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What's a powerful character to learn that isn't Kabal or Kung Lao


There's a storm coming
jax has tons of bad matchups. I think kenshi and freddy beat jax. sonya beats him too. kung lao might beat him. quan chi is bad for him too imo.
Kenshi and Freddy are difficult mus for sure but not "terrible" like 5.5-4.5. Sonya is alright if you get used to her gimmicks. I have no idea how Kung Lao and Quan Chi would be tough though.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
kano is nothing like jax....for 1 jax doesnt suck....2 jax can pressure you, kano? not so much.

Keoki 808

ejtnazjh4yq4ry4q4 5y3y4y
bruh, reptile.
lots of mix ups
some over heads
good rush down
combos are pretty decent in damage
launch your slimy balls at people and spit in they face. gg
Do I even need to say it? Yea, I suppose I do.

Liu Kang! Honestly, we're going extinct. :(
Yeah Lui Kang is really solid.
A lot of people think he is brain dead but that is their fault for not knowing the match up.
With the way I'm using him, I'd say Liu Kang is Johnny Cage + mixups, zoning game, and the occasionally useful Parry, but without Johnny's lovable in-game personality.
Seriously, Liu's standing 2 is pretty great for my mixup game when I use it like Cage's F+3; standing 2 is the same as JC's F+3, but with one less frame of execution and no forward advancing.


Show me what you can do
With the way I'm using him, I'd say Liu Kang is Johnny Cage + mixups, zoning game, and the occasionally useful Parry, but without Johnny's lovable in-game personality.
Seriously, Liu's standing 2 is pretty great for my mixup game when I use it like Cage's F+3; standing 2 is the same as JC's F+3, but with one less frame of execution and no forward advancing.
I always thought of him as a worser version of Kabal, like tons worser, yet still a solid character. Great pressure, solid zoning, and has a decent comeback factor.

Liu's 2 only works like that with high hitboxes, while Cage's hits true mid so it works on everyone haha.
I always thought of him as a worser version of Kabal, like tons worser, yet still a solid character. Great pressure, solid zoning, and has a decent comeback factor.

Liu's 2 only works like that with high hitboxes, while Cage's hits true mid so it works on everyone haha.
I figured something like that was up, but it still seems effective from my perspective and how it worked out for me.

Flagg, I vote that you pick up Liu Kang!


I did run Liu Kang for awhile, and thought he was quite decent. One of the few characters in the game who has a decent standing 1 and 2 to use as an anti air. Has some decent rush downs using low fireball and stance cancels. I played Killing Nazi's recently who reminded me how good he is. Cage seems as brain dead as Kenshi so im ruling them out and Kitana just doesn't appeal to me, Skarlet and Jade are cool, there seems something lame about Kit and Mil and they fall into patterns easily.

Reptile's been a major pain for me since the game started, Treadmill, maybe I should find out why.

Kinda thinking I might use LK and Freddy for awhile.

Thanks for the suggestion Clayman, I already use B.A. Baraka's!
Kenshi and Freddy are difficult mus for sure but not "terrible" like 5.5-4.5. Sonya is alright if you get used to her gimmicks. I have no idea how Kung Lao and Quan Chi would be tough though.
those are some legitimate 6-4's imo. and sonya doesnt really rely in gimmicks to fuck jax up. kung lao is a 5.5-.4.5 maybe, because he has a low hitbox so no f4 for jax. his damage output is a lot better. his projectile avoids ground pound, kung lao's footsies work pretty good against jax and lao is a pretty risky character and jax doesnt punish that hard unless its in the corner. also his jumpin kick gotcha grab cant be spammed like against some characters because anti air spin beats it consistently. jax really doesnt have anything against low except for better pokes and that armor which never leads to anything big anyway.



Freddy: 7
Skarlet: 3
Kenshi: 4
Sonya: 6
Reptile: 5
Cage: 3
Jax: 1
Raiden: 1
Baraka: 1
Kitana: 3
Liu Kang: 5
Noob Saibot: 1
Lot of Sonya and Freddy love in this thread. I'll probably take 2 from the highest list once the thread reaches the bottom of page 3


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
go freddy bro o:

he zones like a mofo and his mixups are epic. Altho he can't pressure worth a shit, but he's not a pressure character anyways. However he can still frame trap you upclose if his ex low claws hit. but their kinda slow. But yeah if ur gonna get up close, your supposed to make use of his great footsies and adopt a hit and run style of gameplay.

also i believe i read at one point that NMS-2 is safe on block from a certain distance. don't know if its true but whatevs


Freddy's F214 (or ist F124?), is not a bad whiff punisher and you can cancel that into an ex ground claw.