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Who is your favorite and least favorite street fighter character?


Not new but whatevs...
Akuma, Akuma, Ken, Zangief and Akuma

Worst? Rest of the cast, i hate all those japanese looking assholes:eek:


Aquaman is dead lel
If I can say only one I like it would be Ken, but I also like Bison, Fei, Yun/Yang and Seth. On the other side, I can't say who I hate the most, its between Blanka, Vega, Fuerte, Dudley and Hakan.


Neutral Skipper
Favourites: Juri, Mr. Diddles and Evil Ryu (yes he's generic as fuck, but he a badass)
Least favourites: Not sure because I don't like most of the SF cast.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
evil ryu, guy, guile- most favorite.
sean - least favorite, even worse than dan lol, at least dan is funny lol.


MK is kinda dope
Favorite: figure it out
Least favorite: Small chars that rush down. I can't get those hookers out of my face, so they should all die, of course
Gen - love stance change characters.

Akuma - If I had to pick 1 out of the fireb-ball/Shoryken characters it would be this guy. How many do they really need?