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Where Your Name Comes From


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
M.K.F.30=Mortal Kombat Fanatic, the 30 stands for my favorite #30, the date I was born and I always were it for good luck on the back of my jerseys for whatever baseball, bowling, etc. The number there is also to be unique since there's a few other people with "MKF something or other or MK Freak etc

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Mine's so fucking boring. I have like a million tags

I used to be:

SoldierFronter - I used to play Soldier Front the FPS game

GC iTz G0d Mod3 - iTz used to be a fad back in the Halo 3 days. God Mod3(God Mode) was my nick name because I'd just go God Mode on the scrubs :p. GC was my clan.

GC Ghost Zer0 - I changed my tag to this because people were mispronouncing G0d Mod3"God Mod" and I'm like WTF.Since Ghost was cool in MW2 and Zero from MMX series is one of my fav fictional characters I put both together lol.

And now:

Zer0 Hundr3d - I quit GC because Reach is gay.I kept the Zer0 and the Hundr3d part is because I played MMX5 so much that I'd just never die and get to a hundred lives.I didn't even play Zero in MMX5 lol. Ultimate Armor X FTW.

Another reason why I changed iTz G0d Mod3 and Ghost Zer0 is because 2 of my friends copied them and I was pissed.
Got the name when I was training in Kyokushin Karate a long time ago, ever since then I used it for just about everything forum names, MMO character names etc.


Show me what you can do
How did I not see this thread?

"Squeaker" comes from alot of disney/cartoons.
  • "I lost my squeaker" (or something like that) - Toy Story
  • "Have a good day Ms. (something), Officer, Squeaker. (cat's came) - The Incredibles
  • If you look close enough in Flushed Away, you'll see that after he drops on his..er...nuts numerous times , there's a place called "Squeaker's Place" behind him.
  • In All Dogs Go To Heaven Charlie calls the little girl "Squeaker"
The last one is probably the biggest. It was my favortie movie when I was younger, my sister's favorite movie when she was younger (we were sort've seperated at a young age), and I love dogs.
"101" Just sounded really catchy. Now whenever I'm helping someone I'll try and find an excuse to say one-oh-one. (Mortal Kombat 101, Math 101, Women 101, etc.)
Espio872 OneBoxyRobot
I'm curious about Boxy's name. It's pretty nifty. Espio's I know, but does anyone else know?


I didn't post mine earlier because i forgot lol and I don't know about Boxy's either Squeaks.

As for mine, Espio is derived from Espio the Chameleon from Sonic Heroes, he's an obscure, outside character (like all the characters I play in games + how I am in real life). He's a very calm, chill character whose sneaky and clever.

Plus Espio reminds me of my first name slightly lol.

Edit: LOL Boxy's lovely, I just saw the video:D.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Intersting. Very interesting. (there was some demonic sounds on there man...) The Story of Boxy! My life is now semi-complete. Now I just need to win a tourney. :D Is this your youtube account? I think I'll subscribe.
You should. I need motivation to do more delusional shit :D.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
I trained at a martial art dojo for about 5 years when I was growing up...from 12-17...my buddies in college learned of it, started calling me Ninja, eventually shortened to Ninj. To this day, they introduce me to people as Ninj.

GT is aNinj because Ninj was taken already by me on an earlier account I created and I didn't feel like figuring out how to delete it from XBOX's records.


xFriction_Burnx = I'm 5'8" 115 pounds soaking wet and wearing boots... My neighbor was 5'9" and about 160 and some sort of black belt (so he said...) One night at a party in my place he wants to wrestle.... I had him tapped out in under thirty seconds, and when he got up he had friction burns on his face from the laminate floor... Our other bud looks and says "Damn! look at that friction burn yo! Ended up being the band name and I just kinda kept it.
Mine is actually super lame but when I saw MK9 was coming out as a 2D game I knew I would buy it (old school MK fan as I was older when I played MK1 in the arcades then half the members here). I also knew I needed a gamer tag and I never had one so I put my love of beer (I own a home beer brewing supply store) and the fact I am a guy along with my name (Ed).

It also works great because no matter what if I hear either beer or Ed you have my attention.


Dojo Trainee
Mine is pretty boring. I used to play F.E.A.R. online competitively and there was this guy in our clan named Enigma. He was the best player I ever played. I stole his name in other games lol. Later on I realized its not the name that makes people cool, its the people that make names cool. I haven't done nearly as much for the name Enigma as he did.


Dojo Trainee
I trained at a martial art dojo for about 5 years when I was growing up...from 12-17...my buddies in college learned of it, started calling me Ninja, eventually shortened to Ninj. To this day, they introduce me to people as Ninj.

GT is aNinj because Ninj was taken already by me on an earlier account I created and I didn't feel like figuring out how to delete it from XBOX's records.
Am I the only person that thinks it funny that they shortened your named by 1 letter? Ninja isn't even a long name to begin with lol.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Mine is pretty boring. I used to play F.E.A.R. online competitively and there was this guy in our clan named Enigma. He was the best player I ever played. I stole his name in other games lol. Later on I realized its not the name that makes people cool, its the people that make names cool. I haven't done nearly as much for the name Enigma as he did.
LMAO That's Yoshimitsu's story from SCV.

Kill Yoshimitsu, take his name.


Deus Fulminatus
My name is Justin. My name here is Justin in Latin. My GT is Justin without vowels and a half-random sequence of numbers after it. I'm not very creative at coming up with names.

Miss Kanzuki

"sweetpeas" : nickname my ex-bf had for me
"2008": the year we dated

Even though we broke up and I didn't get a PS3 until 2010, I had registered on a forum with that name and kept using it anyway to avoid confusion and so my forum friends could still find me lol


I used to have a username "Themepark" of Starcraft Broodwar. My friends just started saying Theme for short, and that carried on into my Counterstrike days as well. So after highschool, I used my email which also had Theme in it. Since Theme is original, I decided to keep using it.