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What nuances with MKX have you come to like/dislike?


I like the fact I discovered this forum,and 95% of the people are helpful / mature. I haven't played a mk since mk3 and I picked up mkx found this site and changed my whole outlook on the game. Thanks to all of you who take the time to help the noobs. I improve each day. Can't wait until I can give back.


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I greatly dislike the inconsistencies, such as gender-specific combos and things like Jacqui's b2 into up Rocket whiffing against some crouching characters (which as you might have noticed is when you would really want your overhead b2 option to, you know, work...).


Lose without excuses
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You know what really grinds my gears? Shinnok needing buffs. He's Shinnok, he should need nerfs. I'm probably not okay with this. Long story short, this is my primary dislike with Mortal Kombat X (2015) REO & SonicFox Edition.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
You know what really grinds my gears? Shinnok needing buffs. He's Shinnok, he should need nerfs. I'm probably not okay with this. Long story short, this is my primary dislike with Mortal Kombat X (2015) REO & SonicFox Edition.


Lose without excuses
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I just want to spread the gospel of 'Buff Shinnok' so that people know that Shinnok, in fact, needs buffs. I haven't complained, not really. Stating an undeniable objectively true fact can't be complaining, just "keeping it real" as the kids say. Stating a character needs buffs when there's no evidence to the contrary, is my way of saying "hey Shinnok, I got your back bro".

I'm not defensive about it, I'm totally fine. The dead horse needs buffs too.


I need yall opinion, how many combos should I use a my go to. There are so many 30±% for kang Df. I know it depends on meter /corner but I'm having trouble picking a couple.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I need yall opinion, how many combos should I use a my go to. There are so many 30±% for kang Df. I know it depends on meter /corner but I'm having trouble picking a couple.
Why would you not ask this in the Kang section in a combo thread?
Why in the hell isnt the throw teching input 1+3?

since this is just about nuances, that one just grates on me. Like...it seems so obvious.

Throw teching in mk9 was the dumbest shit ever, and its still the same here with tick throw setups? Its dumb.


I really don't want to stir the pot on 50/50s because I get how they work and Injustice had them.

Personally however, I really enjoyed MK9 neutral game more where you worked harder to open someone up and really had to grind it out sometimes. I think this game a is a lot more momentum based because against a lot of characters, once they touch you even on block, that's it. High/low, high/low, high/low.

I get what it does tho, giving people easier options to open an opponent up makes the game more accessible for the casual players. But, it doesn't mean I don't miss MK9's neutral game.

Also, I really don't like the jumping attacks in this game that reach hella far and have these mystical hitboxes that go half the screen eliminating viable AA options. A fighting game should never encourage you to jump like this because in most once you're in the air, you're toast. Here it's like a trampoline party.

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
I actually like the gender specific combos, it reminds me of MK2. It makes the game more in depth and makes knowing your character to the fullest a priority.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
I'm not a huge fan of the insane frame advantage you get for landing a 8-10 frame low poke.
Those low pokes need a reason to be in the game in some way, considering they're not combo-able.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I don't like the sound when you hit X or whatever to get to the start menu... It's weird and loud...
All the other audio is godlike...


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
netcode is awful
tech throw mechanic is bland
method to unlock some additional skins (through mobile app, winning survivor KOTH streak etc) is plain stupid

anyway, overall, the game is amazing, the best MK game so far, no doubt.


Evil but Honest!
Things i don't like - 50/50 that leads to big damage , the idiotic Vortex / Reset or whatever is called now mechanic (basicly those 2 things that made Injustice complete Ass and waste of time).
Some characters like Kung Jin and Raiden need IQ of an Ape to be played (I don't wanna offend KJ and Raiden players , i like both of them but i point that they are easy to use).
Some characters can just easy bully others with blockstrings coz the ''others'' cannot retaliate coz of bad frames.
Nonexisting Wakeup Mechanic.

Things i like - Most of the new Characters like Takeda , KJ , Erron and so on have cool movesets.
Run Mechanic
Female Art is superb , look at Jacqui , Kitana , Mileena and even Sonya lol!
The New Brutality is probably the best Finisher in all MK games (imo).


Ayy Lmao
-Tech throwing system
-I don't have any major character complaints.... Yet
-Hard run combos in the netcode


what's done is done
I also feel like the stamina meter sucks, its mainly implemented for the run mechanic, and I don't like that either, but different strokes for different people I suppose.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Just about everything.
Scorpion and Kung Jin