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Who do you think is Bottom 5?

Your bottom 5

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SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
Argument over what is and isnt projectiles. We need a new tornament to talk about....OOOHH Wait. 13-0

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
Because she doesn't get lamed out at all. I thought that point wasn't even worth addressing. She has exceptional damage, decent footsies, great 50/50s, good block pressure, good anti-airs; the only thing she lacks is decent armour/wakeups.

d2 gives you a full combo into standing reset, s1 gives you a full combo into standing reset. 4u4, while a shitty input, is still an amazing normal which other Jacqui's have been using to great success. I think you need to reevaluate Shotgun post patch.
I have. And despite the extremely valid points you havemade she still can and will be lamed out. At least I haven't had to hard a time playing the space game against shotgun. It great, love me some Jacqui. I I cant see Shotgun being top ten. She's sittingnext to my girl Mournful Kitana in the Top 15.


Plus on block.
We should test this theory. Unstoppable Jason vs. High Tech Jacqui. It'll be the most uninspiring fight ever lol.
Hi-Tech can actually fuck people up if you know your tech and are good with her run cancel pressure. Still outclassed by pretty much every other pressure variation and has some abysmal match-ups.

Unstoppable is just nothing. Its just Relentless with less. The buffs are extremely short and situational, you can't use meter or you'd defeat the purpose of the variation, so there's no easy way in or out, and his command grabs toss the opponent to the other side of the screen every time.


A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
We should test this theory. Unstoppable Jason vs. High Tech Jacqui. It'll be the most uninspiring fight ever lol.
That sounds like a great match-up for Hi Tech Jacqui (keeping in mind I don't really play Unstoppable or High Tech). HT Jacqui only seems to have trouble dealing with zoning, and Unstoppable isn't going to be able to zone her out. Once Jacqui is in that ass, you're in trouble

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Everyone always throwing out Ferra Torr's name without giving any reasons behind why they think they suck or why they think they are secretely good. I'm starting to think absolutely no one but the Ferra Torr mains from week 1 actually know anything about the character.

Also as a PSA about FT, they require all three variations to be used, they can't just Tempest Lao it with only Vicious or only the new Ruthless, and as a matter of fact, we are still trying to figure out which variation is best for each match up, because like Doombawkz said, we still don't even know.
Tempest Lao can't carry you to victory, eventually you'll run into a match where you need buzzsaw.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Goro is in a good place and the patch addressed essentially every single gripe everyone had about the character from his anti-air, to his meter reliance etc. Aside from buffing him into Bane tier, I dunno what else truly needs to be addressed or people want from or for him.
I'm gonna disagree on the meter reliance. What they did is reduce the amount of meters wasted on EX PW when it's not hitting since we can now hitconfirm into the launcher. We're as reliant on the meter as ever, just that we're wasting a tiny bit less. We're not building it faster, nor is the opponent building it slower vs. Goro.

At this point I'd just say better advantage on hit on Stomp/EX Stomp and better meter gain on PW and that's really it for the character. There's a lot more I'd want them to do but that'd require complete design overhauls.


Evil but Honest!
Bottom 5 in MKX is not what Bottom 5 was in MK9 or some other games.

Here with the Low Tier Characters you just need more ''Work''.

99% of the things Takeda does now was done before Patch ... the Shirai Ryu pressure etc ... but after he got his buffs the bad players that only QQ on this site started to call him Top Tier.

@MrProfDrPepper Dude i realy don't get what do you aim with this Thread except the endless Shitstorm and People sniffing other People's Asses(i hope you got the Metaphor).


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Bottom 5 in MKX is not what Bottom 5 was in MK9 or some other games.

Here with the Low Tier Characters you just need more ''Work''.

99% of the things Takeda does now was done before Patch ... the Shirai Ryu pressure etc ... but after he got his buffs the bad players that only QQ on this site started to call him Top Tier.

@MrProfDrPepper Dude i realy don't get what do you aim with this Thread except the endless Shitstorm and People sniffing other People's Asses(i hope you got the Metaphor).
lol the aim of the thread was not to have a shitstorm but to just see what the community thought was bottom 5 since i was curios, it was purely for fun and curiosity. as well as making a bottom 5 list is harder than you think, i mean i had a lot of trouble, i even put some characters i didnt think fully deserved to be in there since the game in that way is so well balanced where there are only a few characters that are actually shitty and have no chance in tourneys


Evil but Honest!
lol the aim of the thread was not to have a shitstorm but to just see what the community thought was bottom 5 since i was curios, it was purely for fun and curiosity. as well as making a bottom 5 list is harder than you think, i mean i had a lot of trouble, i even put some characters i didnt think fully deserved to be in there since the game in that way is so well balanced where there are only a few characters that are actually shitty and have no chance in tourneys
Again , 99% of the people here don't have full highlvl matchup xp but they give their Vote or just troll ...
Look at the Takeda Top Tier or Ferra / Torr and Jason Low Tier comments .. it's Grotesque.

Btw as a fellow Balanced Kenshi player can you tell me / point me at the last Tournament a Balanced Kenshi lost a Match coz of his Telle Flury Whiff?
Also Ex Karma can be punished the same way ''Ex Tempest'' Spin.


Tempest Lao can't carry you to victory, eventually you'll run into a match where you need buzzsaw.
Same with Takeda and other characters, too.

Takeda: Ronin is better in some matchups, loses hard in others that SR has less trouble with (D'Vorah, etc).
Kung Jin: Gets fucked up bad by specific counterpicks in Bojutsu (i.e., Jax) that Shaolin has a lot less trouble with.
Kitana: RS is good for some matchups, Assassin is better for others.

Etc., etc. I think the idea of a character being bad because you need to learn more than one variation that PotH seemed to be throwing out there earlier is a little short-sighted, but I'll agree with Wetdoba in the sense that F/T seems to be the only character where learning all 3 is heavily considered standard practice.
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NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Again , 99% of the people here don't have full highlvl matchup xp but they give their Vote or just troll ...
Look at the Takeda Top Tier or Ferra / Torr and Jason Low Tier comments .. it's Grotesque.

Btw as a fellow Balanced Kenshi player can you tell me / point me at the last Tournament a Balanced Kenshi lost a Match coz of his Telle Flury Whiff?
Also Ex Karma can be punished the same way ''Ex Tempest'' Spin.
how many kenshis do you see in tournament? not many, i doubt the last time in tournament balanced was used it was widely known about how terrible it is on whiff. and what are you getting at? ex rising karma is punishable as fuck and i get punished for it constantly. i also get punished constantly for even trying to use telefury. balanced preys on those who dont know the match up.