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'Why don't you play a different character!?'- a salty hater exposé


i absolutely hate mileena (and kl of course) butthats only because i main reptile... still fuck the haters keep on using her


not really sure how to post pics of the tattoos on here...i click add image n it asks for a URL...im assuming photobucket or sumthin of the sort...? y the hell cant i just upload from my HD...ok here


really ugly pictures taken with crappy iphone camera...the mileena is a modified adam puckett flash, the kitana is a cover-up


My blades will find your heart
I am a sindel player, I approve of this message(People always sa you shouldnt pick a "spammer" character XD) Hatemail keeps me going

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
So how often do u guys get this online or otherwise? I main mileena, which I understand is a frustrating matchup for alot of characters n mk9...I also understand that that's not MY problem..I had no hand in the development of the game nor the character. Now, in order to 'main' a character...they must have the preverbal dogshit played outta them correct? So y r these ppl getting so upset when I choose mileena 4/5 times we play? I mean, I've had a tattoo of mileena on my arm for the past 6 years..it's not like I'm new to this character and furthermore, she's not the only one I play (noob, kitana (of which I also have a tat of), kabal, ermac, cyrax, and jade...a pretty healthy dose of all aforementioned characters), but she mos def receives the most hate mail...your thought cuz I'm sure I'm not the only one who experiences this on a daily basis
And I thought getting my haircut like Jax in Mk9 for Ch3 was crazy. You are so pro sir. I get the same thing too. You don't understand how much I am spam and harass by friends to drop Jax for Kung Lao. It's annoying as hell. funny thing when I went to Ch3. I impress a lot of people with my Jax. And they said I was better off just playing Jax anyway.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I just tell them I suck and that I only know one combo (even if I used more in the game/s), that I live in a basement and spend 12 hours a day practising my crappy combo over and over again just to win a couple of matches against the most unskilled players online...


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
I'm told this ALL the time.

"All you do is throw fans, learn how to play"

I don't care what anyone says. I have played / will play Kitana in EVERY MK.

I love when I beat someone and for the rematch I pick Kitana and they just quit right then and there.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
i absolutely hate mileena (and kl of course) butthats only because i main reptile... still fuck the haters keep on using her
Really? I main Reptile and I have little trouble with Mileena. Reptile can punish her big time for a mistake. You just have to play him patiently, stop trying to dash up to her and pressure her. Let her come to you.


I always change characters, but if my opponent is good, i just keep playing with sub to give them a match or if feel i discomfort with the match
not really sure how to post pics of the tattoos on here...i click add image n it asks for a URL...im assuming photobucket or sumthin of the sort...? y the hell cant i just upload from my HD...ok here


really ugly pictures taken with crappy iphone camera...the mileena is a modified adam puckett flash, the kitana is a cover-up
I don't like tattoos. These make me want to get a tattoo.


The Free Meter Police
not really sure how to post pics of the tattoos on here...i click add image n it asks for a URL...im assuming photobucket or sumthin of the sort...? y the hell cant i just upload from my HD...ok here


really ugly pictures taken with crappy iphone camera...the mileena is a modified adam puckett flash, the kitana is a cover-up
These are awesome.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
No matter the hatemail, I will always play as Noob Saibot.
Win or lose, he's the most fun for me!
(and believe me, Noob yields a LOT of hatemail lol)
No matter the hatemail, I will always play as Noob Saibot.
Win or lose, he's the most fun for me!
(and believe me, Noob yields a LOT of hatemail lol)
Yeah, indeed. but even Kung Lao got tons of hatemails XD

I found rarely a good Mileena, i'd like to face a good one somedays. As said by Creepy00 i used to change chars if the opponents request it, i do not have a main, or, i got more than one ^^ I play often with lot of them.


