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What happened to all the Reptile players?

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I don't recall ever using Mileena against you. Is my Mileena that bad lol?
I played her when I used to be a Freddy spamming troll. Remember, I said that was my only win on you back then? And that's Freddy's worst matchup. lol. You're Sektor was good when we played in that G-Faqs tag tourney.

Also Faded you are the only person to make me rage when I play online now. I swear standing 4s come out all the time and acid hands come out every wakeup. The way you play also is frustrating and I don't have the patience to play that style online and instead I end up raging instead of playing smart lol.
I've been having input issues also, which is weird.

And my playstyle makes everyone rage. I never hear the end of it. But to be fair, I don't know any other way to play against Reptile using Smoke. Not like I can footsy my way in. lol
Well, I feel that Reptile covers Sektor's bad matchups at least. Between the two of them, I don't think they get destroyed by any particular matchup... I could be wrong though.
Mileena's a pretty big weak point for that combination, unless she suddenly became a favorable match-up for Reptile.