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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


The Prettiest
And Black Adam and Captain Marvel do not stand a chance against Wonder Woman. Just throwing that out there. If she eliminates them, Superman is a problem.


And Black Adam and Captain Marvel do not stand a chance against Wonder Woman.
You can't be serious. Captain Marvel is on par with Superman in terms of strength and he can keep up with Flash with the Speed of Mercury along with all his magic shit. Adam is pretty much the same but more ruthless in his approaches which makes him more dangerous. It's not a clean cut victory for either of them but theres no way Wonder Woman takes it that easily.


The Prettiest
You can't be serious. Captain Marvel is on par with Superman in terms of strength and he can keep up with Flash with the Speed of Mercury along with all his magic shit. Adam is pretty much the same but more ruthless in his approaches which makes him more dangerous. It's not a clean cut victory for either of them but theres no way Wonder Woman takes it that easily.
I'm not saying she takes it easily, I'm saying they do not stand a chance. And opposite to Superman, Wonder Woman isn't prone to magical attacks. That is why Black Adam and Cpt. beat Superman's ass on the regular. Her bracelets would deflect a lot of their magic-based projectiles so throw that out of the window and CQC I'm sorry but they do not stand a chance. Cpt is just too reckless and immature and not only that but he never applies any type of speed into his tactics in battle which I'm sure if he did she would eventually catch him in her lasso then it's game over. Black Adam would rely on brute force, trying to prove himself to a demi-god which would be his downfall. Wonder Woman will take them both out.


I will spit on your tomb!
He's approaching speeds of light. Increasing his mass to near infinite. Infinite Mass Punch.
Semantics. It has never been labeled or refereed to in any shape or form as "IMP" and has never come close to the destruction in that video.


You will BOW to me!
Lex Luthor II, some of DD's feats:

The only being, ever, able to kill Superman.

He survived Entropy (the end of time).

He has killed The Radiant (being of immense pure energy) with his bare hands.

He almost killed Darkseid after he survived his Omega beams from point blanks range (they actually didnt harm him at all).

Beat the entire JLA, both old and the new one, single handedly (he beat the old JLA with one hand tied behind his back).

Defeated 100 GL's simultaneously and caused one Great Guardian to sacrifice himself to just send him away.

Survived Imperiex's attack (its a bit controversial cause his skeleton remained but he didnt die and he regenerated afterwards).

Powers and abilities (taken from Wikipedia):

Doomsday was created through the process of cloning. The clones were subsequently killed over and over again by some of the most dangerous species in the universe on one of the harshest habitats in all of existence: prehistoric Krypton. As such, the infant continually evolved and returned to life, becoming resistant or immune to whatever killed him before. After the Radiant killed him the first time they fought, Doomsday grew immune to the former's energy-projection and even managed to withstand Darkseid's full Omega-Effect. The amount of damage dealt to
Doomsday determines the length of time it takes to fully recover. During his outwardly undamaged death at Superman's hands, he only needed some days to recover, but when Imperiex reduced him to a skeleton, it took months. His entombment in a Calatonian burial suit and metal vault lasted thousands of centuries. After being killed by the Radiant and subsequently undergoing the impact of the casket on Earth, his body was sealed underground in total darkness. Deprived of solar energy to nourish his Kryptonian anatomy, he could only revive extremely slowly and naturally.

Doomsday can also develop/evolve resistance from ordinary injuries. Superman once used a sound gun to greatly discomfort him, but Doomsday's auditory canals closed up, making him impervious to Superman's weapon. Waverider once paralyzed Doomsday with chronal energy, but the second attempt backfired. In essence, Doomsday gradually turns more invulnerable if not injured beyond his ability to recover, which is so far undefined. Doomsday has also developed weapons and abilities that counters the powers of an opponent. He managed to cancel out the pure-energy Radiant by slamming into him; to greatly extend his claws and develop a poison to strike Superman in flight and reel him in or breathe flames against the fire-sensitive Martian Manhunter, and apparently neutralize his defensive phase-shifting power. Doomsday's skeleton protrudes through his skin in razor-sharp spurs which provide protection to his few vital organs (brain, eyes, nervous system), and act as clawlike weapons on his hands, elbows, and knees.

