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With Britain leaving the EU.... what will happen to EVO's internationals?

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Music, movies, money, drama, military, government, freedom. No country holds candle to the USA.

If its wasnt for nurclear weapons (which we invented and were the only ones to use) the US could defeat every nation on the planet easily military.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
If there was a wall on the Canadian border I wouldn't shed one fucking tear. Canada isn't a 3rd world hell hole either.
That's just my point though. The effectiveness of a wall has to out-do it's cost, and if it's sheerly to cut down on immigration then a Canadian wall should also be announced. If it's just the cartels, there's ways of handling that which won't cost us billions in trade every year, in addition to an ineffective couple dozen million dollar wall.


Knife Fight
Music, movies, money, drama, military, government, freedom. No country holds candle to the USA.

If its wasnt for nurclear weapons (which we invented and were the only ones to use) the US could defeat every nation on the planet easily military.
You left out the freedom to get the best education in the world that enables and grants the liberal mind to be liberally stupid and not be thrown off of a rooftop or put to death for having their liberal views.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
You seem to fail to realize that the U.S. has leveled down in deportation in the last what 7 years because of the Obama administration has ordered that to happen. think about though a Trump presidency where he would do almost the exact opposite of what Obama has done. All that needs to be done it for the president to level up the deportation and unleash the feds. That's all it would take. I'm sure you realize that.
You seem to not know how politics work either. You're already on the Internet, use google. Realize the president doesn't have that much power. Trump becomes president, then what happens? Gets tied up in congress because no one really likes him much, doesn't make any foreign political ground, low to no public support... Lame duck from day 1.


Knife Fight
You seem to not know how politics work either. You're already on the Internet, use google. Realize the president doesn't have that much power. Trump becomes president, then what happens? Gets tied up in congress because no one really likes him much, doesn't make any foreign political ground, low to no public support... Lame duck from day 1.
Executive orders like crazy from day one. You must understand as well that once and if he is president most of congress will unite because he is so unlike Obama that from day one deliberately ruined relations with congress out of spite. Congress will back Trump more than they have if at all with Obama. Believe that man.


Knife Fight
You seem to not know how politics work either. You're already on the Internet, use google. Realize the president doesn't have that much power. Trump becomes president, then what happens? Gets tied up in congress because no one really likes him much, doesn't make any foreign political ground, low to no public support... Lame duck from day 1.
I hope you do realize as well that the majority of the country (meaning LEGAL citizens) is with Trump. Despite how the left-owned mainstream media is trying to downplay his popularity. The media tried that same downplaying with the citizens of Great Britain and look what happened, they were exposed for lying after the turnout for exiting dominated.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I hope you do realize as well that the majority of the country (meaning LEGAL citizens) is with Trump. Despite how the left-owned mainstream media is trying to downplay his popularity. The media tried that same downplaying with the citizens of Great Britain and look what happened, they were exposed for lying after the turnout for exiting dominated.
I guess we will see, won't we? If trump doesn't win, and if he does and then finds out (like you will) that executive orders can still be blocked and thus does nothing for 4 years, you can hold that political blow up.

Also the UK decided to cut off their nose to spite their face, so when the money dries up because no one is coming in and no money or trade is going out, I'm sure "immigration" will be a small concern by comparison.

But as with all things, we shall see.


Knife Fight
I guess we will see, won't we? If trump doesn't win, and if he does and then finds out (like you will) that executive orders can still be blocked and thus does nothing for 4 years, you can hold that political blow up.

Also the UK decided to cut off their nose to spite their face, so when the money dries up because no one is coming in and no money or trade is going out, I'm sure "immigration" will be a small concern by comparison.

But as with all things, we shall see.
You were WC-Psycho!


Salty Mashers Krew
I hope you do realize as well that the majority of the country (meaning LEGAL citizens) is with Trump. Despite how the left-owned mainstream media is trying to downplay his popularity. The media tried that same downplaying with the citizens of Great Britain and look what happened, they were exposed for lying after the turnout for exiting dominated.
Sorry to bust your sad little bubble, but there is not a snowball's chance in hell that trump is winning this election. The only demographic he is winning is white males. He is getting destroyed in every single other demographic. 70% of the country hates him. You will very likely look back one day and regret the fact that you supported the biggest shitstain in American history.


Knife Fight
Sorry to bust your sad little bubble, but there is not a snowball's chance in hell that trump is winning this election. The only demographic he is winning is white males. He is getting destroyed in every single other demographic. 70% of the country hates him. You will very likely look back one day and regret the fact that you supported the biggest shitstain in American history.
Perfect example of what the mainstream media is selling to fools like you lol. They said that about him when he was up against all the other 16 republican candidates and guess what, he beat them all by a landslide. You do realize all Trump needs from the African American community is 15% of their votes and he already has over 32% of their support. From the Hispanic community he only needs 11% of their votes and he already has over 17% of there support and all other groups he only needs around 8%. From the women he only needs 27% of their votes and already has over 38% of their support, the rest well....When you're at the booth voting for Hillary listen to the song in your headphones "Dream on...Dream on.....Dream on.....lol BTW, that 70% unfavorability rating you claim to be 70% of the nation is from a newsweek poll that actually states 70% of women, not the nation you retard. Unfavorability doesn't mean women won't vote for him over not voting for Hillary, its just a rating. Get your data straight before letting the feces ooze out of your brain lol. http://www.newsweek.com/trump-track-win-white-house-455575
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Knife Fight
Sorry to bust your sad little bubble, but there is not a snowball's chance in hell that trump is winning this election. The only demographic he is winning is white males. He is getting destroyed in every single other demographic. 70% of the country hates him. You will very likely look back one day and regret the fact that you supported the biggest shitstain in American history.
Actually the biggest shitstain in American history come January will be Barak Hussain Obama.


