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Week 7 Character Salt Report


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I'mma add to this salt report, my own salt(this was recent too)

Kenshi players
  • Lol my character is bad :(
Nrs Community
  • Yeah we know, sucks bruh hope u get buffs
Kitana players
  • Lol my character is bad :(
Nrs Community
Kitana players
  • :\
That is a very convenient and slanted view of how the Kitana community has been conducting themselves.

A more accurate picture is that you have a clique within the Kitana community that pulls Mean Girls and outright attacks players who dare try and say anything remotely positive about the character.

Never, since the release of MK9, have i seen a community as toxic as The Kitana Community for MK X. It's as if they all felt entitled to have a high mid or lower high tier character and can't even begin to fathom the idea that their character could ever be bad in any game, ever.

The Nightwolf Community and Stryker players of days yore were never this aggressive and poisonous as Kitana players are now.

It's so bad that whenever a top Kitana player does well, while they get props, it's always with the added caveat of, "The opponent obviously didn't know the match up. Kitana should never win."

I remember, as a Quan main in MK9, we would be thrilled when Insuperable, Shujinkydink, or Hidan did well. We never backhandedly suggested that our top representatives won only due to match up ignorance.

To go back to an earlier point, to highlight any positives about Kitana is basically a death sentence to these people. Even if you acknowledge that she has problems but highlight something good about her, they go on the attack.

Comparatively, Shinnok players had a bad character before the patch and weren't nearly as aggressive and destructive. The same could be said of Shazam players in Injustice or Baraka mains in MK9.

Now this isn't to say everyone who posts there is bad. There are a few who conduct themselves as sane, not spiteful children, who are genuinely friendly and easy to talk to. This is the exception, not the rule.

If, as a Kitana player, you perceive yourself in a position of persecution, you might want to take a look at the conduct of your fellow community members. If Kitana players hadn't created the, "Live and die by The Princess" narrative pre-release and then all but jump ship after with the occasional return to complain about how badly NRS must design characters because Kitana doesn't have d1 xx Cutter, then perhaps the blow ups wouldn't be as severe.

Again, there are exceptions. Those players should know if the above applies to them or not, but it's one of the most unbearable things about MKX TYM right now.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Just check out our Cybernetic Variation thread. Lots of good strategy tips and BnB's. But you'll have a hard time seeing whether the players feel he is Raiden tier or Kitana tier.
Yeah idk.... he's not bad but you gotta play him real honest against most of the cast, which is fine, but can be challenging. Idk, I still think we're maybe just not applying our oppressive normals as well as we could be. Focusing too much on his sick knives and lasers and rib breaks and not enough on his fantastic frame data.


It's so bad that whenever a top Kitana player does well, while they get props, it's always with the added caveat of, "The opponent obviously didn't know the match up. Kitana should never win."

I remember, as a Quan main in MK9, we would be thrilled when Insuperable, Shujinkydink, or Hidan did well. We never backhandedly suggested that our top representatives won only due to match up ignorance.
they say it, because when you look at the footage, its clear as day that win is because of match up ignorance.
i've yet to see any recorded footage of tournament play where kitana opponent knew what NOT to do against her and lost


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
they say it, because when you look at the footage, its clear as day that win is because of match up ignorance.
i've yet to see any recorded footage of tournament play where kitana opponent knew what NOT to do against her and lost

Saying that essentially kicks the teeth in of the player who did well.

You are essentially invalidating the player's accomplishment with that talking point. It's an extremely dismissive and condescending attitude to have toward players who are traveling and at least trying with the character.


Saying that essentially kicks the teeth in of the player who did well.

You are essentially invalidating the player's accomplishment with that talking point. It's an extremely dismissive and condescending attitude to have toward players who are traveling and at least trying with the character.
not at all.
fighting games are all about utilizing opponents mistakes.
that doesnt diminish the fact that in equal match up experience situation, things would go way differently


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
not at all.
fighting games are all about utilizing opponents mistakes.
that doesnt diminish the fact that in equal match up experience situation, things would go way differently
That's simply not true. Even at the highest level, mistakes are made. Bad reads happen. Combos drop. It's the reality of human beings playing these games. No one plays flawlessly 100% of the time.

