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Question - Kitana What does Kitana need?


Official Merlin of TYM
Then that's not her fault lol. People don't do her optimal damage combos, it's their problem...
And actually she can get 30% at least off every string without a jump-in.
And her unbreakable combos are good, but I didn't mean those... If you see a fan hit them in the air you can run into full combo or combo into another fan so you get more time to get in and combo off it.
Ah. Gotcha.
But who would you say could zone with her evenly? I just feel like she has all the tools to control the match but i think your right. Maybe the characters I use against her are bad Mus.
Well, Sub Zero is one of the better characters at navigating Mournful zoning, because you can slide under glaive (despite it being a mid...) As for Quan Chi and Shinnok, they should definitely be the ones outzoning Kitana rather than vice versa lol.

I can really only think of a very small handful of characters that have a really hard time against Mournful zoning - F/T is the first that springs to mind.

She's got way too many great staggers, plus frames and good mids to need an overhead starter. She would probably be a broken character with that shit
OK, so I've said from the beginning that she doesn't need an overhead starter, but I really wish folks would stop pretending that it would make her broken or overpowered if she did have one. Heck, I doubt it'd be enough to make her top 5,tbh.

Also, Kitana's plus frames really aren't that amazing. They're all either +1 or +2 on block, and depending on the character that doesn't even guarantee that they'll have to choose between blocking b14 or backdashing/armouring out. Now, don't get me wrong, 21 into mix-ups is an important part of Kitana's game, but there are so many ways of potentially escaping from it, and it's not nearly as overpowering as the run cancel and/or meter burn pressure a lot of top 10 characters have.

Frankly I think a lot of people still let Kitana get away with stuff that they really shouldn't be letting her get away with. d1~fan is a huge one - hardly anyone armours that. This is in spite of the fact that d1 is -10 on block on its own, so if your character has an armour move that's 10 frames or faster, there isn't even a guessing game involved - you can punish them for free! The holes in her wake-up game (assuming she isn't using Mournful) also aren't exploited nearly as much as they should be.
Or maybe us assassin players would like our variation to be on par with the others. Assassin would be fine as i said if she had full armor on ex run, not just 3 steps and then armor vanishes which is a major problem. Sharpen is practically useless. We have to drop our combo half way through just to get a sharpen set up so I don't understand why everyone is giving kitana players such a hard time for wanting this variation to work how it's suppose to.
Im not giving you crap I just responded to you saying she couldnt zone and then I asked why not just switch to royal Storm if thats the problem you are running into
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