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What is the best special attack in the game?

Best special move

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Nightwolf wannabe
i think sindel's levi instant fireball should be on the list since you can make every string safe by ending with it and it allows for resets


Nightwolf wannabe
also NW's reflect is instant and can just about shut down any zoning game if used correctly. (Kenshi's not so much), and Nightwolfs shoulder charge lightning mixup, but Kenshi spirit charge maybe even more annoying to deal with. Im not sure which is better


Plus standard Flash (Jade) is probably hands down the best wakeup move in the game.

Too many good specials in this game, and what makes them good is usually how well they work in tandem with that characters normals/playstyle.


Kenshi's spirit charge can be punished on hit, how is this the best move? Ignorants...


EX smash solves all
Nomad Dash, Upknee, Raiden Teleport, Lao Spin and Skarlet EX Dagger are all GDLK


Kung Lao's spin

Kabal's nomand dash

Sonya's cartwheel

Kenshi's spirt charge.

That's my top 4, but I voted for spin

Where in the hell is Sektor's iaTeleport Uppercut? That move eats other zoners alive.
Most teleporters do like 6-8% from teleporting to punish your zoning, Sektor gets all this major damage, I completely agree.