The fact that you can't see why outright saying your top players only win on ignorance is dismissive, disrespectful, and undermining is very telling.


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
That is a very convenient and slanted view of how the Kitana community has been conducting themselves.

A more accurate picture is that you have a clique within the Kitana community that pulls Mean Girls and outright attacks players who dare try and say anything remotely positive about the character.

Never, since the release of MK9, have i seen a community as toxic as The Kitana Community for MK X. It's as if they all felt entitled to have a high mid or lower high tier character and can't even begin to fathom the idea that their character could ever be bad in any game, ever.

The Nightwolf Community and Stryker players of days yore were never this aggressive and poisonous as Kitana players are now.

It's so bad that whenever a top Kitana player does well, while they get props, it's always with the added caveat of, "The opponent obviously didn't know the match up. Kitana should never win."

I remember, as a Quan main in MK9, we would be thrilled when Insuperable, Shujinkydink, or Hidan did well. We never backhandedly suggested that our top representatives won only due to match up ignorance.

To go back to an earlier point, to highlight any positives about Kitana is basically a death sentence to these people. Even if you acknowledge that she has problems but highlight something good about her, they go on the attack.

Comparatively, Shinnok players had a bad character before the patch and weren't nearly as aggressive and destructive. The same could be said of Shazam players in Injustice or Baraka mains in MK9.

Now this isn't to say everyone who posts there is bad. There are a few who conduct themselves as sane, not spiteful children, who are genuinely friendly and easy to talk to. This is the exception, not the rule.

If, as a Kitana player, you perceive yourself in a position of persecution, you might want to take a look at the conduct of your fellow community members. If Kitana players hadn't created the, "Live and die by The Princess" narrative pre-release and then all but jump ship after with the occasional return to complain about how badly NRS must design characters because Kitana doesn't have d1 xx Cutter, then perhaps the blow ups wouldn't be as severe.

Again, there are exceptions. Those players should know if the above applies to them or not, but it's one of the most unbearable things about MKX TYM right now.
Haha the Mean Girls reference is perfect. I will now forever imagine the Kitana Community as hundreds of Regina Georges


what's done is done
You mentioned a stupidity report earlier. I really think this community is in need of that along with the character reports because so much stupid shit is spewed out by people on a daily basis.
Scorpion needs buffs though :DOGE


The fact that you can't see why outright saying your top players only win on ignorance is dismissive, disrespectful, and undermining is very telling.
a lot of players say "you should've won but you lost"
but you cant say "you should've lost, but you won"?

so denying the illusion is dismissive, disrespectful, undermining and very telling.
i'd rather be that than someone who sees the world through pink glasses where everything is unicorns.

i'll believe it when i see it. i will repeat it again, i've yet to see a single tournament footage of kitana where opponent knew what to do and lost.
meanwhile you can pretend that winning uneducated players is an achievement. i am sorry if it sounds harsh but such is the way of things.

i admire everyone who plays kitana regardless of her state, but imo they know why exactly they win fights, why they lose fights, and they know it much better than some outsiders who never play kitana and can only speculate on things they lack knowledge about


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
a lot of players say "you should've won but you lost"
but you cant say "you should've lost, but you won"?

so denying the illusion is dismissive, disrespectful, undermining and very telling.
i'd rather be that than someone who sees the world through pink glasses where everything is unicorns.

i'll believe it when i see it. i will repeat it again, i've yet to see a single tournament footage of kitana where opponent knew what to do and lost.
meanwhile you can pretend that winning uneducated players is an achievement. i am sorry if it sounds harsh but such is the way of things.

i admire everyone who plays kitana regardless of her state, but imo they know why exactly they win fights, why they lose fights, and they know it much better than some outsiders who never play kitana and can only speculate on things they lack knowledge about
We are roughly about two months, rounding up, into the game's life.