Doomsday possesses extreme superhuman strength that, variable as it is, at one point enabled him to effortlessly stand his ground against the entire Justice League, including Superman and Orion. He was able to break Superman's left arm with limited effort, as well as outmatch and beat Darkseid unconscious in combat. However, his strength has limits: the immensely strong Calatonian alloy cables, in which he was entombed, continued to partially restrain him during his initial rampage on Earth. Needing the equivalent strength of a bulldozer to break; It was never stated how long he had struggled to free his left hand before his escape.

Doomsday is immensely resistant to heat, cold, and conventional damage, allowing him to survive on the most inhospitable worlds, or in the vacuum of space. His superhuman endurance and invulnerability were able to withstand Darkseid's full-powered "Omega Effect" without any shown damage.

Doomsday possesses seemingly inexhaustible stamina, and was not noticeably slowed down from fighting Superman for an entire day. His speed and agility are vastly disproportionate to his bulky stature, and he has been able to match Superman in this regard, once even managing to grab the Flash while the hero was in motion. He cannot fly, but rather travels by leaping miles at a time. Superman took advantage of this in their first battle by trying to keep him airborne by flying into the sky.

Doomsday has a highly accelerated healing factor that allows him to quickly regenerate from most damage. When his side was cut by Superman with a plasma sword, it closed within moments. As a result of his engineering, Doomsday does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and his body is almost solid mass with no internal organs.

We are talking about here about a being that is way older and more experienced in fighting than WW, Superman and the vast majority of the DC universe, has survived for hundred of centuries through fighting alone, doesnt need to rest, can breath in the vacuum of space, can adapt during a fight against any form of difficulty, has almost unlimited strength, durability and healing factor abilities and you are telling me that WW stands a chance against all that. Ok... Also keep in mind that i m talking about the ORIGINAL DD, not his earlier nerfed versions, which, even those, have defeated WW and the entire JLA on numerous occasions. I present you facts, not stupidly written comics as you said in some of your previous posts. All WW has is her magical toys, and even that is controversial against DD. For all we know, he might be immune to magical attacks, cause he might have faced magical beings before. Also FYI her lasso does not work against him, for the simple reason that his mind is pure rage and anger, therefore mind control=QQ's.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
I dont think you have read my text. DD's healing factor and his adapting abilities after he "dies" from something are two entirely different things. Superman has cut him once with a pretty badass sword and he regenerated instantly. Plus no one, ever, except Superman, has managed to even hurt DD psychically in any way. You give WW way too much credit. I am speaking with facts here and you are always bring up the subject of "she has magic and she will kick his ass". Superman is known to be weak vs magic. DD is not. I ll say it again. Magic alone cant save WW from DD. If that was the case Shazam and BA could face him head on as well and that wont happen, like ever. Also i really dont understand how you measure "victory" here. You cut off DD's ability to adapt to whatever has killed him, but then you proceed to say, "if WW is prepared with her magical weapons she can beat DD". Thats unfair if you ask me. True victory means that you defeated your opponent. For good. With DD that wont happen, like ever, except if he faces DC's big guns. Point being, if you count DD's adapting ability after his "death", none in the entire IGAU (if we are still talking about IGAU characters alone) roster has the means to face DD. As i said before, this is the reason he was toned down.

Guess we ll just have to wait for New 52 DD.
You dont give her magic any credit.

You dont give her sword any credit.

Its cut peoples heads off with far more durability who were even resistant to magic too, the heads of gods.

DD is NOT RESISTANT to magic, and less durable than a god. Show me where he somehow gained resistance to magic out of the blue, which makes no sense as he is not a god or powered by magic, and has never been shown to be like "whoa i just adapted and am now immune to magic."

Cant really necessarily take the new 52 DD seriously either, maybe they'll make Batman kick him and beat him that way too. Im sure the writers will fuck it up again.

"True victory means that you defeated your opponent. For good."

True victory? lol wtf?

Then I guess nobody has defeated anyone, as they always come back.

If he killed Diana somehow then going by your logic of winning her soul would go back into Gaia's womb, and Hippolyta had would recreate Diana's birth to bring her back to life like she's done before and then Doomsday doesnt win.

