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Who needs to use top tier to place?


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
I think the reverse question might end up being more interesting, as in, who are the low tier heroes, or the character loyalists?

For example, 16bit somehow seems to constantly end up being a low tier hero. Slips, too. And Milky, of course.

Pig is definitely a loyalist. Kenshi was great in MK9. He's mediocre at best in MKX.
And Milky of course?
I see everyone underestimating Reptile. EVERYONE!
Reptile is freaking good, freaking fast and 50/50 based. He's no where close to being low tier. And people was surprised after Reptile made top 8 at EVO just because everyone believed Reptile sucked after seeing all of the reptilian mains crying so much on how bad he was....

I'm just waiting on people to start crying not cause how bad he supposedly is but cause how stupid good he can be. I'll keep waiting.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I didn't main Cyrax because he was a leaky boat. I mained him because he was my dude. Same goes for MK9 Sub (masochism at its finest <3) and DoomStroke in IGAU.

I'm not maining Tremor and Kitty because Sonic or DJT or whoever have you are playing them. I'm maining them becauae they fit every facet of my comfort zone as a fighting game player.

Having never won a tournament or a giant prize pot, I can't speak towards the the paper chase that comes with tier-hopping to ensure results, but I can say this from my years worth of time, grinding, character whoring, identity crises, brutal losses and epic wins...

...I cannot envision a way that winning with a top tier character chosen solely as a weapon can feel better than winning with a beloved character chosen because of the place they hold in your world.

Play who you love.


Fabulous Goofball
There's money on the line, why WOULDN'T you use a character that take no real effort to use? Why play a Major with Kano, a Solid, Honest character, when you could use a character that needs very little effort to use? A character with easy 50/50 pressure and resets?
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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Even with a top tier character, M2Dave can't even place a single match vs abysmal ones :DOGE

This was the first name to come to my mind that qualified as the OPPOSITE of what this thread is asking for, as in "Someone who DOESN'T need top tier to place."

Even with MKX being my first NRS game I felt like Pig's use of Kenshi was quite obviously a mid/low tier leaning character doing work! SaltFace and his Mileena was another super obvious example.
Let's be real, he's had a pretty hard time transitioning from the OP MK9 Kenshi to the more balanced MKX Kenshi

But you are right, he isn't a good xample of this thread, because he still does PLACE and is a good player. He'd be the definitive answer to a "who needs top tier characters to WIN" thread.
Reactions: STK

Lt. Boxy Angelman

There's money on the line, why WOULDN'T you use a character that take no real effort to use? Why play a Major with Kano, a Solid, Honest character, when you could use a character that needs very little effort to use? A character with easy to do 50/50 pressure and resets?
Because not everyone plays for the money.
Some people (like me, and you by the looks of your Kano tag) contrary to popular belief or sense nowadays, do it because they fucking love it, on their terms, with their representatives of choice, without having to resort to a mad witch hunt for victory dirt to do it.
Unless you're Reo and that's your thing, in which case fucking go for it because dirty dirt is awesome.
I get that the pro players are in this to make a living and they have to do what they have to do to get paid, and that's fine by me. But I'm part of the competition. And as the competition, it's my job to take my passion and knowledge and use it to break the fucking hearts and minds and earth beneath any poor fucker who gets in my way, pro or amateur or god or lowly minion alike.

If I ever win a show...local, major, MLG, someone's basement, anything...whatever prize I win will pale in comparison to knowing I went to battle in a competition I absolutely love, and I won.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Because not everyone plays for the money.
Some people (like me, and you by the looks of your Kano tag) contrary to popular belief or sense nowadays, do it because they fucking love it, on their terms, with their representatives of choice, without having to resort to a mad witch hunt for victory dirt to do it.
Unless you're Reo and that's your thing, in which case fucking go for it because dirty dirt is awesome.
I get that the pro players are in this to make a living and they have to do what they have to do to get paid, and that's fine by me. But I'm part of the competition. And as the competition, it's my job to take my passion and knowledge and use it to break the fucking hearts and minds and earth beneath any poor fucker who gets in my way, pro or amateur or god or lowly minion alike.

If I ever win a show...local, major, MLG, someone's basement, anything...whatever prize I win will pale in comparison to knowing I went to battle in a competition I absolutely love, and I won.
very TRUE
Because not everyone plays for the money.
Some people (like me, and you by the looks of your Kano tag) contrary to popular belief or sense nowadays, do it because they fucking love it, on their terms, with their representatives of choice, without having to resort to a mad witch hunt for victory dirt to do it.
Unless you're Reo and that's your thing, in which case fucking go for it because dirty dirt is awesome.
I get that the pro players are in this to make a living and they have to do what they have to do to get paid, and that's fine by me. But I'm part of the competition. And as the competition, it's my job to take my passion and knowledge and use it to break the fucking hearts and minds and earth beneath any poor fucker who gets in my way, pro or amateur or god or lowly minion alike.

If I ever win a show...local, major, MLG, someone's basement, anything...whatever prize I win will pale in comparison to knowing I went to battle in a competition I absolutely love, and I won.
u done talking urself up?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

u done talking urself up?
Maaan. I'm not talking myself up worth a damn. Nobody's gonna care what I or anyone else at work in the FGC does until they put up results. If I'm as good as I think I am, it'll show at my next tournament.
What I'm saying is that I'd rather play for the love of what I do and stick to what I like than have to go character hunting just to be a winner. I don't have it in me to play someone I have no vibe for or spirit with just because they're top tier.

Too many people are preoccupied with who's the best, instead of making who they like better.


I like Tekken 8
Zyphox only seen him place with JC, flash, and Liu Kang.
Defl8 G8 Tom Brady. He's a great labber. He adapted when Sub got nerfed but then found out that his characters main tool was messed up which would make anyone jump ship.


In Zoning We Trust
That's like moving to the winning side of an international war. You're alive, but you're a huge pussy, so it doesn't matter.

EDIT: I love commas.
I agree. Amazing example.

Moving to the winning side of an international war is a much better and smarter decision than staying to the end to lose the war while your country gets invaded, raped, and overrun by the winners. I would be able to give endless textbook examples.

There's no extra points for the bravery of the losers. Someone like Honeybee would have been a complete fool to drop D'Vorah for Jacqui before EVO, and there's no other way around that.