Dojo Trainee
i've been playing mainly raiden in mk games since the 90's and it was inevitable for me that i was going to play him in mk9. no matter how the character would turnout in the final game, i was planning on maining raiden whether he was outright the worst charcter in the game, broken or overpowered, i love the character and i am going to play as him no matter what.

his teleport in particular gets a grilling from some who are usually the ones playing online. they should know that with the online that mk9 has, it will be frustrating and difficult to deal with any fast moves from any character. there are ways to deal with it though but some people just want a magic button that automatically deals with it for them instead of spending time expanding their knowledge of the charcter to learn to deal with them. it's as much a risk for raiden players using the tele as it is for the opponent dealing against it.

sometimes i actually hope they remove raidens teleport ( even though there's nothing wrong with it) completely so people would have absoloutely nothing to complain about and i can then play with the character i love in peace, plus it would be more of a challenge for the raiden player, adapting my playstyle without using tele, which is kind of what i've been training to do lately just for the hell of it.


Dojo Trainee
I main characters just depending on if I like their personality, looks and style. so its obviously kung lao, cyborg subzer0 and ermac :p

it's not that i choose for the easy characters it's more that i don't like most characters feel/play in MK. they play slow and clunky, what reminds me of raw vs smackdown's game play....

@OneTap, nice kitana!


I am the salt
I rarely feel like putting forth my best effort in matches, so I'll just pick whichever character I know will give me the easiest time.

The bums will always lose.
I love the hatemail and the rage. I'd never drop Sindel as my main no matter how bad it gets because the hate just makes me feel good. If you are pissing everyone off then your playing MK correctly.


not really sure how to post pics of the tattoos on here...i click add image n it asks for a URL...im assuming photobucket or sumthin of the sort...? y the hell cant i just upload from my HD...ok here


really ugly pictures taken with crappy iphone camera...the mileena is a modified adam puckett flash, the kitana is a cover-up
After seeing these, I think my next tattoo is going to be an MK tattoo.


good post Albo...tho i hate raiden (facing him atleast) i like where ur heads at. i was the same way with mileena....just lucky enough to get her in the demo so i had ample time to get my game with her up.
Lmao @ Niflheim...good shit!

edit: speaking of classic mk...i have ALWAYS (well since mk3) input 1-0-1 at the versus screen...i dunno y, just always have. NOW its the kombat kode for Classic Music!....weird...but awesome nonetheless NRS is great!

B W1zZ

This thread reminds me of earlier when I was playing this guy online named eogx krypt. I beat him with Raiden in a Ranked match vs his Cage and he rage-invited me to a private game after calling me trash. I went like 5-1 against him (lost a match due to a lag-spike fest), and he sends me a voicemail pulling the old "thats the only character you can play" card.

I pick Scorpion for the hell of it since I been messing with him lately, he beats him a few times then says "no", and proceeds to talk shit. I then got into an argument with him since he kept trying to act like he was somehow superior to me skillwise which is a joke, and how Raiden is "too predictable and skill-less" and I should use a different character if I want to win, trying to act like his Raiden is on my level (Ex Raiden player, he quit playing him apparently.).

He was also talking about how he fights and beats the best players out there all the time which, again, is a joke...and brought REO into the conversation saying he can beat him (maybe a round if he's lucky). I'm like you know what? I played REO in person, ask him who he thinks has the best Raiden and see what he says. He didn't have anything to say other than comparing me to JWong saying he's better or whatever (he's the closest Rai I've seen to mine anyways, just a somewhat different playstyle/weaker combos). Anyways he was saying JWong got destroyed (maybe at EVO, won the last tourney he attended with Raiden I believe?) and trying to assert that I need a different character because Raiden's too predictable and the choice is mine. I pretty much just said I'm a true Raiden player, not a quitter and told him I'm done arguing.

In my opinion ANY character can get predictable, not just Raiden. I have more mindfucks than most people could even dream of, so I've pretty much dismissed the whole "predictable" argument as invalid.

I say stick with whatever character you're playing and overcome "plateaus" in your playstyle, and basically push your character to their max. That's pretty much my aim with Raiden, despite all of the hate out there for the character in general.