Well we differ on the first point at least. The revenant characters feel a little cheap to me because of how soon you realize you're getting the regular ones back and the revenants are immediately redundant. It's not really clear to me what their goal is besides doing Netherrealm stuff.@CorneliusBrutus For Mortal Kombat 11, keep in mind we had the klash of past and present characters, so we had a lot of good guy/bad guy contrast in that sense. The face off between Liu Kang and Kung Lao and their Revenants, as well as between Jax and PTSD Jax I thought was very well done. I also really liked how it turned out that Revenant Liu Kang wasn't entirely wrong about Raiden, and past Liu Kang ultimately realized that.
For the villains, I personally have always found Kano and Kabal pretty meh and more just thugs; so they're keeping in-character here. Kollector I simply don't like at all, I don't think he's a good character and I'd have no issue with him never returning.
I actually think that Kronika is a pretty interesting villain. Keep in mind Shao Kahn, one of the main antagonists of the franchise, was just a "grrr... I konquer worlds" kind of villain when he was first introduced. His character, back story, and motives (and suspected motives) evolved more as the games went on. Similar with Shang Tsung. Assuming we see Kronika again, there'll be more development I'm sure.
Also, while she's the "villain," keep in mind as the Keeper of Time it's not actually conclusively stated that she is "bad," simply that the characters we identify as "good guys" are opposed to her restarting time, despite the fact that she's done so already countless times. Having said that though, the fact that she conscripts and allies with much of the "bad guy" characters lends credit to her being bad and not morally ambiguous.
For Cetrion, she falls into the above paragraph. As a god and the daughter of Kronika, she's following her mother's wishes because she believes what her mother is doing is right. So is she bad, misguided, or doing what should be done?
However, note I'm not necessarily considering the story in this good guy/bad guy criticism. I do think MK11's story is overall pretty solid, and Kronika isn't really "evil" by any definition -- in fact it's a nice inversion to know that she's probably justified in her actions as the time keeper and Raiden really had gone too far in many ways. My Kronika criticism is we don't have her on the roster so we have Geras as the stand-in, who doesn't have the same charisma. Basically, my ideal fighting game roster is a few people who are identifiably heroes, a few people who are identifiably villains, and a pile of others (the majority) who you could probably classify one way or the other but they have their own motivations. That's why the "fighting competition/tournament" is such a convenient (and frequently used) plot device for this game genre, it's an easy way to justify having a bunch of characters with diverse backgrounds thrown together and interacting with each other. So I feel like MK11 has too many polarized characters and the villain archetypes aren't very charismatic or intriguing.
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