I am like the blue rose
I think his normals and strings are pretty damn good, with the exception of his lack of a viable mid.Make his normals better and give him better strings
I think what he needs most is a faster s2 and a buff to his plus frames to make the traps real. This would allow him to have some offense that isn't entirely dependent on trait from time to time, as well as a counter-poke meta that isn't entirely reliant on a -24 DP.
His biggest problem is that in order to sustain any offense he basically has to use his trait, which inevitably incurs a huge debuff penalty.
I would also reduce the penalty debuff has on his damage output and defense, particularly at higher levels.
And Clash resetting his 9 second debuff timer is ridiculous, and not balanced. I can live with how this narrows his potential offensive capabilities, due to the unclashable damage he is capable of, but the larger issue is that it essentially locks him out of using Clash for himself. All clashes during venom resetting his debuff to that of level 2 trait would be a tradeoff I can live with.