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Week 7 Character Salt Report


Do not provoke a god
I've been calling for Raiden's head since week 2. About time everyone else caught up. The guy is absurd.

Also, our Kano community has held incredibly strong throught all the bs in MKX, staying a small tight knit unit, but we are literally on the brink of a huge breakdown in our forums. The "normalizing" of our character has taken most of us who stood strong have great doubts about future viability. One wrong step and we'll most certainly be on the Kitana/Kenshi edge of the salt report very, very soon. Stay tuned. -.-
"Low mid-tier. His footsies were nerfed and he has no overhead."

"High mid-tier. He still has footsies, knives are pretty good, and doesn't need an overhead."



Fabulous Goofball
Well the only way you could really do that is if you gave every hit in the 21122 string lots of blockstun to make the throw whiff, in which case, uninterruptible rifle swings and plus on block gun cancels in Marksman? Sure, I'll take that trade.

Also, what the fuck is F23? Why do people keep saying this? He doesn't have a F23 string. Go into training mode and do your homework instead of just being useless armchair critics, you know?
OR how about doing something more simple like changing start up for Sand Trap? Also, calm down, it was a typo, I meant F12, not F23. You didn't need to be an ass about it.
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Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
OR how about doing something more simple like changing start up for Sand Trap? Also, calm down, it was a typo, I meant F12, not F23. You didn't need to be an ass about it.
Nice try, you're not having it that easy.


Pro-tip: That string is variation specific. They've given it to fisticuffs for a reason, it's the whole mindgame of the variation.
I know its fistcuffs only... seems like I'm a pro after all :)
But I fail to see the mindgame. All i can see so far is that once you're in the corner the game is over unless you have enough meter to pushblock or combobreak. Thats dumb.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
dont have much salt to share, but if Johnny cage makes it to the evo finals this game will look worse than injustice (-finals). that broken string has to go.
the string isnt broken you just dont know how to deal with it, not your fault barely anyone knows how to deal with it right now (no im not a cage player i dont even play him on the side as you can tell from my portrait, icon, mood chooser etc.) either backdash or armor through it after 2 hits, the 2 hits is crucial since he has a slight gap after those two hits. dont call broken unless there is truly no way out of it.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I know its fistcuffs only... seems like I'm a pro after all :)
But I fail to see the mindgame. All i can see so far is that once you're in the corner the game is over unless you have enough meter to pushblock or combobreak. Thats dumb.
That's the thing, that string is designed to piss you off and frustrate you into making more impulsive mistakes. If he could do it in any variation, I'd agree to maybe tone it down, but he gives up a lot of other shenanigans for it.

the string isnt broken you just dont know how to deal with it, not your fault barely anyone knows how to deal with it right now (no im not a cage player i dont even play him on the side as you can tell from my portrait, icon, mood chooser etc.) either backdash or armor through it after 2 hits, the 2 hits is crucial since he has a slight gap after those two hits. dont call broken unless there is truly no way out of it.
Inb4 it turns out he plays Blood God Kotal :DOGE


I have kept quiet for the most part but I hate how every NRS game I play, my characters get unnecessary nerfs. I mained SZ in mk9, GA in injustice, and now Kano in mkx. I look for balance in my character choice and yes, at this moment Kano is the most balanced character in the game across the board for all his variations imo. Hell, he was still balanced prepatch! He's not busted, knives aren't broken in cyber, he can't open people up half the time because blocking low negates a whole 2 variations. Even cutthroat can't rely on 50/50's because he steps away from the opponent when doing an OH, that's only in 1 variation by the way. They didn't give him anything universal that will keep him in the same boat as Erron Black, Raiden, Sonya, Jax, or even freaking Scorpion. All of those characters have universal OH/lows that open up a window for busted ass situations. Point is, stfu about Kano, he's already gotten his neudering and I don't think those balls are growing back.


1 2 3 drink
This week's report is missing some of the best salt of the week. After CB, Kotal Kahn (3rd pl) and Takeda (6th pl) players had to reiterate that their characters still need buffs.
If you actually read the kotal forum then you know nobody asked for wargod buffs, except maybe some random ppl who joined the forum last week.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I'mma add to this salt report, my own salt(this was recent too)

Kenshi players
  • Lol my character is bad :(
Nrs Community
  • Yeah we know, sucks bruh hope u get buffs
Kitana players
  • Lol my character is bad :(
Nrs Community
Kitana players
  • :\
Lol this!

The hate and bias against Kitana is so damn real.

It's ok though. Dizzy exposed all the idiots who would invade Kitana threads stating she was "fine" and "probably the best zoner". Those poor bastards, lol.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I don't even see the Kitana salt. I mean when it's relevant it gets discussed, Kenshi mains manage to off-track every second thread with the tears. Mentioning no names but I think their glorious eSports figurehead may have been raised on a salt mine, and accidentally fell into a salt cavern as a young child


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I've been calling for Raiden's head since week 2. About time everyone else caught up. The guy is absurd.

Also, our Kano community has held incredibly strong throught all the bs in MKX, staying a small tight knit unit, but we are literally on the brink of a huge breakdown in our forums. The "normalizing" of our character has taken most of us who stood strong have great doubts about future viability. One wrong step and we'll most certainly be on the Kitana/Kenshi edge of the salt report very, very soon. Stay tuned. -.-
There are those of us doing our best to stem the tide, but it may be too late.


In Zoning We Trust
Link to the thread? I was thinking of picking up Cyber Kano....
Just check out our Cybernetic Variation thread. Lots of good strategy tips and BnB's. But you'll have a hard time seeing whether the players feel he is Raiden tier or Kitana tier.

There are those of us doing our best to stem the tide, but it may be too late.
Haha yea it seems that way. It's like trying to clog the hole on a sinking ship. You may delay the tanking, but the inevitable is imminent.