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What do you do against people who are always jumping? UMK3 NOT MK9

I'm fucking lost. If someone is jumping, I have no offense at all, and the only defense I have is to stay crouch blocked, which is probably the worst thing to do. I lose in air battles every time. I can never hit a jump kick or a jump punch first. I can roundhouse sometimes, but the person I was just fighting was baiting my roundhouses and then getting me for them so that strategy was shit. So what the hell am I supposed to do?

Rin Andrechentov

"There is no knowledge that is not power"
Try anti-air sweeps and depending on the character match-up, roundhouse is also a good option. Also try running under and roundhousing/Antiair sweeping. If spaced correctly, it should do you justice.


Hes saying he uses the male ninjas, and Kabal Liu and Stryker.

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Those guys arent ninjas though. Stryker is a cop, Kabal is a cop (according to MK9), and Kano is a black dragon. These characters don't really match the description of "ninja".


"More deadly than the dawn"
I always used to anti air with 1, JK TU, 1, JK for solid damage. With sektor i mean.

If someone always liked jumping in at me i'd just AA them to death, haven't played the game in yonks though.


I get this problem with this one guy i fight too. All he does is crossover jk me back and forth, over and over. My uppercuts always miss him no matter how i time it. Im too scared to release block most of the time, but when i do, there's a small window to uppercut or whatever and, as i said, it always misses.

I understand there's probably a simple solution to this, it's annoying though


Smalls deep.
I use the male ninjas, Kabal, Liu, Kano, and Stryker
If someone is doing a crossover JK continuously then do the following for each character:

Scorpion: As soon as they land a JK do a teleport punch, or even as they're coming down from a JK to get distance.
Sub-Zero: Simple, slide. Or, bait with deep-freeze and ice puddle.
Kabal: Instant spin dash upon your opponent landing a JK. Always works.
Liu Kang & Kano: Buffer up a bicycle kick or kano-ball for a followup on their JK.

Another strategy for male ninjas is to run under your opponent.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
Learning the timing is up to you,Arsenal,but here's a list of option u can do w/ each character you mentioned (all can do RH, Uppercut, aa-Sweep, aaHP or s.HK but unless mentioned, it's either "meh" or not the best option):

Kabal - Spin, uppercut, RH (both have excellent properties), aa-Sweep, [aaHP, Spin, aaHP,HP, JK/AFB ] <----preferred, 49%

Stryker - Baton Throw (F,F+HK), [aaHP,HP, Riot Gun, Baton Throw(whiff), aaHP,HP, Riot Gun.....cont.], s.HK, aa-Sweep

Liu Kang - Uppercut, RH (best in game), s.HK, jump back AFB, [aaHP,HP, JK, AFB (Flying Kick on some)]....52%, i think.

Kano - [aaHP, JK, Air Throw], s.HK, aa-Sweep, (incredibly good), Upward Cannonball, [aaHP, Grab n' Choke], "instant" Air throw, [aaHP,HP, Blade Swipe]

Scorpion - [aaRH, Teleport, (aaLP/HP) Spear, HP,HP,HK,B+HK], <--aaLP/HP won't connect on everyone, [aaHP,HP, JK, Teleport, SPear, HP,HP,HK,B+HK] (both are a little over 50%). RH always is great for ninjas but try to combo from it for better%

Ermac - [aaRH, Teleport, (aaLP/HP), TKS, aaRH, Teleport, aaLP/HP, Fireball/JK/HK ], .... [aaHP,HP, JK, Teleport, TKS, aaHP,HP.....aaHP, JK (or Fireball)]......aaHP, TKS, aaHP,HP, JK, TKS, aaHP,HP, ....aaHP, JK (or Fireball)] <--most damaging

Human SMoke: fuck writting all this again lol, just read the link: http://blackdragonmk.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=umk3&action=display&thread=401&page=1

C. Sub - aaHP, Ground Freeze, SUJK, HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP...runburst, aaHP,HP, JK/s.HK

Reptile - (aaHP,HP),Forceball, aaHP,HP, Forceball, into infinite (or finisher of choice)

That's all I can think of atm, idk if u include Unmasked Sub as a male ninja but I don't cuz he's very different in properties, but I can go over him too if u need it.


