Displacer Raiden... granted this was pre-release but a lot of people were talking a big game about how 95% of Raiden players would use it. Yeah, let's give him a variation for mobility tools in a game where almost everybody has good mobility, including his OWN other variations.
Also why are people saying they wasn't wrong about Kung Lao because of the Tempest buffs? Buzzsaw hasn't been touched, may even be his worst variation (by default) now that Hat Trick has been fleshed out some more yet F0xy still made waves with it, hell some even tried to maintain that Buzzsaw was still better than Tempest even after the buffs for a while.
Besides, I was discussing this with Ketchup, this is just a theory, but I think the way Tempest's hat spin is now was supposed to be that way from the start, and it wouldn't surprise me if the testers freaked out pre-release, took away the conversion-ability and attempted to give him the 4 frame EX spin as some shitty compensation. It's suspicious how it was changed to 7 frames when Hat Spin was buffed...
Wait a minute, we were wrong because we said Inferno Scorp is too OP?? He WAS OP, we were not wrong. He was patched so that his infinite was taken out