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What did you get for Christmas?!?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So here post what you got everyone for Christmas, and btw Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!

Here's what I got:

-Cool clothes
-Money(which will go mostly towards MK 9 lol)
-And a good used digi cam(for still shots) from my father since he got a new one lol

So what did you guys and gals get? Candy? Clothes? Vid games? Money? Cars? Things that vibrate? Phones? Cameras? Weapons? What? Post away everyone!


Cock Master!!
i got my 2 front teeth :D

i bought myself a drill.

then i bought my nieces and nephew stuff that i want LOL but its life. i bought one niece and my nephew a acer net book thing. i would actually buy this if my quad core computer breaks.. they are 300 bucks and pretty much do everything i need a computer to do. crazy.

then i bought my other niece the newer apple ipod touches. O_O i fucking want this but because of xmas i had to buy it for her not myself lol DAMN XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then i bought random kids stuff for my younger 2 nieces.. good x mas so far. now i need to over stuff my fat ass today. yummy yummy


My bro bought me a nice watch. An American Express Gift Card, and some extra cash.

Oh, and I ate oatmeal for breakfast. :(

I wish I could stuff myself, but I'm on a diet dammit! Actually, since its my birthday, I'm eating BBQ Ribs for dinner. :top:

Also, on monday I might go buy myself a Christmas Car... lol


Clothes, cash, gift card, jeans which don't fit me :/ and the news of my sister being pregnant. Wow.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
I got
Round trip Ticket to Orange, CA
Boston Celtic Freezer Mug
4800 piece puzzle

I gave
7" digital picture frame to my mom
2" Digital frame key chain and Mk vs Dc to my sister and her boyfriend
3 in 1 art desk, Coloring Books, markers, an art box with supplies, tent, and a Beauty and the beast Backpack to my daughter.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I got some cool shit this year. This includes a cooling pad for my laptop to keep it from overheating since it sees a lot of use, a Dragon headset for my laptop to issue voice commands that it will automatically respond to, a new leather jacket since I crave black leather LOL, some clothes, a nice set of cologne, a new wallet, and a commemorative event for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the life of Mario Bros., namely Super Mario All-Stars remade for the Nintendo Wii! Oh, and a staggering amount of $425 in currency, since I usually prefer to purchase my own gifts now that I AM an adult, in a manner of speaking.

There wasn't much I was able to give, but I did give a long-lasting doll to my four-year-old sister and I also helped overnight to prepare some Christmas presents for when the girls woke up in the morning. Everyone got what they wanted, thank God.

And just for the heck of it, a few days before the big holiday, I bought Sonic Colors for the Nintendo Wii and Ultimate Mortal Kombat for the Nintendo DS. But I learned something the hard way: NEVER play ANY kind of Mortal Kombat on a miniature screen. Stay with the big screen! Plus I pre-ordered the Tournament Edition of Mortal Kombat 2011. So I'm all set for the big moment!
Lords of Shadow, finally, is in my hands. I promised myself no games at all this semester besides going to NEC. Now that i finally have it, i wish i could play it, but i let Infusion borrow my PS3! lol. Oh well, i'll see him Wednesday with Reo Tom Win Disciple etc

I got my dad the new Pac-Man game that came out recently.

Other than that, i have 100 dollars now and some nice shirts. I gave my grandparents a card and my brother and I are gonna spend the weekend together next week.

Highlight of my Christmas was the toast at the dinner table to me and all my success this semester. It was by far the toughest between being sick with pneumonia, my dad passing kidney stones, family drama, being broke, NEC, MKast, and every other thing this semester. Its nice to see my family do that for me since ive been asking for it since the MKast was released. It was just a special moment for me today to get that toast and then make a speech of the above mentioned things and how i pretty much gave up my entire life for this semester, and now im reaping the rewards; family together, presents, a nice dinner etc. Was pretty awesome.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Best of luck into the new year. Who knows what the fuck will happen in 2011? Every year has gotten better and better. I suspect no different this time or elsewhere down the road.

Stay beautiful,

then i bought my nieces and nephew stuff that i want LOL but its life. i bought one niece and my nephew a acer net book thing. i would actually buy this if my quad core computer breaks.. they are 300 bucks and pretty much do everything i need a computer to do. crazy.
Really they are, I'm living off one right now.

I got to wake up way too early for saturday to go to breakfast at my parent's place (and caught Scrooged), then back to my inlaws for dinner with a bunch of people I don't know. So good day lol
I got 2 awesome gifts: my mom got a mug etched with the name of the game store I work at, and my brotherinlaw got me an awesome viking/troll statue from iceland.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Damn, that's balls, AC. Good thing you are safe, though. :(

For Christmas I got:

-Navy blue hoodie
-Black Nikes
-Sports top
-Long johns

All-in-all...stuff I definitely could use. More clothes is never a bad thing at all. :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Sounds neat ^.

Yeah, this snow storm does blow...I live in NYC so we're getting more then bargained for unfortunately :(

Tim Static

I got 3 HUGE smiles from my children yesterday. Thats all I needed....and wanted. They got a wonderful christmas.

Me? I got some slippers, couple goofy knit knacks from the kids, OSU football helmet pillow, a HUGE chocolate brown fleece blanket and was taken to see Tron: Legacy in full real 3d on a THX certified sound system. It was amazing btw.

Also, i gave a ton of time, effort and money to the 18th Annual Andyman-A-Thon for childrens charities last weekend. Anyone who is friends with me on FB and/or Twitter saw all my posts & tweets. Charities, especially for the kids, is something very special to me. So if you havent, find one in your area and GIVE AND GIVE AND GIVE. Then give a little more. You'll love the way it makes you feel.

Thats all. 364 more days. :coffee: