you can't do normals or block to take yourself out of normal forward and back wards dashes man, thats what people are talking about. and I'm pretty sure AE doesn't have that,
if your talking certain characters comand dash moves, thats different,
I was just commenting that AE does have dash cancelling, but nowhere near as good or as important than MK though

and nope talking about normal dashes. Makoto was the original one with it as she could cancel any of the last 7 or so frames of her backdash into specials or ultra, but in 2012 they said eff it and just made her back dash those exact frames shorter.
Some others have them, but they are so minute they don't really matter(like I said its nothing like MK)
Ill go look for the list of who else had it for mr EXPLAIN over there.
edit: the list of AEs minor dash cancels and dash woreseners
All of these work with specials, supers, ultras and focus attack(no normals)
Honda forward -1f backdash +2f (thats right, when honda backdashes and if you buffer a special/super/ultra/focus in it's recovery his dash actually becomes 2 frames worse)
Bison Backdash -1f
Cammy Backdash -1f (she already has one of the fastest backdashes)
T Hawk Backdash +3f(Poor guy)
Cody backdash -3f
Ibuki forward -1f
Juri forward -2f
Yun Backward -4f (I hate this kid)
Yang forward -1f backward -2f (hes cool, I dont mind him)
Oni Backward -1f
So yeah not very signifcant, just saying it's there :3