This true victory thing you brought up makes literally no sense whatsoever, not in a tournament, or in the comics.
Nah, its not so much Thor forgets. He holds back against mortals - it's well documented. His biggest problem is sometimes he is used as a jobber to make the read say "OMG! Look Thor was defeated so this guy must be super duper tough!". But who doesn't fall victim to PiS time to time?


"T'was a gradual thing. In Asgard, I have mostly struggled 'gainst Gods. On Midgard we have mostly met human menaces. To avoid murder of these men and avoid humbling my friends I came to act less of what I am."

"In past encounters mayhaps I hesitated loosing my full against thee!"

"O'er the year I have battled so many mortals that I hesitate to strike with all my force for fear of killing them"

On and on and on.

Then you have instances where, when it wasn't time to mess about he defeated Gladiator in short order saying "I can no longer hold back!", the utter humiliation of iron Man when he was pissed off, handling Hulk with ease when there was no time to mess around. Yes, certainly Thor's personality gets in the way but its born of the aforementioned reasons above.

But again, back on topic Black Adam wins :p
Yeah he definitely always holds back. Even in the Avengers movie, hold back against i-Man, and hulk, and against his brother until he sucker-stabs THOR. One part that didnt make sense was when THOR tried to Hammer Capt Murica... that was way too much power and if not blocked would have turned Capt to mushy goo.... not sure wtf THOR was doing there.

He's definitely out of hulks league, and Supermans. I think the only one who has a shot among normal heroes is WW.

You can't be serious. Captain Marvel is on par with Superman in terms of strength and he can keep up with Flash with the Speed of Mercury along with all his magic shit. Adam is pretty much the same but more ruthless in his approaches which makes him more dangerous. It's not a clean cut victory for either of them but theres no way Wonder Woman takes it that easily.

To be fair, WW is faster than Mercury, as shes shown in a one on one race against Mercury.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Lex Luthor II, some of DD's feats:
All WW has is her magical toys, and even that is controversial against DD. For all we know, he might be immune to magical attacks, cause he might have faced magical beings before. Also FYI her lasso does not work against him, for the simple reason that his mind is pure rage and anger, therefore mind control=QQ's.

So magic DOES work on him, but it didnt do anything because the magic that was working on him was working on a mind that wasnt there.

" All WW has is her magical toys,"

Yeah thats all she has, for sure. <3

WW has taken out the JL by herself too. And Doomsday gets stabbed and fucked up by swords, so what prevents his head from going byebye?

You should look up WWs feats too, it clear you've only looked up Doomsdays. You might be surprised.


You will BOW to me!
So magic DOES work on him, but it didnt do anything because the magic that was working on him was working on a mind that wasnt there.

" All WW has is her magical toys,"

Yeah thats all she has, for sure. <3

WW has taken out the JL by herself too. And Doomsday gets stabbed and fucked up by swords, so what prevents his head from going byebye?

You should look up WWs feats too, it clear you've only looked up Doomsdays. You might be surprised.
JLA and Darkseid are only some of the feats i presented.... You should really get over that... Yeah thats all she has against DD.

"So magic DOES work on him, but it didnt do anything because the magic that was working on him was working on a mind that wasnt there."=immune to magic, learn the difference. Adaptation during a fight>petty magic toys. If you think WW can simply decapitate DD, then by all means keep believing that. Your trolling is getting tiresome.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
JLA and Darkseid are only some of the feats i presented.... You should really get over that... Yeah thats all she has against DD.

"So magic DOES work on him, but it didnt do anything because the magic that was working on him was working on a mind that wasnt there."=immune to magic, learn the difference. Adaptation during a fight>petty magic toys. If you think WW can simply decapitate DD, then by all means keep believing that. Your trolling is getting tiresome.
lol trolling?

"OMG HE DOESNT AGREE WITH ME! HE'S TROLLING!" :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Why not look up WWs feats and people who shes defeated, beings much more powerful than Doomsday, and tell me she has no shot.

"trolling". . . cute.


