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What's the Most Enjoyable Fighting Game You've Ever Played?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Hey everyone! So we have a lot of people who who've gone through multiple iterations of various games. Some people are on their second or third title, while other people have experimented with or even competed in a large array of multiple different types of fighting games, exploring 3D, anime, etc.

So out of all the games you've spent time with; which did you find the most enjoyable to play? What was your favorite out of all? I'm curious to see what people come up with :)


Mr. Righteous
Def Jam Vendetta was DA SHIT! To kick ppl in the nuts as Redman is by far one of the best fighting game experiences ever! Lol well....i guess it was kinda wrestler based...but whateva, it was fun as fuck! Lol

Clay Fighter series. From hitting ppl with my armpit as Helga, to whipping my hair w/ Blue Suede Goo, to doing the laughy taffy as Taffy! That game was fucking corny, cheesy, stereotypical, and pure GENIUS! And it had Earth Worm Jim. Need I say more? ;)

But my all time favorite fighter that i had the absolute most fun is Smash Bros HANDS DOWN! Im sad i never played their current one, but the fact that Smash Bros keeps coming back to Evo says ALOT about the game. It never dies becuz its always fun! Every fighting game needs to learn from Smash bros. Characters r ICONIC! Gameplay is simple, easy, and fun to control. Stage designs are amazing. Sound, music, everything about this game is a 10!

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
MK9 is my baby, man. Always.

But a couple of games that I also love would be
- Skullgirls. This was a breath of fresh air to me, it took the fundamentals of NRS games and turned them upside down. Total blast to play. I suck at it, but I love Filia and Fukua

- USFIV. I am horrendous at this game, but I have still sunk like 150 hours into it. The different characters and variety that this game offers is amazing. I'd spend hours watching Excellent Adventures and I'd go online and play with randoms on Steam who would add me and teach me little things here and there. I don't know any tech but I can still play for hours in training mode just trying to land the super hard multi-one frame link combos.

-3S. It's the animations and the feel of this game that I really loved. It's the first Street Fighter where I felt that I could react to things faster for some reason. But the heart that the players on FightCade play with amazes me, it literally feels like an online arcade with people in the chat room shit talking and settling it all in game. Super fun.

-SSF2T. Really really hard to get used to how this game is played but give me a Sonic Boom and a Flash Kick and I'll make it work. I remember staying up to 3am playing this game on FightCade.

-CvS2. WooaAAooAh. This is true love we're making, this is tuna and bacon??? I was too young to understand fighting games really but I loved this game as a kid.

-Tekken 3. My dad gave me a hard, hard Wong-esque "welcome to the real world" lesson in this game when I was a kid. Teaching me from a young age that mashers do not prosper. Unless it's a recent iteration of NRS games ;)

Quite a few games. These are the ones that really captured my interest and made me feel emotionally invested in them when I played, even if they were briefly.
i liked and loved all the games i played competitively (arcades only) so far. special mention to the classic mk games ofc since they were the first.
of course i played a lot of other console games too like 3s, cvs2, gg, bb, mk9, inj2 and dbfz but casually.

sf2 st
sf a3

man, soon the capcom 30 anniversary collection comes out <3
a decent classic mk collection is all i need now to play my shit and be a happy old man, lol.
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Miley Cyrax®
MK9 <3 It was super fun and brought back a lot of feels from the old arcade days of MK. I really enjoyed MKX also because that's where I got the most recognition from, but I can't put it high in my list of "favorite" fighting games.

Otherwise, I really loved MK1, 2, and 3. There was a ton of hype in the early 90s with those games and arcades were PACKED.

I really enjoyed Street Fighter 2 back in the early days. Same reason as above... it was just really hype in person. I haven't played SF2 in years though.

I also really loved Soul Calibur 1 and 3. I played the first one with friends a lot. I worked in an arcade with 3 was out, and I played the cabinet unit all the time for free with my coworkers. I also played SC3 a lot with my girlfriend :D

I really miss the good old arcade days.

