literally can't do anything anywhere. If he's in shield toss range, he isn't getting out anything because she will punish each and every time. If he's fullscreen, she's walking him down; anything blocked or crouched is a free whiffed bash to close to gap in an instant and you're in sweet spot range again. In the corner, you can safely stay out of his range and chip him with JI3's or air down shields. One, because if he tries to armor, you can shield on reaction from the JI3 and break it, and two, his best punish at that distance is FTD, and its too slow to punish her, so he'll risk eating a shield reversal or combo depending on the distance. And of course, the infamous MBbash which he has to hold. If he plays smart, he's gonna get chipped out; if he plays risky or unsafe, he's eating damage. You literally have to do nothing but let him hang himself or respect you.

This is the range, in all aspects, I'm talking about. And it conditions him to respect her jump ins, so he's going to eat JI3's eventually. Mind you, this character isn't moving but a Aquaman player will be walking themselves into the corner where you can camp outside

Shield toss range, he can't blood puddle. In the corner, even on knockdown, he isn't getting up because crouching will punish him, or using lasso grab will snag him out of his wakeup. In the neutral, he's risking his mixes to either open up or receive a 40% punish minimum. It evens out when trait is out but that's the case with every character. This a MU where if you play it smart, you will have meter to pushblock to run eDexxstar out. Or you can run away to fullscreen and use shield tosses in the air to hover over the orbs and puddle zoning. Cornered, everyone suffers no matter who it is so it's kinda whatever. She can abuse her JI3 against him too and upclose, can interrupt his d1 cancels on block for a full punish.

He currently just has too many tools and plus frames tbh. Her d2 is too slow to stop his jumping around if he plays it safe and smart so you have to hold it half of the time. There's no actual risk for him to do anything anywhere so that's why I put it as a 4-6 and not a 5-5. In the corner, she can bully him, sure, but he will nearly always have meter and trait available to find the means to get out or push you back so he gets an opening.

A look on approaching the Black Adam MU. Starts off a little rocky, but progresses each match:


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Filthy Casual
She can punish shield tosses at slightly below max range with catdash, so you can't exactly turtle her as efficiently as with other characters. However, air down shields are safe and get the job done. It's a MU where a smart CW won't really let you build meter while also preventing her fake zoning. So this hinders your ability to blow up her jumping a bit because you may not always have a MBb3. On the flip side, whiffing bashes underneath her jumping build you meter and evade the jumps altogether, so idk. WW can punish either catdash for a full combo every single time, as well as her jump ins, and can oki her decently, but CW can also oki us too. That's why it's undecided between even or not.

- Some lasers can be ducked (probably already know)
- Depending on where they do it from, shield bash closes the gap also hits them if you block the laser within range. I want to say it punishes but they might just not be blocking.
- Her D2 is really good at catching his Teleport
- Use your parry to catch lasers, her parry works against his super!
- Darkseid lacks mids if I'm not mistaken?

Slow, gradual approach. Isn't going to be fun nor easy however.

Some Darkseid and Green Arrow matches; mostly Darkseid. I think I more or less know how to approach that MU now, it feels 5-5

I don't think it's that bad tbh. His zoning isn't the issue, its his air to airs, his B1, and his 50/50's. Playing it patiently and smart will get you far with him, but it isn't exactly countering anything, I just wouldn't list it as 3-7. She has a good chance to beat him but his tools are just absurd for anyone. I think she fairs better than most because of her JI3, and air down shield and her jumps in general. You can jump in between shots and be safe about it, covering more distance.

And one versus Dab's Fate. I'm getting the hang of this MU more and its significantly easier to parry his pew pews on reaction when the connection is smoother. Wasn't that bad at all, but it was smoother the first time we played:

Fate - its either even or in his favor, not sure. She can somewhat lock him in the corner but his meterbuild is the real issue. He pretty much always has bar to MBroll and him having one of the shortest dashes in the game let him roll out a lot easier and successfully than pretty much anyone else. In the nuetral she can check him with a lot and will almost always successfully walk him down. The problem lies with the meter he's built by that time and he does with it.

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Filthy Casual
WIth GL his zoning isn't as controlling, but it's his oki that's the issue.But on the flips side, she too can oki him hard and run his health down by locking him down.

She has good footsies and zoning, but WW can evade and/or parry stuff on reaction, especially versus Harley. Harley is even imo because her zoning is near useless if you're more or less mastered your mobility and parry reactions; plus Hyenas can be parried, so you still take no damage on so much.


Has no real answer to JI3 or on oki and is going to spend the ENTIRE match on her toes, constantly backdashing herself into corners where you can have your way with her. Even if Ivy gets the first hit and/or sets up her game first/early. You CAN catch up strictly in chip because Ivy HAS to hold it. Ivy has to respect WW anywhere she's close, plus you can parry her F3 on reaction and punish her for it.