Lex Luthor II, some of DD's feats:

We are talking about here about a being that is way older and more experienced in fighting than WW, Superman and the vast majority of the DC universe, has survived for hundred of centuries through fighting alone, doesnt need to rest, can breath in the vacuum of space, can adapt during a fight against any form of difficulty, has almost unlimited strength, durability and healing factor abilities and you are telling me that WW stands a chance against all that. Ok... Also keep in mind that i m talking about the ORIGINAL DD, not his earlier nerfed versions, which, even those, have defeated WW and the entire JLA on numerous occasions. I present you facts, not stupidly written comics as you said in some of your previous posts. All WW has is her magical toys, and even that is controversial against DD. For all we know, he might be immune to magical attacks, cause he might have faced magical beings before. Also FYI her lasso does not work against him, for the simple reason that his mind is pure rage and anger, therefore mind control=QQ's.
While you have made some valid points and I do agree with you about the outcome of the fight, this paragraph is full of incredibly weak arguments and inaccuracies.

The experience factor is likely a wash depending on which versions of the characters we use. WW and Superman spent a thousand years trapped in another world fighting constantly. WW's age is also a wild card depending on the incarnation we're using. The Amazons in some versions are immortal so she could indeed be very old. (This is not the case in the Nu52 of course.) And I'm sure you are not arguing that DD is more skilled at fighting than WW.

The real problem comes when you talk about the lasso. Unless you have a scan showing the lasso having no effect on him, you have absolutely no basis to make that claim. The fact that his mind is pure rage and anger does not protect him from the lasso's powers. In fact, it's likely to work against him as the lasso has the ability to subdue those ensnared within it. There is also the fact that it is indestructible and he would not be able to break free. The lasso, like WW and DD, has had various levels of power over the years. Under Gail Simone's run it boasted some pretty frightening additional abilities. I'm not sure if DD has a soul though, so on that front he might be safe from those aspects of its effects.

Lastly, claiming that DD might be immune to magic is entirely baseless unless you can point to a comic that indicates such. Barring that, any line of argument stemming from that assumption is entirely invalid.

And just an aside, those "stupidly written comics" that you referred to are the basis of those "facts." Yes, there have been some horrible writers who have done great disservice to characters over the years, so much so that it is impossible to take them seriously. (See Batman vs just about everyone who should kill him with a cough.) I haven't seen any scans posted so far in this thread that rise to that level, so you have to except them or post additional scans that directly counter them.

As I've said, I think Doomsday is the one to beat (discounting Ares obviously). He was created to be unstoppable. It's hard to argue against that. *However,* WW has more weapons at her disposal to take him on than others in the league. They may be silly to you but they are incredibly powerful and not to be ignored. I say she goes down, but it's not as easily as you think.


Casual Fighter
Morrison's JLA (90's). White Martian Invasion. Flash does it to Zum and knocks him the fuck out. Flash Fact.
Early 2000's JLA had Superman do something similar to blow up a moon.
Out of curiosity, what issue was that Superman scan from? I remember him destroying one of Saturn's moons without even breaking a sweat in the first Superman/Batman volume. I just want to know why he was knocked out cold in that scan you posted.


Out of curiosity, what issue was that Superman scan from? I remember him destroying one of Saturn's moons without even breaking a sweat in the first Superman/Batman volume. I just want to know why he was knocked out cold in that scan you posted.
Well, Johns a GL so I have to assume it's before Rebirth and after Morrisons run of JLA.


You will BOW to me!
While you have made some valid points and I do agree with you about the outcome of the fight, this paragraph is full of incredibly weak arguments and inaccuracies.

The experience factor is likely a wash depending on which versions of the characters we use. WW and Superman spent a thousand years trapped in another world fighting constantly. WW's age is also a wild card depending on the incarnation we're using. The Amazons in some versions are immortal so she could indeed be very old. (This is not the case in the Nu52 of course.) And I'm sure you are not arguing that DD is more skilled at fighting than WW.

The real problem comes when you talk about the lasso. Unless you have a scan showing the lasso having no effect on him, you have absolutely no basis to make that claim. The fact that his mind is pure rage and anger does not protect him from the lasso's powers. In fact, it's likely to work against him as the lasso has the ability to subdue those ensnared within it. There is also the fact that it is indestructible and he would not be able to break free. The lasso, like WW and DD, has had various levels of power over the years. Under Gail Simone's run it boasted some pretty frightening additional abilities. I'm not sure if DD has a soul though, so on that front he might be safe from those aspects of its effects.

