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What was the last Movie you watched? Was it good?

The LadyKillers (Tom Hanks, Marlon Wayans, "Schillinger" from OZ)

funny ass movie...

I caught the end of Silent Hill tonight too on SyFy. Never knew about it.

Tim Static

Watched Terminator 2: SKYNET EDITION last night. i love that movie, and the entire story line. Really need to sit down and watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles i have on blu-ray, both seasons. STILL PISSED THEY CANCELLED THAT SHOW!


Lose without excuses
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Watched "A Serious Man" on demand. An hour and 45 minute movie, got through about an hour of it. Purposely frustrating dark comedy. Basically about a dude who gets walked all over, with no retaliation. So annoying, definitely not my kind of movie. Maybe he snapped in the end and did something, but it wasn't worth sitting through another 45 minutes for. It wasn't a bad movie, just not into it.


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Watched Terminator 2: SKYNET EDITION last night. i love that movie, and the entire story line. Really need to sit down and watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles i have on blu-ray, both seasons. STILL PISSED THEY CANCELLED THAT SHOW!
They cancelled that? What? Wait... more like :wut:


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Iron Man

BTW, tim are you serious man? I mean by all means enjoy whatever you wish dude...but any true Terminator fan will tell you the TV show was garbage in comparison to the movies....they butchered the story so bad it's not even funny. But thankfully not canon as confirmed by the producers.


Ironically, the first MK movie. Cable went out at my house, so I started watching all the movies we had and the most recent one was MK. Kinda corny, but still one of the best video game films out there.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ironically, the first MK movie. Cable went out at my house, so I started watching all the movies we had and the most recent one was MK. Kinda corny, but still one of the best video game films out there.
It has it's moments,l overall good though for a vid game movie but you want corny? Watch SF movies lmao...

Last movie I watched was Spider-Man. Definitely one of Marvel's best movies


This one's for you
Last movie I watched was Spider-Man. Definitely one of Marvel's best movies
I think they're gonna remake next year too

The last movie i watched was Fandango with Kevin Costner - probably one of the funniest things i've ever seen. Theres this show online called The Guild I just started watching and its pretty awesome too


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think they're gonna remake next year too

The last movie i watched was Fandango with Kevin Costner - probably one of the funniest things i've ever seen. Theres this show online called The Guild I just started watching and its pretty awesome too
Yeah, they are. Personally I liked Tobey's Spiderman and think they're rushing way too fast with a remake....but it should be interesting.

I'm looking forward to Batman 3 and even more so the Superman remake that's going to be done by Nolan and Snyder of Watchmen/300 movies, called The Man of Steel....that's going to be epic, rumors have it he'll be fighting Zod or Darkseid. Someone big this time...