The blade of osh-tekk is stale.
OK. This thread devolved, can't say it wasn't entertaining though.

I want to thank you for sitting down, being brave, and typing out your thoughts. Thank you for reminding me why I'm a liberal. Seriously you make Trump look good. While I'm 99% sure you are a troll at this point, the fact that there's still a 1% chance you might actually believe what you say makes me sad. The intolerant, xenophobic and just plain ignorant things you have said have been a stain on you and your party. Many of my friends are Republicans and I genuinely feel sorry for them that they are sometimes associated with people like you. Please, I beg you, leave the country and experience the world! Meet people, explore other cultures, maybe even enjoy yourself.
Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.

P.S. It's people who are so filled with prejudice that we should build a wall around. Just let them stay and hate the world together, in harmony with themselves, y'know?


I'm like most Americans. I don't know a whole lot about the situation in Britain, but with things as they are here in the U.S. - and with the issue in GB being centered around immigration - I can certainly see why the people of Great Britain would want change.

President Barack Obama is a Muslim who has been very active in trying to bring as many Muslims to the U.S. as possible. He has also helped to bring in many immigrants that are now drawing from our own welfare system. I, like many people in GB, would like to see these immigrants kept out of my country.

So, I'm sympathetic to Great Britain's plight. I just hope they are doing the right thing for themselves.
Who's man is this

Also this thread was great bait for ignore list


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
How did a thread about being curious how Brittish people would get to evo somehow turn into an American political shitstorm? Like seriously, how? They are completely unrelated topics. And on a website that has literally nothing to do with politics... TYM confuses me sometimes.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Trump's going to end the White House gravy train and clean house. The man can't be bought and paid for like all those politicians including corrupt Hillary Clinton. The man can't be strong armed, he means what he says, says what he means, says it straight, muscular and blunt. He want's to put America first again after Obama has tried to diminish the United States influence and position globally for the past 8 years. He wants to force assimilation for a more united and cohesive America. Not the hateful, divisive melting pot of lava Obama has brought our country to.
I can't tell if you want to sleep with Trump or vote for him. You're right he says what he means and statistically speaking it factually means anything, 30% of the time

How muscular would you rate Trump when being sensitive over a comment about his baby hands made over 20 years ago to this day or talking about his infant daughter breasts or fantasizing about banging his daughter? I could go on for a while, but I won't because people like Trump supporters aren't obviously the type to understand what shame feels like.

Wake up dude.

Perfect example of what the mainstream media is selling to fools like you lol. They said that about him when he was up against all the other 16 republican candidates and guess what, he beat them all by a landslide. You do realize all Trump needs from the African American community is 15% of their votes and he already has over 32% of their support. From the Hispanic community he only needs 11% of their votes and he already has over 17% of there support and all other groups he only needs around 8%. From the women he only needs 27% of their votes and already has over 38% of their support, the rest well....When you're at the booth voting for Hillary listen to the song in your headphones "Dream on...Dream on.....Dream on.....lol BTW, that 70% unfavorability rating you claim to be 70% of the nation is from a newsweek poll that actually states 70% of women, not the nation you (soap bar in my mouth). Unfavorability doesn't mean women won't vote for him over not voting for Hillary, its just a rating. Get your data straight before letting the feces ooze out of your brain lol. http://www.newsweek.com/trump-track-win-white-house-455575

Relax, Trump's campaign data analyst, you almost sound like you know what you're talking about. Why don't you read your own links and then tell me where all this imaginary support from minorities is supposed to come from? Probably your ass, like half the shit I've read from Drumpf/BREXIT supporters in this thread. Guy's barely polling over Clinton in fucking Utah, a state Dems haven't won in 50 years, and you're ready to pop the champagne. Referencing stats from an article totally shitting on Trump's chances while boasting on his success in the same breath, sounds like prime Trump voter material.

Comparing deporting illegal immigrants to the Gestapo lol are you serious
It is funny, say somthing wrong about illegal immigrants and deportation and people look at you like you are already building a death camp...
Haha ya what a bunch of idiots, right? All Trump promised to do was shut down mosques, keep a database of Muslims, and round up the children of illegal immigrants. Even willing to commit a few war crimes here and there, but just short of concentration camps and genocide. So 4 out of 6, big deal.
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Special Forces Sonya Up-player
Am I the only person that things immigratio is good? Bringing skilled workers into our country and filling labour gaps.
I also couldn't give less shits if someone from an unfortunate background with little to no money decides to move to UK and claim welfare. I like to think as people more important than money.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Am I the only person that things immigratio is good? Bringing skilled workers into our country and filling labour gaps.
I also couldn't give less shits if someone from an unfortunate background with little to no money decides to move to UK and claim welfare. I like to think as people more important than money.
No you aren't. According to scientists. But why would you take their word over "MK FIGHTER" or "GAV" on tym.

We should build a +25B impractical wall Mexico is in no way ever paying for to keep the scary immigrants away, it'll totally work out Donald Trump said so you guise.


Dojo Trainee
Haha ya what a bunch of idiots, right? All Trump promised to do was shut down mosques, keep a database of Muslims, and round up the children of illegal immigrants. Even willing to commit a few war crimes here and there, but just short of concentration camps and genocide. So 4 out of 6, big deal.
I am not talking about Trump, or any other politician for that matter. But as a regular person if you have specific view on a given topic you might be accused of being a Nazi or whatever, because it is out of the political correctness norm.
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