-First thing, by every MK arcade cab for my collection
-Second thing, give some to my family and close friends.
-By my dream car, corvette Z06 2015 version automatic impress chicks then get one of my choosing. (I'm a nice guy, not shallow but let's face it chicks don't go for nice guys these days in my parts so I'd use my power like most rich people athletes, celebs etc to get women)
-Get a limo or fancy service to deliver me to local tourneys.
-Open a video game place similar to the old video game arena(which closed where I live) like Next level but bigger and I'd make sure to have them host MK games and not just SF or Injustice
I'd also have suggestings for console game tournaments. I wouldn't be a one trick pony like most places having just "PC or few fighting games" I'd at least try other games out to see if it gets something first.
-Make WB and NRS an offer to do voice acting for future MK game, I'm confident between the money offers and my voices I'd get something at least hopefully. I dont have to voice "everyone" just a few characters such as oh Ermac?
he has a deep voice just like me
-Make WB and NRS pitch for Cartoon series that's canon with the games, like mythologies of the characters before or HOW they were created, born etc
-Get the rights to bring back MK comics(canon with the game) write them, hire an artist(I'm one but drawing isn't my thing as much) and explain more about certain characters especially the Elder Gods, but the MKU in general. This is something i'd be really serious about, for lots of reasons. One to shut up the damn comic book fans always lowballing gaming characters, I'd make sure to explain just how powerful a character is and two, MK needs comics back. Between the games success, series popularity and MKL getting millions of views WB owning them, it's nobrainer DC should publish them and I'd be the writer or one of them at least. I'd love to write them with John Vogel, have Jim Lee draw the MK characters. Would be so awesome. Could work, look at Injustice comics? I'd even offer a free preview of issue # 0 first half of the comic/few pages if not the issue.
-Invest a lot of the money.
-Make a pitch to DC about writing/creating a new character for DCU(since we have New 52, quite a few new characters) OR perhaps write/expand on MK vs. DCU having it's own non-canon comic(think like JL vs. Masters of the Universe)
-Open my own comic book shop(possibly make it same complex just different section as the game place) with comics sold by day, gaming tourneys at night