Dojo Trainee
I can't seem to land the AA HP. Their kicks connect with my face every time.
You gotta stick around for more than 2 matches next time to learn this stuff. I doubt i'm any better than you at UMK3, so we'll both have room to breath against one another and put all of this advice into play.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I can't seem to land the AA HP. Their kicks connect with my face every time.
Try an easier AA for now until u learn the timing on AA's in general. aaHP'ing and JK'ing opponent is prolly thee most advanced form of AA-options. Learn to throw in uppercuts and RHs , master the standing HK 1st. AA-sweeps require a little more timing and practice but are very safe and effective. When ur learning aaHP into a punisher combo, practice the timing offline vs a dummy 2P and make them jump or try aaHP into a combo after a blocked teleport.

Also, you shouldnt be trying to learn the timing of this stuff online either....it's important that it is learned offline, then once mastered, adaptations can be made according to whomever's shitty, laggy connection u have to deal w/ LOL


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
The best AA with most characters is a HK. The only characters that it's not as good for is female ninjas. You have to learn the spacing though. It's not an anti-air that works 100% of the time. No anti-air works 100% of the time unless you have the correct spacing. Even Kabal's aa Spin sometimes can get JK'd.

You have to learn your anti-airs in this game. And I would start with HK with all your characters. There's also aaHP, Uppercut, aaRH, and cross under sweep and cross under HK/RH. Then there's character specific aa's, like Kabal's Spin, Spears, Air Throws, etc. But it's all about spacing, and the easiest spacing to learn is your character's HK.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
The best AA with most characters is a HK. The only characters that it's not as good for is female ninjas. You have to learn the spacing though. It's not an anti-air that works 100% of the time. No anti-air works 100% of the time unless you have the correct spacing. Even Kabal's aa Spin sometimes can get JK'd.

You have to learn your anti-airs in this game. And I would start with HK with all your characters. There's also aaHP, Uppercut, aaRH, and cross under sweep and cross under HK/RH. Then there's character specific aa's, like Kabal's Spin, Spears, Air Throws, etc. But it's all about spacing, and the easiest spacing to learn is your character's HK.
I agree w/ this 99%. The other 1% I would vote to go right to learning to use Male Ninja's aaRH. It's only fractions of a fraction harder than s.HK and the results are more rewarding....plus their aaRH actually connects MORE for me than their s.HK.

The only dowside is it's slightly more situtational and needs more anticipation behind it, but it's worth it.

Agree though, s.HK and aa-Sweep are prolly the highest hit-ratio as far as consistency goes.


Jesus Fucking Christ
I haven't played UMK3 since MK9 released. I will say that with the characters you're using you'd do well to learn full combos off AA attempts. Combos that start in the air to a tremendous amount of damage.

Scorpion - AA RH, teleport, HP, spear, HP HP HK b+HK

H Smoke - AA RH, teleport, HP, spear, HK D+LP D+HP, run-in HP, JK airthrow or
AA HP into spear, HK LP, spear, HK D+LP D+HP, run-in HP, JK airthrow

Kabal - AA HP into dash, HP HP, JK into air fireball.

Stryker - (never played him much but I'm pretty sure you can) AA HP into gun into his mid-screen infinite.

For crossover attempts the easiest thing to start with is run-under sweeps. I always found universal anti-air tactics like these fairly easy to pick up on. AA HP into combo varies from character to character but not too difficult to master.

If AA HP combos give you trouble, you can always land a standing HK without trouble. It's very effective and easy.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I haven't played UMK3 since MK9 released. I will say that with the characters you're using you'd do well to learn full combos off AA attempts. Combos that start in the air to a tremendous amount of damage.

Scorpion - AA RH, teleport, HP, spear, HP HP HK b+HK

H Smoke - AA RH, teleport, HP, spear, HK D+LP D+HP, run-in HP, JK airthrow or
AA HP into spear, HK LP, spear, HK D+LP D+HP, run-in HP, JK airthrow

Kabal - AA HP into dash, HP HP, JK into air fireball.

