ded_ is a moderator because he is available, almost constantly and more importantly when DreemerNJ and I are not, to check these boards and help out on the site. He also helped immeasurably in the last 3 or so videos made, which received a lot of positive response from players. Had he not helped me out, we probably wouldn't have developed any kind of friendship, there wouldn't have been a reason to.
Regardless of the value of the videos placed by Lex, they are well received by 99.9% of the community even outside the MK community, and played an enormous role in getting people back into this game, where tech jargon, even though appreciated by myself and DreemerNJ probably more so than anyone who's ever watched our videos, doesn't really appeal to a big percentage of players. If anyone has cared to notice, once we finished making combo videos, we geared the site almost completely towards match videos, while presenting them all the while in between.
Match videos are another thing that ded_ puts up, a lot of them. Even though he only gets to play online, it's generaly against people from his country so he doesn't have any delay or lag, or what have you since Bulgaria's internet is basically an ethernet. The games he plays and shows the community are representative of his skill level vs a number of players and in the best possible environment, which would be the keyboard, alone, no one there to mess with him.
The only thing I can say is, agree to disagree, but when it comes to pure skill, I have played Lex in person and I have only played ded_ online. From what I have seen in their ideal settings, and based on my experience against both of them, Lex has nothing to prove, and ded_ has to come here to the states, and show Lex what he can do, on an arcade machine.
Ded_, I suggest you get a stick, practice, and save up. Make the trip because that's the only way to settle things.