Tony at Home

Dragon Ball Fighterz. It's so good, with my only minor complaint being netcode could be better. I would have said Injustice 2 prior to it's release as I really do believe it's the otherwise best fighting game out there but damn DBFZ is soooo good.

If it seems like I'm listing overly-recent fighting games it's because I do believe developers are getting better with experience and we're getting higher quality products. The exception being Soul Calibur which is unique in the best version IMO being made quite long ago (SC2)

The new soul Calibur actually looks like ti may buck this trend. So hoping for the best.


It's all so very confusing.
I'll be that guy.

Dragon Ball FighterZ.


You said FUN and this is the most direct fun I've had in a fighting game, probably ever. The game has a lot of depth but the basics are simple and a lot of universal combos and mechanics mean it's easy to just get into the game. You don't have to lab and grind out difficult combos and frame perfect sequences to do work, but that stuff is there, so when the initial rush of doing cool looking but easy stuff wears off, the additional layers start to show themselves and you can sign deeper, gaining advantages as you do. Trying out new teams and methods of synergy and tactics is extremely fun and again, the general approachable nature of the game means if I want to try something new or a new team I don't have to grind the equivalent of a part time jobs worth of hours before I can even make a stab at decent play.

The game looks absolutely beautiful and sounds great. Music is excellent too, though I rarely listen to FG music, preferring either none, or a custom mix of whatever.

Who knows how the game will develop and what balance, support and the meta will look like down the road, but in terms of pure ENJOYMENT DBFz has every other game I've played beat.. and I've played a lot.

Deleted member 58466

Injustice 2 is my first and only fg, so imma say Injustice 2.

Got hooked when my friend lent me his PS4 and Injustice 2 while he was on summer vacation, then later I got my own PC version. Injustice 2 also convinced me to finally get my own PS4

Sent from my iPhone using Test Your Might


FGC Cannon Fodder
I go all the way back to SF2 (V1 where you couldn't even pick the same character). From then to now, it's a pretty hard question, and would I answer the same way if I tried them all for the first time today? What's memorable and why is a little hard to remember. I know there were games I put a lot of time into but I'm not sure if it was because they were "fun" or if that's just what was out. And if it was fun, was it because I happened to actually have people to play at the time, or was it intrinsically so?

Sometimes fun for me involves some sort of feeling of satisfaction from how it plays. On that front, VF4 and 5 may be in the running for me. I had no idea how fighting games even worked, but it felt good. I fired it up and played for a few nights 6 months ago and started checking the frame data stuff that was in the final version. I don't think I even knew how good it could be.

When it's just about raw style, and going crazy, MKX really may have been the most objectively entertaining across the board. I immediately got sucked into it in a way I hadn't been by something in years, and It spectated well which exposed me to a lot of ideas about fighting games I never sorted out on my own.

Until I started watching streams I'd never heard of being plus, pushing buttons, or any of that talk. There is a lot I wouldn't even know if it wasn't for MKX and MKX streamers. Plus it had Cassie Cage who flips off her opponents, and punches people until their heads explode. She's one of my all time favorite characters, and listening to her smart off was definitely fun.

There is a good chance my final possible fav is just about it being my new hotness. I've played BB and GG, and they are super cool games with sexy sweet character designs, but I'm vibing with UNIST right now in a major way. I pretty much don't give a crap about anything else; not even the turtles. I think it is a lot of fun and just feels good and entertaining on a lot of levels.

Honorable mention would definitely be CVS2. The game with SNK grooves was something I was into. I don't know if I had as much "fun" with it as some others, but I'm a big fan of multiple jumps and dodges. I do like KOF a lot.

Powerstone was a lot of "just plain fun" but not quite the same kind of fighter we are probably talking about.


Meow Hoes
Mk9 - footsies

Injustice 1 - every character was fun

Injustice 2 - mix of both

Sf4 ae - it was hard to play but fun