Stryker - (never played him much but I'm pretty sure you can) AA HP into gun into his mid-screen infinite.

For crossover attempts the easiest thing to start with is run-under sweeps. I always found universal anti-air tactics like these fairly easy to pick up on. AA HP into combo varies from character to character but not too difficult to master.

If AA HP combos give you trouble, you can always land a standing HK without trouble. It's very effective and easy.

LOL .....is there an echo in here?
You gotta stick around for more than 2 matches next time to learn this stuff. I doubt i'm any better than you at UMK3, so we'll both have room to breath against one another and put all of this advice into play.
I'm sorry about that. I had to head out to the gym and I was getting upset anyway.

Also, you shouldnt be trying to learn the timing of this stuff online either....it's important that it is learned offline, then once mastered, adaptations can be made according to whomever's shitty, laggy connection u have to deal w/ LOL
That might be more difficult. Like I've said millions of times, I don't know any one personally who is worth a shit at any fighting games. I have been going out to something here in town on Wednesdays, but UMK3 is not a game of choice. I think only two or three guys play MK at all, and they're usually playing the newest one. I prefer the older ones myself.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
That might be more difficult. Like I've said millions of times, I don't know any one personally who is worth a shit at any fighting games. I have been going out to something here in town on Wednesdays, but UMK3 is not a game of choice. I think only two or three guys play MK at all, and they're usually playing the newest one. I prefer the older ones myself.
1)Plug 2 controllers into w/e system u are playing on (a kayboard is fine too).
2)set buttons for 1 players side, then 2P if needed
3.) Pick you character to practice w/, then pick the character u want to practice ON
4)press UP on P2 side, then aaHP/aaRH into a combo w/ P1 side (QUICKLY)
5) works better w/ Mame practice mode or at least 2v2.

I put both controllers on my lap, 1 on each leg, then when I am ready to begin, the controller I will be practicing a combo on is only inches away from controller 2, so when I press UP, I can immediately switch my focus to controller 1. It's not hard at all bro.....just sounds a little complicated,,.....its actually really easy.

Or just use the Mame cheats and set the practice dummy's actions to"jump"
1)Plug 2 controllers into w/e system u are playing on (a kayboard is fine too).
2)set buttons for 1 players side, then 2P if needed
3.) Pick you character to practice w/, then pick the character u want to practice ON
4)press UP on P2 side, then aaHP/aaRH into a combo w/ P1 side (QUICKLY)
5) works better w/ Mame practice mode or at least 2v2.

I put both controllers on my lap, 1 on each leg, then when I am ready to begin, the controller I will be practicing a combo on is only inches away from controller 2, so when I press UP, I can immediately switch my focus to controller 1. It's not hard at all bro.....just sounds a little complicated,,.....its actually really easy.

Or just use the Mame cheats and set the practice dummy's actions to"jump"
The practicing isn't a problem for me. I use cheats and set the timer to infinite and P2 health to infinite on MAME. But having the dummy jump won't really help me counter jump kicks, so I need someone else.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
The practicing isn't a problem for me. I use cheats and set the timer to infinite and P2 health to infinite on MAME. But having the dummy jump won't really help me counter jump kicks, so I need someone else.
It does help more than u think, cuz learning the timing and being able to do those punishers on reaction is a big deal, and that's waht a dummy opponent does. it teaches you the timing and the spacing and FRAMES, most importantly.

I would go for playing someone online that's close to you and has a great connection, or you could try doing it to the CPU's AI. Granted it's the AI, but it's offline and AA's are still AA's. I know good players who can practice on the AI, just always remember the different tactics between fighting the AI and a human. If u start trying to fight humans the way you fight the AI, it is doing more harm than good lol


Standing HKs are amazingly effective against people who're jumping towards you. For people who're fond of cross-over JKs when you're crouched, try hitting them with crouched LKs. Admittedly, both of these aren't gonna net you massive amounts of damage, but they're both great ways to make your opponent stop these tactics.