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Filthy Casual
Just played Scar and it reassured it's even. The current problem is how auto pilot Superman is with his recovery and jump ins; they're active asf and have phantom hitboxes. It isn't really an issue outside of air to airs, but it still is something he can do almost freely. He can't effectively zone without getting chipped back or hit out by air shields. and he risks doing trait cancels or footsies because of her parry, backdash and 6f D1. Both hit hard, he obviously hit's harder, but he has to spend his resources for it while she only needs 1 bar. He has to hold her JI3 also and is not getting out of the corner without thinking outside the box.

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Deleted member 5032

I think she handles Cheetah well; either 5/5 or 6/4 at worst (advantage WoWo). If Cheetah gets a life lead then it can be hard for WoWo to chase her down, but otherwise her straight shield and up shield are able to keep Cheetah in check rather well. I believe she can also parry the gap in Cheetah's 332 string. D2 handles Blood Lunge rather well. If within d1 range, WoWo can punish Cheetah's d3 with a full combo. Otherwise, Cheetah's got to break through the wall of d2, b2, lasso, straight shield, up shield, IA down-shield, and shield bash, which is by no means an easy feat for her.

@EMPRESS_SunFire probably has better insight into that matchup, though.
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Filthy Casual
UPDATE (6/14/2017): Went through the general discussion thread to try and piece together concrete character specific strategy discussion and information/match footage that supports aforementioned strategy. A lot of it ended up being from Akro but only because he talked specifically about what works in specific matchups so it makes a solid baseline reference. I know we've been preoccupied with buffs and the new DLC but hopefully we can get the ball rolling again with MU talk / strategy.

@STB Sgt Reed @Yoaks @EMPRESS_SunFire @Akromaniac27 @Nivek @karaokelove @TheGabStandard @Ryu Hayabusa @Gooberking @Stanlos @LEGI0N47 @shyndoa @SadoDragon @xWEBSx @Lex Luthor II @ChatterBox @Gustavness


Regina George of discord
I think she handles Cheetah well; either 5/5 or 6/4 at worse (advantage WoWo). If Cheetah gets a life lead then it can be hard for WoWo to chase her down, but otherwise her straight shield and up shield are able to keep Cheetah in check rather well. I believe she can also parry the gap in Cheetah's 332 string. D2 handles Blood Lunge rather well. If within d1 range, WoWo can punish Cheetah's d3 with a full combo. Otherwise, Cheetah's got to break through the wall of d2, b2, lasso, straight shield, up shield, IA down-shield, and shield bash, which is by no means an easy feat for her.

@EMPRESS_SunFire probably has better insight into that matchup, though.
I actually agree with that, I've played this MU from both sides and I think Wonder Woman has a slight advantage, her neutral game is good + her projectiles can keep Cheetah out well, WW's wake-up is fully invincible so she has better options than some characters when she gets knocked down and WW has an easier time getting trait out against her.


Ready to lose your head?
Here's a ft10 versus the only Brainiac that actually gives me a hard time. This character's mixups are absolute cancer but yeah, here's how I approach it more or less:



Dojo Trainee
I actually agree with that, I've played this MU from both sides and I think Wonder Woman has a slight advantage, her neutral game is good + her projectiles can keep Cheetah out well, WW's wake-up is fully invincible so she has better options than some characters when she gets knocked down and WW has an easier time getting trait out against her.
The mention of her Up Amalthea Bash reminded me of the Batman match I blocked from my memory. This guy! His parry nullify both UAB and the regular Amalthea Bash. And he has that annoying low starter to eat the regular one too. I feel like he beats the Amazon handily. His being full screen spamming batarangs enables him to build meter faster than I can parrying them. :(


Ready to lose your head?
A visual I put together for her MU's. Of course this is just my opinion on her MU's at the moment so feel free to disagree or agree. Those listed as N/A are either because the character isn't out yet, or I have virtually no MU experience to give any feedback on. The dots represent the playstyles needed, or that I have found offer the most success in each MU and they are explained below:

RED dots: Stop, don't engage unless absolutely necessary and just turtle. Be smart with the shield tosses and parries and when to check them with lasso grabs and bashes. Really understanding your mobility,/movement, spacing, and air control is key in these MU's.

YELLOW dots: Be cautious, you're never going to be comfortable in this MU. You'll be swapping between offense and defense and shimmying all throughout. You have to manage your meter exceptionally well in these MU's and REALLY know your spacing. In general, these MU's require the most knowledge for using WW because it will call for every tool she has.

GREEN dots: Go, go, go! Rush them down, MB your bashes, JI3 on them, check them, etc. These are the MU's where you must rush them down and stay on top of their asses or else you will surely lose

In this spoiler is a default display for anyone interested in saving it for their own use like for other characters or for Wonder Woman also, but their own numbers:

If you wanna add this to the OP or for whenever there's a consensus on numbers, thats cool too.
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Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
IMO she wins against canary, cheetah, bane, grodd.

Even with Beetle, Flash, Scarecrow and Robin.