Lastly, claiming that DD might be immune to magic is entirely baseless unless you can point to a comic that indicates such. Barring that, any line of argument stemming from that assumption is entirely invalid.

And just an aside, those "stupidly written comics" that you referred to are the basis of those "facts." Yes, there have been some horrible writers who have done great disservice to characters over the years, so much so that it is impossible to take them seriously. (See Batman vs just about everyone who should kill him with a cough.) I haven't seen any scans posted so far in this thread that rise to that level, so you have to except them or post additional scans that directly counter them.

As I've said, I think Doomsday is the one to beat (discounting Ares obviously). He was created to be unstoppable. It's hard to argue against that. *However,* WW has more weapons at her disposal to take him on than others in the league. They may be silly to you but they are incredibly powerful and not to be ignored. I say she goes down, but it's not as easily as you think.
Which versions of what? Prehistoric Krypton was much older than Prehistoric earth for sure. They were trapped and fighting for a thousand years. DD was exiled and imprisoned in Earth for thousand of centuries alone. So yeah i believe DD is older than WW and, of course, Superman. Ofc DD is more experienced in fighting than WW.

Here is a scan... Read the text.

The "stupidly written comics" phrase was first told by Lex Luthor, thats why i back fired it at him in my post. Cause if we post some facts, he says" Go read some comics" and when we post some comic facts his respond is"stupidly written comics" or something like that. I presented facts from good written comics, not BS.

I didnt indicate that DD might be immune to magic. I said that we dont KNOW if DD is susceptible to magic. Luthor kept telling that DD is 100% susceptible to magic attacks without proof. From all we know he might have faced magical beings before and became immune to magical attacks. He might be susceptible, i never denied that. But even so, he can adapt during the fight and be immune from a second magic attempt in a matter of minutes. And since DD is way more experienced than WW in fighting, chopping his head or throwing him in the sun as Luthor said wont be possible. She doesnt even have the psychical strength to effectively send him to the sun ffs. DD also has way more stamina and endurance than WW. Take these things into account as well. DD can breathe in space. WW cannot IIRC. Plus, and this is taken from Wikipedia, "Edged weapons or projectiles applied with sufficient force, though, are able to pierce her skin". What i mean by that? DD's bone extractions can be used as weapons to pierce her body. He did it against Superman and he can certainly do it against WW. I believe its clear now that WW does not stand a chance against DD.


It's hardly good PR for the comics if Batman said "Uh, yeah two are pretty hot shit but really, not the best".

At the end of the day, a character is as powerful as the writer needs them to be and will have no problem having a MUCH more powerful villian job to a good guy in order to make them look good with the fans and sell comics.

Doomsday is still a really unique character when all is said and done. Apart from dropping him into a black-hole, not much can be done to him.


You will BOW to me!
Sadly, whenever you put up a valid argument about a particular subject, it will be labeled as trolling.
Sorry but i dont see a valid arguement here. All i see is same old same old. I presented him with facts and he answered by saying the same stuff he keeps on saying for the last 15 pages. Even if magical attacks work on DD, he will adapt during the fight, be immune in a matter of minutes and the same attack wont work again. Same applies IF he dies. Chopping DD's head is like saying "ok i ll just go and chop off Galactus's head or Thanos's head". Sorry, but it doesnt work like that. And since DD is more experienced than WW in a fight, even if he senses he is in danger he will avoid the attack and counter attack. Simple as that.


The Prettiest
Sorry but i dont see a valid arguement here. All i see is same old same old. I presented him with facts and he answered by saying the same stuff he keeps on saying for the last 15 pages. Even if magical attacks work on DD, he will adapt during the fight, be immune in a matter of minutes and the same attack wont work again. Same applies IF he dies. Chopping DD's head is like saying "ok i ll just go and chop off Galactus's head or Thanos's head". Sorry, but it doesnt work like that. And since DD is more experienced than WW in a fight, even if he senses he is in danger he will avoid the attack and counter attack. Simple as that.
y u no answer my question?