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Why Superman beats Batman


Edward of the Storm Lands.
We all know Alfred is just gonna put on a Kryptonite pinky ring and bitch slap Superman across the face.

Also, Spoiler, but that's how the story is gonna end.


We all know Alfred is just gonna put on a Kryptonite pinky ring and bitch slap Superman across the face.

Also, Spoiler, but that's how the story is gonna end.
Even as a superman fan over batman if at the end superman is standing over the bodies of all the other fallen heroes and Alfred walks out of the smoke with a kryptonite ring and bitch slaps superman into unconsciousness I'd laugh my ass off and approve haha


Edward of the Storm Lands.
Even as a superman fan over batman if at the end superman is standing over the bodies of all the other fallen heroes and Alfred walks out of the smoke with a kryptonite ring and bitch slaps superman into unconsciousness I'd laugh my ass off and approve haha
I think it was Injustice issue #12 when Alfred says something like "Not staying for tea Master Kent?" and Supes says "You don't have to call me Master" and then Alfred's like "Yeah, remember that."

Alfred, after slapping Supes will then say "Its Master Pennyworth now bitch"

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
dude can you honestly say a guy with no power can beat a goddess like wonder woman?

if you dont think batman won simply because of the dark knight trilogy success you might need your head examined.

and lets get even more real batman as a movie franchise was dead after the failure known as batman and robin tanked hard in 97 and it wasnt until 2005 when nolan came along and brought something epic wich is now why people dick ride batman so hard and demand nolan to direct every dc movie property now.

you can argue all you want about how batman was always a :: icon:: but since when does an icon need 15 or more spin off titles to succeed?
Yeah it really is a popularity contest for I'm sure like 80% of the general voters, with the small minority actually thinking through who would "really" win.

Batman has basically no chance in a fight against Superman, and absolutely no chance against Wonder Woman.

But "He's Batman he has a plan to beat everyone including God from the Bible" and everyone loves him so thats why hes made it this far.


Angry Joe does make some good points.

I'm a Bat-fan, but Superman wins. I've always found it to be silly and over the top when people claim he can beat Superman and most other heroes to be honest.

But Batman will win because it's a fan poll that's driven by popularity.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i like bleach one peace and naruto so Nyeh!.....Brooklyn Raaage!!!! *shakes fist*


Angry Joe does make some good points.

I'm a Bat-fan, but Superman wins. I've always found it to be silly and over the top when people claim he can beat Superman and most other heroes to be honest.

But Batman will win because it's a fan poll that's driven by popularity.
heres a better thought. why base it on comic lore when it should be based on who mains one or the other?

thats how a real winner should be decided


I'm getting to the point now- for various reason, canceling Young Justice just to make another Batman Cartoon is just one them- where I am slowly turning into a Bat Hater. This is my own personal issues, but really... fuck Batman, ya'll. Fuck him in his stupid bat asshole. Fuck all the bat fans, and fuck DC and WB for putting all their eggs into one bat basket and not letter other character have a chance to shine.

Batman will be my default training dummy to smack around when I finally get Injustice.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So does this battle ignore the fact that Superman and Batman are best friends...
...That Superman doesn't just toss people into the sun...
...That he's, you know, a genuinely moral guy who doesn't just murder dudes.


So does this battle ignore the fact that Superman and Batman are best friends...
...That Superman doesn't just toss people into the sun...
...That he's, you know, a genuinely moral guy who doesn't just murder dudes.
Yes. It does exactly that.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
So does this battle ignore the fact that Superman and Batman are best friends...
...That Superman doesn't just toss people into the sun...
...That he's, you know, a genuinely moral guy who doesn't just murder dudes.
Still cant ignore the fact that as soon as Superman wants he knocks Batman out before Batman can react.


Batman always beats Superman. This is the latest fight between them in "The Dark Knight Returns Part 2" animated film.

Batman always finds a way to cheat using kryptonite, which is a 10-0 match-up against Superman.
So what were they fighting over anyways?


Plus on block.
All I'm going to say is that Batman was never meant to be in the same league as the JLA. He's meant to battle psychological villains like the Joker and Scarecrow, and pseudo-meta humans like Killer Croc and Mr. Freeze. That's the Batman who's just a badass with a cape and batarangs. He gets beat by Superman, hands down.

However, we're not dealing with that Batman. In order for Batman to exist on the JLA and to battle the same kinds of threats that Superman, WW, and the Flash face, he essentially has a power: Plot Armor. The Batman we are dealing with in this game is the Batman with the actual super power of Plot Armor (or prep time or magic utility belt or whatever you want to call it). It's basically the most powerful superpower on the JLA, because it has unlimited potential.

Trying to say that Batman doesn't receive his Plot Armor is like trying to say Superman can beat the Flash if you take away Flash's Superspeed, or GL if you take away his power ring. This fight isn't just Superman vs Batman. It's Superman vs Plot Armor (just as a fight with the Flash would be Superman vs Super Speed), and Plot Armor cannot be defeated. I'm not saying that's a good thing, I'm just stating a case. In this fight, using this version of Batman, his "super power" is better than anything Superman can do.
Can someone sticky and lock this shit or something?

This is the reason why I hate the fact that they put Batman in the JLA/JL/Whateverthefuckingteamhe'sonatthetime.

IMO Bats(and the bat family, and his villains) should be in his own little universe, or at least one shared with very few other DC characters, he shouldn't deal with the big shots because that forces writers to come up with retarded reasons for why he can survive ridiculous situations. It should have a good balance of unrealistic/campy-ness and serious-ness, I think the Arkham games are a good example of what i'm talking about.

Anyway, the plot-armor thing is spot on.

These retarded Batman fanboy reasons for why he would win are actually accurate, because thats how Batman(at least this kind of Batman) works.

He gets into trouble, then he pulls some crazy shit out of his ass and everything is fine. Prep time or not.

Superman just does powers at things until they're defeated. That isn't a bad thing but it cant beat plot armor.