Loses to pretty much everyone. Deadshot, Firestorm, Cyborg and batman being her toughest matchups.
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The best mediocre Batman
Just wanted to pop in and say that I agree that Batman wins 6-4. His meter build and space control dictates the pace of the match.

Curious, why does WW beat Canary 7-3? Seems pretty lopsided.


The anticipation is killing me
You are not troubled by the reach on her bizarre creeping lows?
Not really, do to WoWo's space control Canary has to take a risk to get in (without trait) and that can be quite hard if you are on point in keeping the battle in midrange


Ready to lose your head?
Gonna update the visual soon, but if you're wondering what would change:

Deadshot from 4-6 to 5-5
Green Lantern from 5-5 to 4-6
Joker from 5-5 to 6-4
Red Hood I believe is 6-4 for her


Ready to lose your head?
Just wanted to pop in and say that I agree that Batman wins 6-4. His meter build and space control dictates the pace of the match.

Curious, why does WW beat Canary 7-3? Seems pretty lopsided.
Wonder Woman outranges her so hard and it's pretty much the only MU where you're at liberty to throw out shields pretty much at any range and not get punished. The only time you're going to get punished for them is if its relatively close and she has lvl 3 trait. What this means is that WW can continually turtle and evade Canary while chipping her out with shield tosses.

-If she tries to cartwheel in, lasso will snatch her out.
-If she tries to jump in or Canary drop, D2 will take her out.
-If she manages to get in and attempts a mix, blocked correctly, its a punish on her. Guess wrong, you should more or less always have 2 bars by that point to just tech out, and Canary now just wasted her trait plus a bar
-Canary has to respect b2 range in which nothing of hers will reach or challenge WW. She can hard read a parry, but if you;re switching it up between B2, lasso, and shields, you pretty much establish she can't do anything in that range
-Canary has to respect WW's jump ins
-Canary cornered is more or less GG. Delayed lasso snatches her out of all her wakeups. Meaty JI3 she has to hold
-MBroll for Canary is a gamble because you can D1 on reaction to punish her, or if she catches you off guard she the potential to mix

Lvl 3 trait is her only saving grace in this MU and all it means for us is to be patient and wait it out. She can't do anything to us or chip us without using it, so once she wastes it, you can go back to literally playing however you want against her.


Ready to lose your head?
Here's a pretty long set I had versus Scar and a range of his characters. Granted not all of them are characters he "mains" mains, but as a pro player, he still knows what to do. I forgot to record the last couple of matches but it went more or less how the rest of the Stupidman vs WW matches went. Score ended up 30-29 for me; didn't really HAVE a ft30 lol...more or just kept playing until we settled on a number:



Dojo Trainee
Not really, do to WoWo's space control Canary has to take a risk to get in (without trait) and that can be quite hard if you are on point in keeping the battle in midrange

My challenges with WW are the disconnect from the lore which enhances the frustration on the range thing and the difficulty of feeling like I don't have any control. I know Akro and others were critical of the bulleted post but it captured the feeling I get when playing versus Supergirl or like that. In most bouts I do not feel an overabundance of control and I am indeed impatient as I want to role play the lore. I am getting over this more and more (thanks to the board for the discussions, insights, and wisdom). So now it is a matter of figuring out do I enforce control. The combos I am slowly learning to execute and I am trying to figure out how they envision her bracelets working in this one. The other big adjustment is the lesser mobility--I draw a blank on what to do versus Superman as before I could take the fight to him at my leisure but now I feel like I am even more than before having to tip toe around him and many others in the roster.


Dojo Trainee
Here's a pretty long set I had versus Scar and a range of his characters. Granted not all of them are characters he "mains" mains, but as a pro player, he still knows what to do. I forgot to record the last couple of matches but it went more or less how the rest of the Stupidman vs WW matches went. Score ended up 30-29 for me; didn't really HAVE a ft30 lol...more or just kept playing until we settled on a number:
Thanks, Akro! I will study these and improve.


Ready to lose your head?
Some more MU's; Red Hood, Captain Cold, some Harley and some Darkseid. In the second clip, I got around to finding new OKI against Red Hood that in the end helped an already favorable MU even more lol:



You think you bad? You aint bad.
There's something telling me that Wonderwoman is actually better than people are thinking.
It might be that "not easy to win with, so she sucks" mentality.
I'm gonna try her out when I get home.


I'm having a hard time against aquaman. I always get my shild tosses punished and whenever I get a punish he just traits out of f23 blocks it and then punishes me. Is this a losing mu?


Face it, you're done.
I'm having a hard time against aquaman. I always get my shild tosses punished and whenever I get a punish he just traits out of f23 blocks it and then punishes me. Is this a losing mu?
If it becomes a pattern, whenever you see trait up, cancel your f2

f2 -> backdash -> b2 / f2 -> parry -> punish / f2 > mb shield bash / f2 -> lasso

Also IA downward shield toss can't be punished by him if done close to the ground.