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Match-up Discussion Wonder Woman Match-Up Discussion


Jump and shoot.
You get lasso grab or super off of b2 mid-screen. In the corner if you hit her out of her wake-ups with b2 you get a full combo.


well sometimes it the lasso grab wiffs well atleast in this very small amount of time ive been trying it lol

EDIT mid screen*


Jump and shoot.
That'll happen if you hit her when she's too far away. I can't get that to happen very often though. If you delay it just a little more you should be fine.


Jump and shoot.
Against Killer Frost's wake-up slide, you can do lasso grab, dash and j3. Her slide whiffs and gets punished by 23 and attempts to dash out get caught by j3 into a combo.


Face it, you're done.
Wowo mains, I'm calling for help.

Here's what I've found so far.


Any starter -> 23 -> b3 -> dash fwd -> delay f3 slightly (so they land in front of you)

This will restand the opponent right in your face. Works magnificently against large hitbox characters and I've gotten to work on superman and black Adam once each. This is where I could use some help, because I can't consistently land it on smaller characters.

Something else I found which perhaps is also useful (I use it as a setup)

Mid screen

Any starter -> 23 -> b3 -> dash fwd 2x (twice!) -> then b3.

It's an OTG that will hit them into a literal full combo with potential juggle opportunities (does not have any combo restrictions!)

Blocking and low and opposite direction can block it though, but thrown in with the regular F3 setup and crossover setup then you've got yourself a pretty sick ass mind game.

Test WOWO mains and let me know what you guys come up with.


Wowo mains, I'm calling for help.

Here's what I've found so far.


Any starter -> 23 -> b3 -> dash fwd -> delay f3 slightly (so they land in front of you)

This will restand the opponent right in your face. Works magnificently against large hitbox characters and I've gotten to work on superman and black Adam once each. This is where I could use some help, because I can't consistently land it on smaller characters.

Something else I found which perhaps is also useful (I use it as a setup)

Mid screen

Any starter -> 23 -> b3 -> dash fwd 2x (twice!) -> then b3.

It's an OTG that will hit them into a literal full combo with potential juggle opportunities (does not have any combo restrictions!)

Blocking and low and opposite direction can block it though, but thrown in with the regular F3 setup and crossover setup then you've got yourself a pretty sick ass mind game.

Test WOWO mains and let me know what you guys come up with.
the b3 will OTG? crazy

The Highlander

There can be only one
Anyone have problems with batgirl? The few good ones I've played give me nightmares... Her wake up game is ridiculous, and her ability to control space makes things tough for wowo. Plus she is a meterless character too, so we lose that advantage we normally have. Any tips?


Jump and shoot.
Anyone have problems with batgirl? The few good ones I've played give me nightmares... Her wake up game is ridiculous, and her ability to control space makes things tough for wowo. Plus she is a meterless character too, so we lose that advantage we normally have. Any tips?
Batgirl's zoning shouldn't be too much of a problem. From full-screen you can walk forward and jump over her projectiles on reaction. As long as you don't jump without reason you shouldn't take any unnecessary damage. For her wake-ups, if she keeps trying to use cartwheel/smoke bomb you can beat both options by dashing, waiting a half-second and doing a j2 after a lasso grab knockdown. This loses to flying bat (df2) but it forces her to use her more unsafe wake-up option. I should note that while it is possible to beat her wake-up cartwheel with b2/33, the timing is really tight so it's probably not worth going for. If you can get it down then props to you. Smoke bomb gets stuffed easily, though no one good should be waking up with it unless you're in the air.

Speaking of cartwheel, you want to make absolutely sure that you punish it whenever possible. If you think she's going to go for the low ender, you have to block the cartwheel standing and switch to low block before the last hit; otherwise you'll be out of range for your d1~spin punish. For the overhead ender it doesn't matter how you block the cartwheel itself so you'll always get b113 into a combo. The high ender requires you to block cartwheel crouching because if you don't, you're still forced to block it and she's at +8. On whiff you can punish with the string of your choosing. If possible you want to avoid this guessing game, though. When you don't trust your ability to guess right in that situation, you're probably better off forgoing oki entirely since WoWo's neutral game is better anyway.

At mid-range she has to respect your normals just like most of the cast and it shouldn't be that easy to get in. A lot of Batgirl players get away with dashing up and going for a 50/50, but this shouldn't work if you train yourself to react to dashes with something like d1 or 11. d2 handles her jump-ins just fine, but she can bait it by jumping and using smoke bomb when you try to anti-air. It's very risky but it does work from time to time. Just something to be aware of.

Pretty general but that's what I've got.

The Highlander

There can be only one
Pretty general but that's what I've got.
It helps nonetheless, that stuff on the cartwheel is pretty useful I find it gets abused by most BG players simply because it's tricky to punish so if I could punish it consistently, especially on wakeup that would be great. So instead of dashing twice after a lasso grab I dash once and jump in? I know jumping back blows it up but that gets caught by smoke bomb quite easily. I find that this match comes down to who can get the other to the corner first (then I don't have to deal with that damn wakeup...).