No one knows every single match up. Do you see Kano mains telling our top guys they're only winning due to ignorance? No. Win and losses happen. People aren't machines.

You're overstating with unicorns. My point is that instead of back-handedly complimenting your reps when they do well, simply give them props and leave it at that.


you can learn kitana match up in like 30 minutes, just ask any kitana player for a small lecture.
there isnt a lot you need to know lol.


If you actually read the kotal forum then you know nobody asked for wargod buffs, except maybe some random ppl who joined the forum last week.
That's just not true. I saw a bunch of buffs that people wanted that were universal and would affect war god. For example, faster start up on Sun Ray, Less self-inflicted damage on blood offering, safety on F1B2, faster projectile start up etc.... You're right in saying MOST people only want buffs for Sun and Blood but some of those buffs will carry over and some will not. I'm a Kotal main too, so i don't necessarily think buffing war god a bit (faster sun rays, faster projectile, leave everything else) is a bad idea but i might be biased.


no that was fraudulent

16 bit photoshopped the footage, kitana could never win ever
why not just link it instead of trying to be funny

you people call me disrespectful and ignorant, yet spit venom all day no problem.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
I don't even see the Kitana salt. I mean when it's relevant it gets discussed, Kenshi mains manage to off-track every second thread with the tears. Mentioning no names but I think their glorious eSports figurehead may have been raised on a salt mine, and accidentally fell into a salt cavern as a young child
hey, i stopped doing that after week one :p but i concede i did do that.... not proud of it...... hence why i started a thread in the vain to find tech and make him better rather than crying my eyes out about how bad he is


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
hey, i stopped doing that after week one :p but i concede i did do that.... not proud of it...... hence why i started a thread in the vain to find tech and make him better rather than crying my eyes out about how bad he is
Hence why I can still see your posts :D doesn't apply to everyone in your community, but wow you guys have some trouble makers for sure


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Hence why I can still see your posts :D doesn't apply to everyone in your community, but wow you guys have some trouble makers for sure
yeah going from top tier to low tier isnt an easy transition, i can deal with it better since i also played kano and stryker in mk9. still i do understand where the community im in comes from since well, he obviously isnt the greatest in the game but instead of continue to complain which i know wont get me anywhere since the only low tier character that got a major buff from the last patch had the least people complaining. Right now i want to focus on making balanced kenshi look good and finding strategies to overcome those match ups. it actually makes the game more fun to me since i have a greater challenge to overcome that requires collaboration from my fellow balanced kenshi players to make him better, find strategies around certain tactics, how to keep people out, how to mix people up with kenshi using a variety of gimmicks, that to me is what makes fighting games fun, collaborating with those who play the same character to make a bad character an excellent character, which i firmly believe kenshi mains can do. not to mention him being low tier cleared out all the people who were just there because he was top tier and now the people who are truly passionate about the character can team up and get working. hell im about to post come more tech in my thread on more gimmicky mix ups to sprinkle in here and there. wow this post went on for way longer than expected, sorry about that i get kind of carried away and i dont feel like deleting all of this and start anew with a shorter post XD have an excellent day dude


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
It's a shame more people don't see it like you. Not just Kenshi mains either, the entire community could benefit from that approach.

yeah going from top tier to low tier isnt an easy transition, i can deal with it better since i also played kano and stryker in mk9.
I think you've hit the nail on the head. It's ok for some characters to not be top tier, or at least to work with what you've got until it hopefully gets adjusted, without spilling saltiness into every thread and reacting with indiginant outrage at anyone who mentions they think a character is ok, like this isn't supposed to be an option in it's current state. Kenshi isn't top tier, but I think MK9 has warped certain players perspectives as to what IS a balanced character, and Kenshi is very playable for the time being, anyone arguing otherwise is either biased and salty as hell, or just blindly agreeing with those who shout it the loudest