Face it, you're done.
I know this probably sounds crazy to you but if you're on the offensive, try to IADG (as safe as you possibly can) and it'll stop her dashes and projectiles and if she gets off a teleport, it'll miss. If she blocks the IADG then you're in perfect range to abuse your better normals/frame traps/mixups and dashes.

If you're playing defensive, you should remember b113 helps against dashes and if blocked can be followed with SS. B2 wins the range game up close and D2 is a great anti air. Everything we do can be hit confirmed into a combo or mix up so try to keep the momentum. Parry also rocks if you've trained yourself to that point. I've started incorporating it into my gameplay and it's sick what you can do.

I've had mild success playing defensive with SS, the d1 and j2 in that stance is pretty oppressive if you can play the mind game off of them.

The Highlander

There can be only one
Kiko Yea I was actually just messing around with batgirl on practice and trying out the parry, definitely seems like it could have it's uses. I don't know if my IADG is good enough to be abused like that, it tends to be kinda punishable but still due the surprise factor I get away with it. Actually looking at her moves, she doesn't have a poke faster than 7 frames apart from her standing jab which is a high, doesn't that mean that b113 into d1 is a frame trap on her?


Face it, you're done.
Kiko Yea I was actually just messing around with batgirl on practice and trying out the parry, definitely seems like it could have it's uses. I don't know if my IADG is good enough to be abused like that, it tends to be kinda punishable but still due the surprise factor I get away with it. Actually looking at her moves, she doesn't have a poke faster than 7 frames apart from her standing jab which is a high, doesn't that mean that b113 into d1 is a frame trap on her?
In theory, but a lot of times it'll trade with it. IADG isn't too hard once you understand the concept of it to the buttons.

Neutral jump -> Down -> Forward, 3

After neutral jumping you shouldn't wait for a visual, just assume it's going to jump all the time and hit that df3 and it'll come out really low pretty consistently. I've almost but mastered doing it from P1 view, but those pesky P2 swaps can screw it a bit.

I guess it's just practice with our dear Wonder Woman.

The Highlander

There can be only one
In theory, but a lot of times it'll trade with it. IADG isn't too hard once you understand the concept of it to the buttons.

Neutral jump -> Down -> Forward, 3

After neutral jumping you shouldn't wait for a visual, just assume it's going to jump all the time and hit that df3 and it'll come out really low pretty consistently. I've almost but mastered doing it from P1 view, but those pesky P2 swaps can screw it a bit.

I guess it's just practice with our dear Wonder Woman.
Yea I like that she has all these tools, no matchup is impossible it's just on us to work it out.


Face it, you're done.
You can't really abuse iaDG vs Batgirl because you may get caught by bola.

After any blocked projectile you get a free IADG assuming you aren't completely full screen. Also I don't see many people do it often but I've started using it already but after a blocked midscreen lasso grab, you are also promised an IADG. I believe there's a frame where they are "free" but nothing can hit that fast so they have to block lol or you can do the dash up b1 frame trap (but here you're giving them breathing room and time to think);

I'd rather use IADG as my dash mode of movement only because it's safe, fast, and an attack. :p


Jump and shoot.
WW vs. CW = Almost Too Easy for CW. One HKD and it's over.
That applies to both characters, really. She has good answers to WoWo's pressure because of b3 going under b1 and being able to punish b1 > 33 with jump back 2, but they can be worked around. As long as WoWo isn't overaggressive I think she does fine since b3 still gives her a mix-up on block and the jump back 2 can be beaten by doing b1 > b2. It helps that she always has meter for MB b3/f3 vs j2 and can trip guard with b2 from max range. I think it's pretty even.


Jump and shoot.
WW's d3 vs. Catwoman's wakeups is also a nightmare because you either have to wake up with trait or block it.
That's a waste though. Meaty b2 and 33 beat her wake-ups really easily (except trait of course) if you just do lasso grab, dash twice and wait a half-second before doing them.


Joker waiting room
That's a waste though. Meaty b2 and 33 beat her wake-ups really easily (except trait of course) if you just do lasso grab, dash twice and wait a half-second before doing them.
This. This is a completely shit use of D3 which is used to avoid shit, why would you ever use D3 istead of a meaty normal that also gets you a combo?
WW's d3 vs. Catwoman's wakeups is also a nightmare because you either have to wake up with trait or block it.
That's assuming I even wake up. Plus even if you do the D3, and I block it, you wind up at D1 Cat claws punishable and another CW mixup that will be hell for you. And trust me, it's like I said earlier, one HKD from CW and WW is toast.


Face it, you're done.
The amount of misinformation in these posts is too damn high.

I don't see how, go into lab and try it, spam bolas and after it's blocked you can pull off an IADG before she gets the next one out

And the d3 is a preference I use on MMH/KF/Zod and Catwoman. Simply for the respect and follow up.


Joker waiting room
I don't see how, go into lab and try it, spam bolas and after it's blocked you can pull off an IADG before she gets the next one out

And the d3 is a preference I use on MMH/KF/Zod and Catwoman. Simply for the respect and follow up.
Bolas isn't every projectile in the game.